
Solid Power Lowers Expectation For 2024 Revenue From $20M - $25M To $16M - $20M, Est $22.598M

Solid Power Lowers Expectation For 2024 Revenue From $20M - $25M To $16M - $20M, Est $22.598M

Solid Power將2024年的營業收入預期從2000萬至2500萬美元下調至1600萬至2000萬美元,估計爲22.598萬美元。
Benzinga ·  08/07 05:42

The revised outlook is primarily due to slower than anticipated revenue recognition from the SK On agreements the company entered into earlier this year and, to a lesser extent, delays in forecasted electrolyte sales, rather than a decline in contracted business.

修訂的展望主要是由於公司今年早些時候簽訂的Sk On協議營業收入認定速度比預期慢,以及預期電解液銷售的延遲,而不是合同業務下降。

The company continues to expect 2024 cash used in operations to be in the range of $60 million to $70 million and capital expenditures to be in the range of $40 million to $50 million.


