
Firm Capital Property Trust Reports Q2/2024 Results

Firm Capital Property Trust Reports Q2/2024 Results

Firm Capital物業信託基金報告Q2/2024業績
GlobeNewswire ·  08/07 05:27




降低 Payout ratio

TORONTO, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Firm Capital Property Trust ("FCPT" or the "Trust"), (TSX: FCD.UN) is pleased to report its financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024.

2024 年 8 月 06 日,加拿大環球新聞社—— Firm Capital Property Trust(“FCPT”或“基金”)(TSX: FCD.UN)欣然宣佈其 2024 年 6 月 30 日結束的三個月和六個月的財務業績。

The portfolio consists of 64 commercial properties with a total gross leasable area ("GLA") of 2,545,843 square feet, five multi-residential complexes comprised of 599 units and four Manufactured Home Communities comprised of 537 units. The portfolio is well diversified and defensive in terms of geographies and property asset types, with 49% of NOI (44% of asset value) comprised of grocery anchored retail followed by industrial at 28% of NOI (31% of asset value). In addition, the portfolio is well diversified in terms of geographies with 38% of NOI (42% of asset value) comprised of assets located in Ontario, followed by Quebec at 37% of NOI (32% of asset value).

資產組合包括 64 處商業物業,總毛租賃面積爲 2,545,843 平方英尺,五個多重住宅綜合體,共 599 套房屋,以及四個由製造家庭社區組成的製造家庭社區,共 537 套房屋。組合在地理和物業資產類型方面具有很好的多樣性和防禦性,其中以零售超市錨定爲主的收入淨收入(資產價值的 44%)佔比 49%,工業爲次要淨收入的 28%(資產價值佔 31%)。此外,組合在地理上也很分散,其中 38% 的 NOI(42% 的資產價值)來自於安大略省的資產,其次是魁北克省的 NOI 佔比爲 37%(資產價值佔 32%)。

The portfolio is well diversified by tenant profile with no tenant currently accounting for more than 11.0% of total net rent. Further, the top 10 tenants are comprised of large national tenants and account for 30.6% of total net rent.

該組合的租戶結構多樣化,目前沒有任何一個租戶佔總淨租金的 11.0% 以上。此外,前 10 名租戶由大型國家租戶組成,佔總淨租金的 30.6%。


2024 年第二季度亮點

Key highlights for the three months ended June 30, 2024 are as follows:

2024 年 6 月 30 日結束的三個月的主要亮點如下:

  • Net income was approximately $8.9 million, compared to $5.6 million net income recorded for the same period in 2023;
  • $7.71 Net Asset Value ("NAV") per Unit, a 1.2% increase over Q1/2024;
  • Net Operating Income ("NOI") was approximately $9.7 million, a 6% increase from the same period in 2023;
  • Same Property NOI increased 10% over Q2/2023;
  • Adjusted Funds From Operations ("AFFO") was approximately $4.6 million, 22% higher than the same period in 2023;
  • AFFO per Unit for Q2/2024 increased by 22% to $0.124 over Q2/2023.
  • AFFO Payout ratio decreased to 105% for Q2/2024 from 128% over the same period in 2023;
  • Commercial occupancy was 95.8%, Multi-Residential occupancy was 99.7% while Manufactured Homes Communities occupancy was 100.0%;
  • Conservative leverage profile with Debt / Gross Book Value ("GBV") at 51.7%; and
  • The Trust declared and approved monthly distributions in the amount of $0.0433 per Trust Unit for Unitholders of record on October 31, 2024, November 29, 2024 and December 31, 2024, payable on or about November 15, 2024, December 16, 2024, and January 15, 2025, respectively.
  • 淨利潤約爲 $8,900,000,2023 年同期的淨利潤爲 $5,600,000;
  • 每單位 $7.71 的淨資產價值(“NAV”),比第一季度的 $7.62 增長了 1.2%;
  • 淨營業收入約爲 $9,700,000,比 2023 年同期增長了 6% ;
  • 相同物業淨營業收入比 2023 年第二季度增長了 10% ;
  • 調整後的運營資金約爲 $4,600,000,比 2023 年同期高出 22% ;
  • 2024 年第二季度的每單位 AFFO 比 2023 年第二季度增長了 22%,達到 $0.124。
  • 2024 年第二季度AFFO支付比率從 2023 年同期的 128% 下降到 105% ;
  • 商業物業的佔用率爲 95.8%,多重住宅的佔用率爲 99.7%,製造家庭社區的佔用率爲 100.0% ;
  • 債務/Gross Book Value ("GBV") 的保守槓桿水平爲 51.7%;
  • 基金聲明並批准了每月發放 $0.0433 每單位基金份額的分配,分配給 2024 年 10 月 31 日、11 月 29 日和 12 月 31 日的股東,分別於 2024 年 11 月 15 日、12 月 16 日和 2025 年 1 月 15 日支付。

