
Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) Adds New MMS Text Marketing Program Allowing Images and Video to Be Embedded in Text Messaging Via Its Popular 2CentTexts Platform

Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) Adds New MMS Text Marketing Program Allowing Images and Video to Be Embedded in Text Messaging Via Its Popular 2CentTexts Platform

Image Protect, Inc.(場外交易:IMTL)新增了新的MMS短信營銷計劃,允許在其熱門的2CentTexts平台上通過短信嵌入圖像和視頻。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/07 20:30

NEW YORK, NY, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Image Protect, Inc. (OTC:IMTL) ( ("Image Protect" or the "Company"), through its subsidiary Review Control Reputation Management, a leading player in the digital content protection arena, is pleased to announce the addition of its new MMS Text Marketing service, offering the most cutting-edge technology for its clients. The company's new MMS (Multi-Media Messaging Service) Text Marketing feature will now give clients the ability to send both images and video inside their outbound text messaging, making it exponentially more powerful and gaining even greater ROI on their spending with 2CentTexts.

2024年8月7日,紐約,美通社 – Image Protect,Inc.(OTC:IMTL)(,通過其子公司Review Control Reputation Management,在數字內容保護領域中佔領領先地位。該公司新增了最新的MMS文本營銷服務,爲客戶提供最前沿的技術支持。該公司的最新MMS(多媒體短信服務)文本營銷功能現在可以使客戶在發送文本信息的同時發送圖片和視頻,並因此顯著地增加他們的回報率。

The company is pleased to announce the completion and launch of its new website, MMS Text Marketing Program, and Loyalty Club Program for all sized businesses and franchise groups. The initial launch included the company's incredibly affordable two cents per text SMS marketing capabilities, in addition to several new and exciting features, and now also offers custom coupon generation and delivery to customers directly to their cell phone via text message, enhanced campaign management features, and more.


Frank Casella, CEO of Review Control and 2CentTexts, said, "After several months of programming and testing, we are very excited to now be able to onboard our clients to the new MMS Text Marketing platform, and to also provide them with a very attractive Loyalty Program for their customers. These two major additions to our Text Marketing division open the door to much greater engagement for both our clients and their customers. And as with our basic SMS Text service, our clients will enjoy full managed service support. Since the launch of 2 Cent Text SMS Marketing programs, the company has been gaining recognition and capitalizing on its existing client base to add new users to the platform. With the addition of MMS Text Marketing and Opt-In Loyalty programs, we will see a substantial lift in new client additions and a corresponding increase in revenue. Our average client spend is projected at $1,200 to $7,500 per year. Substantial potential users such as larger Franchise groups, regional banks, and large retailers will have significantly higher annual spending budgets."

Review Control和2CentTexts的CEO Frank Casella說: "經過幾個月的編程和測試,我們非常高興能夠將客戶引入新的MMS文本營銷平台,併爲他們的客戶提供非常有吸引力的忠誠客戶計劃。我們的文本營銷部門這兩個重大補充將爲我們的客戶和他們的客戶帶來更大的參與度。與我們的基本SMS文本服務一樣,我們的客戶將享有全面的管理支持。自2分錢的短信營銷計劃推出以來,該公司一直在獲得認可,並利用其現有客戶群體增加新用戶。隨着新增MMS文本營銷和選擇加入忠誠計劃,我們將看到新客戶的顯著增加和相應的收入增長。我們預計平均客戶支出爲每年1200美元至7500美元。像大型特許經營集團、區域性銀行和大型零售商這樣的潛在用戶將有更高的年度支出預算。

The Company encourages all shareholders to share this official launch of the Company's new 2CentTexts interactive website at , designed for enhanced marketing and easier customer engagement, as well as the addition of MMS Text Marketing capabilities and our new Loyalty Opt-In program.


The Company encourages all shareholders to share this official launch of the Company's new 2CentTexts interactive website at , designed for enhanced marketing and easier customer engagement, as well as the addition of MMS Text Marketing capabilities and our new Loyalty Opt-In program.


Image Protect, Inc. remains committed to innovation, growth, and delivering unparalleled solutions in the dynamic landscape of online reputation management and text marketing business services.

Image Protect,Inc.始終致力於創新、增長和在在線聲譽管理和營銷業務服務的動態環境中提供無與倫比的解決方案。

Follow Image Protect, Inc. to learn more about Review Control Reputation Management and to stay informed about Company developments and growth:

關注Image Protect,Inc.了解Review Control Reputation Management更多信息,並了解公司發展和業務成長:

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Facebook: Image Protect Corp

Facebook: Image Protect Corp

Mission Statement: To IMPROVE and PROTECT the online image of our clients.

使命宣言: 改善和保護我們客戶的在線形象。

About Image Protect, Inc.

關於Image Protect,Inc.

