
Earnings Call Summary | Unitil(UTL.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Unitil(UTL.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | unitil(UTL.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/07 04:31  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Unitil Corporation (UTL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Q2 net income was reported at $4.3 million or $0.27 per share, a slight increase from the previous year.

  • First-half net income reached $31.5 million or $1.96 per share, reflecting a $0.20 increase per share year over year.

  • The company's GAAP return on equity over the last 12 months stands at 9.8%, reflecting effective cost control and regulatory management.

  • Received regulatory approval for new rate cases that are expected to support their revenue.

  • Q2淨利潤報430萬美元,每股盈利0.27美元,略有增長。

  • 上半年淨利潤爲3150萬美元,每股盈利1.96美元,每股盈利同比增加0.20美元。

  • 公司過去12個月的GAAP淨資產收益率爲9.8%,反映出有效的成本控制和監管管理。

  • 獲得了新的費率案監管批准,有望支持公司的營業收入。

Business Progress:


  • Unitil acquired Bangor Natural Gas, enhancing their market presence and aligning with their strategic growth in colder climates where natural gas is more competitive.

  • They plan to expand their capital investment through 2028, total approximately $910 million, to modernize the electric system and potentially expand natural gas service.

  • The utility scale solar project in New Hampshire is on schedule, expected to complete by second quarter 2025.

  • Unitil收購了Bangor天然氣,提升了其市場地位,並與其在更寒冷氣候下天然氣更具競爭性的戰略增長保持一致。

  • 他們計劃通過2028年擴大資本投資,總額約91000萬美元,以現代化電力系統並可能擴大天然氣服務。

  • 新罕布什爾州公用事業規模的太陽能項目按計劃進行,有望在2025年第二季度完成。



  • The acquisition of Bangor Natural Gas opens up opportunities for customer growth in Maine, supported by the lowest natural gas rates in the region.

  • The regulatory support for new rate plans will potentially stabilize and grow revenues sustainably.

  • Bangor天然氣的收購爲緬因州的客戶增長開闢了機會,並支持該公司在該地區擁有最低天然氣價格。

  • 新費率計劃的監管支持將有可能實現營收的穩定和可持續增長。



  • The financial commitment to expanding infrastructure, including significant investments in utility-scale solar and natural gas expansions, presents risks tied to project execution and capital expenditure.

  • 擴大基礎設施的財務承諾,包括對公用事業規模的太陽能和天然氣擴張的大量投資,存在與項目執行和資本支出相關的風險。

More details: Unitil IR

更多詳情請查看Unitil IR。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


