
CoTec Holdings Corp. Files Second Quarter 2024 Results With Continued Focus on Its Operational Roll-Out Opportunities

CoTec Holdings Corp. Files Second Quarter 2024 Results With Continued Focus on Its Operational Roll-Out Opportunities

CoTec Holdings公司提交了2024年第二季度業績報告,繼續關注其運營推廣機會。
Accesswire ·  08/08 05:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 7, 2024 / CoTec Holdings Corp. (TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF) ("CoTec" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has filed its unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements and the accompanying management discussion and analysis ("MD&A") for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024. The financial statements and MD&A can be accessed under the Company's SEDAR profile at .

CoTec Holdings Corp.(TSXV:CTH)(OTCQB:CTHCF)非經審計中期簡明合併財務報表及("MD&A")於2024年6月30日結束三個月和六個月,並已提交至SEDAR檔案。

The Company announced comprehensive income for the quarter and the six months ended June 30, 2024 of $1.45 million and $1.42 million respectively. The comprehensive income was mainly driven by a gain on equity investments offset by the operating costs for the quarter.


Other highlights for the quarter include:


  • Initial Mineral Resource Estimate and positive Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Lac Jeannine Iron Tailings Project ("PEA") completed on time and within budget. Initial Inferred Mineral Resource of approximately 73 million tonnes (Mt) at 6.7% total Fe for 4.9 Mt of contained total Fe. Pre-tax NPV7% of US$93.6 million, and IRR of 38%, and after tax NPV7% of US$59.5 million, and IRR of 30% excluding potential benefit of adjacent tailings

  • Good progress at HyProMag USA LLC bankable feasibility study ("Feasibility Study") and remains on schedule for release prior to end of 2024 fiscal year

  • MagIron (equity investment) has signed long-term mineral leases that provide further operational and economic support for the restart of MagIron's Plant 4 iron ore concentrator. When combined with iron-bearing stockpiles already owned by MagIron, the aggregate iron-bearing materials secured could be sufficient to support Plant 4 for more than 20 years of operation, targeting annual production of 2.5 million dry tonnes per annum of Direct Reduction ("DR") grade iron concentrate

  • Appointed Ms. Linda Lourie to the Board of Directors for HyProMag USA LLC effective June 24, 2024

  • Joined the Rare Earth Industry Association ("REIA") to work with REIA and other stakeholders to support the roll out of the HyProMag technology

  • Raised gross proceeds of $2.6 million through a non-brokered private placement

  • Lac Jeannine Iron Tailings Project("PEA")的首次礦產資源評估和良好的預備經濟評估,已按時按預算完成。初步推斷礦產資源約爲7300萬噸(Mt),總Fe含量爲6.7%,總Fe含量爲4.9 Mt。 稅前NPV7%爲9360萬美元,IRR爲38%,稅後NPV7%爲5950萬美元,IRR爲30%,排除相鄰尾礦場的潛在好處。

  • HyProMag USA LLC的可銀行性可行性研究("可行性研究")正在取得良好進展,並計劃在2024財年結束前發佈。

  • MagIron(股權投資)已簽訂長期礦權租約,爲MagIron的4號礦選廠恢復提供了進一步的運營和經濟支持。 當與MagIron已擁有的含鐵庫存結合時,已獲得的總含鐵材料足以支持4號選廠運營20多年,目標年產量爲250萬幹噸/年的直接還原("DR")級鐵精礦

  • 任命Linda Lourie女士爲HyProMag USA LLC的董事會成員,任期自2024年6月24日起生效。

  • 加入Rare Earth Industry Association("REIA")與REIA和其他利益相關者合作支持HyProMag技術的推出。

  • 通過非經紀定向增發獲得了260萬美元的總收益。

Mr. Julian Treger, CEO of the Company commented, "We were very pleased with the outcome of the Lac Jeannine PEA which shows significant value, far exceeding our current market valuation, having used only part of the total Lac Jeannine tailings material. Our immediate focus for Lac Jeannine is the permitting and execution of our 2024 drill program which will form the basis of our feasibility study. We will also begin commencing detailed discussions with all relevant local, federal and First Nation stakeholders to progress the Project."

公司CEO Julian Treger表示:“我們對Lac Jeannine PEA的結果非常滿意,該結果顯示出了重要的價值,遠遠超過了我們當前的市場估值,僅使用了Lac Jeannine總尾礦材料的一部分。我們對Lac Jeannine的直接目標是許可證和執行2024年鑽井計劃,這將成爲我們可行性研究的基礎。我們也將開始與所有相關的當地,聯邦和第一民族利益相關者進行詳細的討論,以推進項目。

"The HyProMag USA Feasibility Study is progressing well, and we have commenced discussions with various potential stakeholders, including US Government Agencies. We are very pleased with the reception we have received in all our meetings to date, and we expect to complete the Feasibility on time.."

“HyProMag USA的可行性研究正在取得良好進展,並已開始與各種潛在利益相關者(包括美國政府機構)進行討論。 我們對迄今爲止所有會議中收到的反響非常滿意,希望按時完成可行性研究。”

"First revenue from HyProMag USA is still targeted in 2026. If successful, this truncated timeline will confirm the effectiveness of the CoTec strategy to bring production and revenues to market in an expedited manner, with a much-reduced environmental footprint and lower capital intensity than traditional mining projects."