Image Protect, Inc. is a Technology and Business Services Company, specializing in vitally important Review and Reputation Management for businesses of all types and sizes, as well as individuals who need online reputation assistance. Utilizing proprietary technology applications combined with excellent customer service and support, its newly acquired subsidiary Review Control Reputation Management has established itself in the space in recent years and continues to grow and penetrate new verticals. New services are currently in development to further the Company's commitment to providing the very best in review marketing subscription products to the business community.

Image Protect,Inc.是一家專門從事審核和聲譽管理的技術與商業服務公司,適用於各種類型和規模的企業,以及需要在線聲譽幫助的個人。利用專有的技術應用程序和優秀的客戶服務和支持,其新收購的子公司Review Control Reputation Management近年來已在該領域取得了良好的發展,並繼續增長和滲透新的垂直領域。目前正在開發新的服務,進一步致力於爲企業社區提供最佳的評論營銷訂閱產品。

About Review Control Reputation Management

關於Review Control Reputation Management

Review Control Reputation Management is a proprietary, business-to- business subscription platform that can increase and improve the online reviews of its clients and serves a vital business interest to millions of businesses of all types and sizes. With prices starting at just $59 per month it is an easy, affordable, and effective solution for any type of business to obtain more positive online reviews-which increase search ranking, attract more customers and revenue, and increases the value of the client's business. Founded in 2018, Review Control has established itself as a recognized national brand, and has grown steadily since inception, providing excellent service and many satisfied clients.

Review Control Reputation Management是一種專有的企業訂閱平台,可以提高其客戶的在線評論,對於各種類型和規模的企業來說,它是一種至關重要的商業利益。價格從每月59美元起,對於任何類型的企業來說都是一種簡單、經濟、有效的解決方案,以獲得更多積極的在線評論 – 這些評論提高了搜索排名,吸引了更多的客戶和收入,並增加了客戶的價值。成立於2018年的Review Control已成爲一個公認的國家品牌,並自成立以來穩步增長,提供優質的服務和許多滿意的客戶。

About 2CentTexts


2CentTexts is a proprietary, business-to-business service that provides clients with the ability to send both SMS and MMS Text Messaging to their customers. Using Mobile Coupons and Loyalty Programs, this service enables our clients to capitalize on their success by retaining their customers through constant engagement. Offering specials, promotions, service alerts, flash sales and general information via text message is the most affordable and effective solution to retention and growth for any business.


Safe Harbor Provision

免責聲明: 本新聞稿包含"前瞻性聲明",這些聲明受到1995年修正版《私人證券訴訟改革法》的安全港創建的保護。前瞻性聲明受到一些可能導致實際結果、績效或成就與任何未來結果、績效或成就的明示或暗示存在本質上不同的風險和不確定性的影響。前瞻性聲明通常具有前面所述的諸如"相信"、"期望"、"預期"、"打算"、"計劃"和類似表達意思的未來或條件動詞,例如"將"、"應該"、"將會"、"可能"和"能夠"等語言,雖然不是所有的前瞻性聲明都包括上述內容。本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明包括如下聲明:隨着公司執行戰略舉措,繼續增長收入、提高盈利能力,CloudFirst和Flagship兩家子公司的整合將使公司能夠優化運營,利用技術團隊,實現更大效益,改善內部資源配置,並充分利用在其客戶網絡中的廣泛的交叉銷售和升級機會,宣佈的兩個有意義的合同只是將來從所整合的兩個組織的努力中得到的衆多類似公告中的第一個。在開發了一個強大的商業策略後,我們將推動增長並保持可持續盈利能力,同時爲股東創造長期價值並對股東的發展進行有意義的更新。儘管公司認爲此類前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是合理的,但公司無法保證這些期望將被證明是正確的。這些前瞻性聲明是基於管理層在本新聞稿日期之前的期望和假設,並受到許多風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多風險和不確定性難以預測,可能導致實際結果與當前期望存在重大差異,並且在任何前瞻性聲明中設置或暗示的任何未來或條件動詞中。可能發生的重要因素包括公司推進其增長策略的能力。這些風險不應被解釋爲窮盡性質,並應與包括公司在內的《年度報告》第10-K、隨後提交的《季度報告》第10-Q以及提交的《8-K》中包括的其他警示性聲明一起閱讀。除法律規定外,公司不承擔更新或修改任何前瞻性聲明的義務,無論是否出現新信息、未來事件、變化的情況或其他情況。

Cautionary statement for purposes of the 'Safe Harbor' provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Information in this news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. If such risks or uncertainties materialize or such assumptions prove incorrect, the results of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries could differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties, and assumptions include the execution and performance of contracts by the Company and its customers, suppliers, and partners. The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise statements contained in this news release based on new information or otherwise.


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