See chart below for additional information:


Three Months Six Months Ended
Jun 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2023 Change Jun 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2023 Change
Rental Revenue $ 15,086,655 $ 14,094,375 7% $ 30,099,828 $ 28,303,583 6%
NOI - IFRS Basis 9,657,575 9,079,864 6% 18,929,167 18,302,880 3%
NOI - Cash Basis 9,704,051 9,051,925 7% 19,118,963 18,205,008 5%
Same-Property NOI 9,640,953 8,775,439 10% 18,743,364 17,587,848 7%
Net Income (loss) 8,884,882 5,571,772 59% 18,769,721 10,968,284 71%
FFO 4,719,175 4,330,951 9% 9,271,815 8,816,988 5%
AFFO 4,592,570 3,756,800 22% 9,036,710 7,756,037 17%
Total Assets 645,870,632 641,277,417 1%
Total Mortgages 314,222,880 310,792,107 1%
Credit Facility 19,600,000 23,499,985 (17%)
Unitholders' Equity 300,862,566 296,890,636 1%
Units Outstanding (000s) 36,926 36,925 0%
FFO Per Unit $0.128 $0.117 9% $0.251 $0.238 6%
AFFO Per Unit $0.124 $0.102 22% $0.245 $0.210 17%
Distributions Per Unit $0.130 $0.130 0% $0.260 $0.260 0%
FFO Payout Ratio 102% 111% 104% 109% (546) bps
AFFO Payout Ratio 105% 128% 106% 124% (1,777) bps
Wtd. Avg. Int. Rate - Mort. Debt 4.2% 4.1% 10 bps
Debt to GBV 52% 52% (31) bps
GLA - Commercial, SF 2,545,843 2,557,010 0%
Units - Multi-Res 599 599 0%
Units - MHCs 537 536 0%
Occupancy - Commercial 95.8% 96.0% (20) bps
Occupancy - Multi-Res 99.7% 97.1% 260 bps
Occupancy MHCs 100.0% 99.8% 20 bps
Rent PSF - Retail $19.10 $18.45 4%
Rent PSF - Industrial $8.50 $8.07 5%
Rent per month - Multi-Res $1,453 $1,331 9%
Rent per month - MHCs $633 $587 8%
三個月 銷售額最高的六個月
2024年6月30日 2023年6月30日 變更 2024年6月30日 2023年6月30日 $000
租賃收入 $ 15,086,655 $ 14,094,375 7% $ 30,099,828 $ 28,303,583 6%
未經審計淨營業額 9,657,575 9,079,864 6% 18,929,167 18,302,880 3%
現金基礎淨營業額 9,704,051 9,051,925 7% 19,118,963 18,205,008 5%
同一物業淨營業額 9,640,953 8,775,439 10% 18,743,364 17,587,848 7%
淨利潤 8,884,882 5,571,772 59% 18,769,721 10,968,284 71%
FFO 4,719,175 4,330,951 9% 9,271,815 8,816,988 5%
AFFO 4,592,570 3,756,800 22% 9,036,710 7,756,037 17%
總資產 645,870,632 641,277,417 1%
按揭總額 314,222,880 310,792,107 1%
信貸設施 19,600,000 23,499,985 (17%)
持有人股權 300,862,566 296,890,636 1%
總單位數(000) 36,926 加權平均股本-基本 0%
每單位FFO $0.128 $0.117 9% $0.251 $0.238 6%
每單位AFFO $0.124 $0.102 22% 0.245美元 $0.210 17%
每單位分配 $0.130 $0.130 0% $0.260 $0.260 0%
FFO支付比率 102% 111% 104% 109% (546) 點子
AFFO支付比率 105% 128% 106% 124% (1,777) 點子
加權平均利率-抵押貸款 4.2% 4.1% 10 個點子
GBV債務 52% 52% (31) 個點子
GLA - 商業,SF 2,545,843 2,557,010 0%
單位 - 多戶住宅 599 599 0%
單位 - MHCs 537 536 0%
佔用率 - 商業 95.8% 96.0% (20) 點子
佔用率 - 多戶住宅 99.7% 97.1% 260個點子
佔用率 - MHCs 100.0% 99.8% 20 bps
零售租金面積 - 每平方英尺 $19.10 $18.45 4%
工業租金面積 - 每平方英尺 $8.50 $8.07 5%
每月租金 - 多戶住宅 $1,453 $1,331 9%
每月租金 - MHCs $633 $587 8%

