
Earnings Call Summary | Orion Energy Systems(OESX.US) Q1 2025 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Orion Energy Systems(OESX.US) Q1 2025 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | orion energy systems(OESX.US) 2025年第一季度能源業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/08 06:04  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Orion Energy Systems, Inc. (OESX) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Orion Energy Systems,Inc.(OESX) Q1 2025業績會議呼叫記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Orion Energy Systems reported a 13% increase in Q1 2025 revenue to $19.9 million.

  • The company's gross profit margin improved by 360 basis points to 21.6% compared to Q1 2024.

  • Net loss improved to $3.8 million in Q1 2025 from $6.6 million in Q1 2024, and adjusted EBITDA is expected to be positive for fiscal 2025.

  • Orion Energy Systems的Q1 2025營業收入增長了13%,達到1990萬美元。

  • 與Q1 2024相比,該公司的毛利率提高了360個點子,達到21.6%。

  • 淨虧損在Q1 2025年降至380萬美元,而在Q1 2024年爲660萬美元,預計調整後的EBITDA將在2025財年實現盈利。

Business Progress:


  • Continued growth in EV charging system installations with revenue in this segment growing over 200% to $3.8 million in Q1.

  • LED Lighting Solutions saw modest growth, supported by major account projects and demand from ESCO and distribution partners.

  • Maintenance Services revenue declined by 11% due to non-renewal of contracts, but gross profit percentage increased in this segment.

  • EV充電系統安裝持續增長,在Q1中該領域的營業收入增長了超過200%,達到380萬美元。

  • LED照明解決方案實現了適度增長,得到重要客戶的支持,ESCO和分銷商夥伴的需求也有幫助。

  • 由於合同未續簽,維護服務的營業收入下降了11%,但這一領域的毛利率提高。



  • Orion anticipates further revenue growth from state regulations banning the sale of fluorescent lighting fixtures, starting to affect from calendar 2025.

  • Potential new projects with a super ESCO, including opportunities both domestically and internationally.

  • Orion預計,從2025年開始實施的州規定禁止銷售熒光燈具將進一步增加收入。

  • 與超級ESCO簽訂潛在的新項目,包括國內和國際的機會。



  • Revenue from Maintenance Services is expected to contract by $4 million to $5 million due to non-renewal of contracts, though partly offset by growth in other areas.

  • Dependence on the timely awarding and execution of government-funded infrastructure projects for the EV charging segment.

  • 維護服務的收入預計將因合同未續簽而減少400萬至500萬美元,儘管其他領域增長部分抵消了這些損失。

  • EV充電領域對及時獲得政府資助的基礎設施項目具有依賴性。

More details: Orion Energy Systems IR

更多細節:Orion Energy Systems IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


