
Earnings Call Summary | DNOW Inc(DNOW.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | DNOW Inc(DNOW.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

DNOW Inc(DNOW.US)2024年第二季度業績會總結
富途資訊 ·  08/08 05:44  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the DNOW Inc. (DNOW) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是DNOW Inc. (DNOW) Q2 2024業績會簡述:

Financial Performance:


  • Total Q2 2024 revenue was $633 million, a 12% increase from Q1 2024, primarily driven by full quarter contributions from the Whitco acquisition and growth in both the U.S. Energy Centers and Process Solutions.

  • EBITDA for Q2 was $50 million, or 7.9% of revenue, aided by $2 million in favorable items not expected to recur in Q3.

  • Net income attributable to DNOW Inc. for Q2 was $24 million, or $0.21 per fully diluted share. On a non-GAAP basis, excluding other costs, net income was $28 million, or $0.25 per fully diluted share.

  • Generated $18 million of free cash flow during the quarter, bringing the year-to-date amount to $98 million, with trailing four quarters free cash flow totaling $201 million.

  • Q2 2024年度總營業收入爲63300萬美元,較Q1 2024年度增長12%,主要由Whitco收購貢獻全季度收入和美國能源中心及工藝解決方案業務增長推動。

  • Q2的息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤爲5000萬美元,佔收入的7.9%,得益於有200萬美元的利好因素,預計Q3不會重複。

  • DNOW Inc. Q2淨利潤爲2400萬美元,每股完全攤薄後爲$0.21。在非通用會計準則基礎上,除其他費用外,淨利潤爲$2800萬美元,每股完全攤薄後爲$0.25。

  • 季度內產生了1800萬美元的自由現金流,年初至今數額爲9800萬美元,連續四個季度自由現金流總額爲20100萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • The Whitco acquisition significantly enhanced DNOW's midstream coverage, more than doubling it.

  • Focused on growing opportunities in the energy evolution space, specifically targeting to double energy evolution sales in 2024.

  • Achieved inventory velocity of five turns in the quarter despite a slowing market, and recorded the best DSOs since 2020.

  • Expanded into industrial adjacent markets, increasing participation in the mining sector and municipal water and chemicals markets.

  • Invested in DigitalNOW initiatives, enhancing e-commerce and automated inventory solutions.

  • Whitco收購極大地增強了DNOW的中游-腦機涵蓋率,超過了原先的兩倍。

  • 專注於能源發展領域的增長機會,具體目標是在2024年將能源發展銷售額翻倍。

  • 儘管市場放緩,季度內實現了5次庫存週轉率,並記錄下了自2020年以來最好的DSO。

  • 擴展到工業領域相關市場,在採礦板塊和市政水處理及化學品板塊市場中的參與度有所增加。

  • 對數字化業務進行投資,提升電子商務和自動化庫存解決方案。



  • The Whitco acquisition expanded the business in the midstream market, which is a sprawling, geographically diverse network with aging infrastructure, offering opportunities for MRO business and capital projects.

  • The shift towards energy evolution technologies, such as CO2 usage and direct air capture, presents growth opportunities, as evidenced by increasing orders and a focus to double energy evolution sales in 2024.

  • Expanding into industrial adjacent markets and international regions with high growth potential.

  • Whitco收購擴大了中游市場業務,這是一個分散、地理多元化和基礎設施老化的網絡,爲MRO業務和資本項目提供機會。

  • 向CO2利用和直接空氣捕集等能源轉型技術的轉變提供增長機會,如訂單的增加和專注於在2024年將能源轉型銷售額翻倍等策略所表明的。

  • 在具有高增長潛力的國際地區和工業相鄰領域不斷擴張。



  • Challenging onshore oil and gas activity in the U.S. due to E&P consolidation and low natural gas prices impacted by geopolitical factors and lack of infrastructure.

  • The potential slowdown in customer activity as large customers may curtail spending in the second half of the year similar to what was experienced last year.

  • 美國陸上油氣活動因E&P行業的整合和地緣政治因素和缺乏基礎設施造成天然氣價格低迷而受到挑戰。

  • 類似於去年的大客戶減少支出的情況,可能會導致今年下半年客戶活動的潛在減緩。

More details: DNOW Inc IR

更多詳情請見:DNOW Inc IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