For the complete financial statements, Management's Discussion & Analysis and supplementary information, please visit or the Trust's website at

有關完整的基本報表、管理層討論與分析和補充信息,請訪問 或信託的網站

The Trust has in place a Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP") and Unit Purchase Plan (the "UPP"). Under the terms of the DRIP, FCPT's Unitholders may elect to automatically reinvest all or a portion of their regular monthly distributions in additional Units, without incurring brokerage fees or commissions. Under the terms of the UPP, FCPT's Unitholders may purchase a minimum of $1,000 of Units per month and maximum purchases of up to $12,000 per annum. Management and trustees have not participated in the DRIP or UPP to date and own or control approximately 10% of the issued and outstanding trust units of the Trust.


Firm Capital Property Trust is focused on creating long-term value for Unitholders, through capital preservation and disciplined investing to achieve stable distributable income. In partnership with management and industry leaders. The Trust's plan is to own as well as to co-own a diversified property portfolio of multi-residential, flex industrial, and net lease convenience retail. In addition to stand alone accretive acquisitions, the Trust will make joint acquisitions with strong financial partners and acquisitions of partial interests from existing ownership groups, in a manner that provides liquidity to those selling owners and professional management for those remaining as partners. Firm Capital Realty Partners Inc., through a structure focused on an alignment of interests with the Trust sources, syndicates and property and asset manages investments on behalf of the Trust.

Firm Capital Property Trust專注於通過資本保全和紀律性投資實現穩定可分配收入,爲受益人創造長期價值。與管理層和行業領袖合作,信託計劃旨在擁有和合擁多元化的物業投資組合,包括多住宅、靈活工業和淨租約便利零售。除了獨立增值收購外,信託還將與財務合作伙伴共同收購併從現有所有權組織中收購部分權益,以向出售方提供流動性併爲其餘合夥人提供專業管理。Firm Capital Realty Partners Inc.通過與信託來源利益一致的結構,代表信託進行物業和資產管理投資。



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "may", "will", "should", "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict", "potential", "continue", and by discussions of strategies that involve risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the Trust. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and various future events will not occur. Although management of the Trust believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements will occur as anticipated. Neither the Trust nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of any forward-looking statements, and no one has any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or such other factors which affect this information, except as required by law.


This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, which may be made only by means of a prospectus, nor shall there be any sale of the Units in any state, province or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under securities laws of any such state, province or other jurisdiction. The Units of the Firm Capital Property Trust have not been, and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered, sold or delivered in the United States absent registration or an application for exemption from the registration requirements of U.S. securities laws.

本新聞稿不構成銷售要約或購買要約,僅透過招股書方可作出,任何州、省或其他司法管轄區的銷售,招股書登記或符合該州、省或其他司法管轄區證券法的資格要求之前不能進行。 Firm Capital Property Trust的單位未經修改的註冊記錄在美國《證券法》修正案下未經註冊,不得在美國提供、銷售或交付。

Certain financial information presented in this press release reflect certain non- International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") financial measures, which include NOI, Same Store NOI, FFO and AFFO. These measures are commonly used by real estate investment entities as useful metrics for measuring performance and cash flows, however, they do not have standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and are not necessarily comparable to similar measures presented by other real estate investment entities. These terms are defined in the Trust's Management Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the year ended December 31, 2023 as filed on .

本新聞稿中呈現的某些財務信息反映了某些非IFRS財務指標,包括NOI、同店NOI、FFO和AFFO。這些指標通常由房地產投資機構用作衡量績效和現金流的有用標準,並不具有IFRS規定的標準化含義,也不一定與其他房地產投資機構提出的類似指標可比。這些術語在填表日期爲2023年12月31日的信託管理討論與分析報告(“MD&A”)中得到了定義。 .

For further information, please contact:
Robert McKee Sandy Poklar
President & Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer
(416) 635-0221 (416) 635-0221
For Investor Relations information, please contact:
Victoria Moayedi
Director, Investor Relations
(416) 635-0221
Robert McKee Sandy Poklar
董事長兼首席執行官 致富金融(臨時代碼)
(416) 635-0221 (416) 635-0221
Victoria Moayedi
(416) 635-0221

