
IONETIX Closes Financing Led by Tees River and Eli Lilly and Company

IONETIX Closes Financing Led by Tees River and Eli Lilly and Company

IONETIX獲得由Tees River和禮來公司領導的融資關閉
PR Newswire ·  08/08 00:00

LANSING, Mich., Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IONETIX Corporation ("Ionetix"), a leading cyclotron technology innovator and isotope manufacturer for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, announced a financing which included Eli Lilly and Company, as well as existing shareholders of the Company led by Tees River Limited.

IONETIX公司("Ionetix")是一家領先的環形加速器技術創新者和診斷和治療應用同位素製造商,該公司宣佈融資,包括Eli Lilly and Company以及由Tees River Limited領導的公司現有股東。

The financing follows prior Actinium supply and convertible debt agreements with POINT Biopharma, which has since been acquired by Lilly. The financing underscores the robust strategic interest in Ionetix's differentiated technology and the Company's continued leadership in isotope manufacturing.

這次融資是在POINt Biopharma供應和可轉債協議之後進行的,POINt Biopharma現已被Lilly收購。本次融資凸顯了Ionetix在不同的技術和同位素製造領域中的強勁戰略興趣和公司持續領導地位。

"We are excited to expand our pre-existing relationship with POINT to include this new financing from Lilly," said Kevin Cameron, Chief Executive Officer of Ionetix. "Having successfully produced Actinium-225 earlier this year, we are well-positioned to help researchers and drug developers to pursue these promising new cancer therapies."

"我們很高興能夠通過Lilly的這筆新融資擴大我們與POINt之間的既有關係",Ionetix的首席執行官Kevin Cameron表示。"今年早些時候成功生產了Actinium-225,我們現在有很好的位置來幫助研究人員和藥物開發者開展這些富有前景的新型癌症治療方法。"

"Our experience with other critical resources enabled us to understand the significant supply constraints facing the growing radiotherapeutic space," said Sean Benson, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Tees River. "We are pleased to further support Ionetix as they scale supply of cyclotron-produced alpha-emitters."

"我們在其他重要資源方面的經驗使我們能夠理解日益壯大的放射性治療領域面臨的重大供應約束",Tees River的創始人兼首席投資官Sean Benson表示。"我們很高興能夠進一步支持Ionetix擴大環形加速器生產的α放射體的供應。"

With this financing, the company meaningfully extends its cash runway to fund continued development of its core technology offerings and expansion of the current cyclotron network in support of its strategic growth plans in the late-stage clinical and commercial settings. Capitalizing on the growth derived from new therapeutics programs, Ionetix aims to fill the market need resulting from the capacity-constrained isotope manufacturing landscape.


PJT Partners is acting as exclusive financial advisor and placement agent to Ionetix. Foster Swift Collins & Smith serves as legal advisor to Ionetix in connection with the financing.

PJt Partners作爲Ionetix的獨家財務顧問和發行人,Foster Swift Collins & Smith則作爲Ionetix與融資相關的法律顧問。

Utilizing its proprietary cyclotron technology platform, IONETIX has developed innovative solutions that enable access to scarce radioisotopes used for both diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals. IONETIX offers both high-purity Actinium-225 (Ac-225) and Astatine-211 (At-211) for use in targeted alpha therapies. IONETIX also provides N-13, F-18 and Ga-68 for diagnostic imaging. Its distribution supply chain includes contract drug manufacturing and "white glove" distribution logistics, allowing global access to these imaging agents and targeted radiotherapies. For more information, visit


About Tees River
Tees River is a long-biased asset manager located in London. We are investment specialists in both the Clean Energy Transition with a focus on commodities, and the producers of undersupplied Isotopes that are critical for Medical and Energy & Power markets, alongside developers of technologies in these areas. Our investments include high profile projects that contribute to achieving Net Zero, as well as supporting the production of Radioisotopes essential for improved Cancer treatments. We manage three funds: a Uranium and Nuclear Power strategy, a pan-commodity Critical Resources strategy, and a dedicated Medical and Energy Isotopes strategy. Tees River is supported by a prestigious Family Office, and our investors include global Family Offices, Asset Managers, and UHNWs. Please see our website at and follow our updates on LinkedIn.

關於Tees River
Tees River是位於倫敦的資產管理公司,長期以來都是投資清潔能源轉型和加強關注商品領域的投資專家,同時也是醫療和能源及電力市場上的欠缺同位素的生產商和這些領域技術的開發者。我們的投資項目包括高調項目,有助於實現淨零排放,同時也支持生產對於改進癌症治療至關重要的放射性同位素。我們管理三種基金:鈾和核電策略基金、全球所有基金類型的重要資源策略基金和專注於醫用和能源同位素策略基金。Tees River得到一傢俱有聲望的家族辦公室的支持,我們的投資者包括全球家族辦公室、資產管理公司和超高淨值人士。請訪問我們的網站 了解更多信息,並在LinkedIn上關注我們的更新。

CONTACT: Peter Burke, [email protected]

聯繫人:Peter Burke,[email protected]



