
Earnings Call Summary | Establishment Labs(ESTA.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Establishment Labs(ESTA.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | establishment labs (ESTA.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/07 11:29  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (ESTA) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (ESTA)二零二四年第二季度業績會議通話記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Establishment Labs reported a Q2 2024 revenue of $44.1 million.

  • Sequential revenue growth was 18.7%, indicating a stabilization and growth return in current markets.

  • Adjusted EBITDA loss for Q2 was approximately $4 million, showing improvement from last year.

  • Gross profit for Q2 was $28.9 million, or 65.6% of revenue, attributed to an increase in average selling prices.

  • Net loss from operations for Q2 was $9.3 million, showing an improvement from the previous year.

  • Establishment Labs報告二零二四年第二季度營業收入4410萬美元。

  • 環比增長18.7%,表明當前市場正在穩定增長。

  • 二零二四年第二季度調整後的EBITDA虧損約爲400萬美元,相比去年有所改善。

  • 二零二四年第二季度毛利潤爲2890萬美元,佔營業收入的65.6%,歸因於平均銷售價格的增加。

  • 二零二四年第二季度業務虧損930萬美元,較去年有所改善。

Business Progress:


  • Establishment Labs is preparing for the U.S. launch of Motiva implants, anticipating FDA approval.

  • Significant interest and preparations underway for the U.S. market with enhanced commercial operations and team build-outs.

  • Continued traction in international markets, particularly with the Mia Femtech product expanding to new regions.

  • Active efforts to manage the softer demand in Brazil through various strategic initiatives.

  • Establishment Labs正在爲Motiva植入物的美國上市做準備,預計FDA會批准。

  • 在加強商業運營和團隊建設方面,已經有了顯著的興趣和準備。

  • 國際市場的持續發展,特別是Mia Femtech產品在新區域的擴展。

  • 積極努力通過各種戰略措施應對巴西市場的低迷需求。



  • FDA approval of Motiva implants expected to be a pivotal milestone, enhancing U.S. market entry and global credibility.

  • Expansion of Mia Femtech in international markets is creating a new category within breast aesthetics, contributing to broad market growth.

  • 預計FDA批准Motiva植入物將是一個關鍵的里程碑,有助於美國市場進軍和全球信譽。

  • Mia Femtech在國際市場的拓展正在爲乳房美容創造一個新的類別,爲廣泛市場增長做出貢獻。



  • Ongoing softness in the Brazilian market impacting regional revenue targets.

  • Potential delays or complications in receiving FDA approval for Motiva implants, specifically related to addressing the FDA's observations during inspections.

  • 巴西市場的持續疲軟影響區域營收目標。

  • 可能會由於解決FDA檢查期間的觀察而導致Motiva植入物的FDA批准出現延遲或複雜情況。

More details: Establishment Labs IR

更多詳細信息:Establishment Labs IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