“自HyProMag USA推出以來,第一筆營收仍定於2026年。如果成功,這個縮短的時間表將證實CoTec的策略,以一種快速的方式將生產和收入帶到市場上,並比傳統礦業項目擁有更低的環境足跡和更低的資本密集度。”

"Insiders of CoTec continue to support the Company through purchases in the open market and participation in private placements. During the quarter insiders have contributed more than $2 million through private placement participation and a further $2.75 million after quarter-end."


The PEA is preliminary in nature and is based on Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral Reserves. As such there may be no certainty that the PEA will be realized.


Qualified Person


The Independent Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 for the Lac Jeannine Mineral Resource, Mr. Christian Beaulieu, P.Geo., is a member of l'Ordre des géologues du Québec (#1072). The Qualified Person has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical content of this news release relating to the Lac Jeannine Mineral Resource.

委託Lac Jeannine Mineral Resource的獨立合格人員,Christian Beaulieu先生,P.Geo.,是魁北克礦業地質師會(#1072)的成員。合格的人員已審查並批准了與Lac Jeannine Mineral Resource相關的本新聞稿的科學和技術內容。

About CoTec


CoTec is a publicly traded investment issuer listed on the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange ("TSX-V") and the OTCQB and trades under the symbol CTH and CTHCF respectively. The Company is an environment, social, and governance ("ESG")-focused company investing in innovative technologies which have the potential to fundamentally change the way metals and minerals can be extracted and processed for the purpose of applying those technologies to undervalued operating assets and recycling opportunities, as the Company transitions into a mid-tier mineral resource producer.


CoTec is committed to supporting the transition to a lower carbon future for the extraction industry, a sector on the cusp of a green revolution as it embraces technology and innovation. The Company has made four investments to date and is actively pursuing operating opportunities where current technology investments could be deployed.

Braam Jonker - (604) 992-5600

For further information, please contact:
Braam Jonker - (604) 992-5600

如需更多信息,請聯繫:丹·努恩(Dan Noone)
Braam Jonker - (604) 992-5600

Forward-Looking Information Cautionary Statement

本新聞發佈中的對該公司及其投資的聲明,如果不是歷史事實,則屬於"前瞻性聲明",包括與管理層對其Lac Jeannine項目、HyProMag USA以及在這樣的聲明中可以推演出的當前和潛在的未來投資及其對公司的益處有關的聲明。由於前瞻性聲明涉及未來事件和條件,因此它們涉及固有的風險和不確定性。在每種情況下,實際結果可能會因已知或未知的影響公司的風險和不確定性的事實而與此類聲明當前預期的結果有所不同。這包括但不限於資源和儲備風險;環境風險和成本;勞動成本和缺口;原材料供應和價格波動;能源成本上漲;勞資爭端和工作停頓;租賃成本和設備可用性;重型設備需求和可用性;承包商和分包商表現問題;現場安全問題;項目延誤和成本超支;極端天氣條件;社會動亂。有關公司面臨的風險和不確定性的進一步詳情,請參見於2022年4月6日發佈的公司招股說明書以及公司在加拿大證券監管機構的其他申報材料中的"風險因素",這些材料的副本可以在該公司的SEDAR概要資料下找到。

Statements in this press release regarding the Company and its investments which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, including statements relating to management's expectations with respect to its Lac Jeannine Project, HyProMag USA and the roll-out of the HyProMag technology in the USA and current and potential future investments and the benefits to the Company which may be implied from such statement. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements, due to known and unknown risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, including but not limited to resource and reserve risks; environmental risks and costs; labor costs and shortages; uncertain supply and price fluctuations in materials; increases in energy costs; labor disputes and work stoppages; leasing costs and the availability of equipment; heavy equipment demand and availability; contractor and subcontractor performance issues; worksite safety issues; project delays and cost overruns; extreme weather conditions; and social disruptions. For further details regarding risks and uncertainties facing the Company please refer to "Risk Factors" in the Company's filing statement dated April 6, 2022, and in the Company's other filings with Canadian securities regulators, copies of which may be found under the Company's SEDAR profile at .

本新聞稿中有關公司及其投資的聲明,如果不是歷史事實,則涉及風險和不確定性,包括與管理層對Lac Jeannine項目,HyProMag USA以及在該等聲明中可能隱含的當前和潛在未來投資和對公司的益處相關的相應期望。由於前瞻性聲明涉及未來事件和條件,因其本質,它們涉及固有的風險和不確定性。在每種情況下,實際結果可能與目前在此類聲明中輕易預料的結果有所不同,這是由公司和可能的已知和未知風險和不確定性所影響而引起的,包括但不限於資源和儲備風險;環境風險和成本;勞工成本和短缺;材料供應和價格波動的不確定性;能源成本的上升;勞資爭議和罷工;租賃成本和設備可用性;重型設備需求和可用性;承包商和分包商績效問題;工地安全問題;項目延遲和成本超支;極端天氣條件;和社會破壞。有關公司面臨的風險和不確定性的詳細信息,請參閱於2022年4月6日的提交陳述中的“風險因素”以及公司在加拿大證券監管機構的其他提交,其副本可在公司的SEDAR檔案中找到。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


SOURCE: CoTec Holdings Corp.


