
Earnings Call Summary | Tuniu(TOUR.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Tuniu(TOUR.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | 途牛(TOUR.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/07 03:10  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Tuniu Corporation (TOUR) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Tuniu Corporation reported a significant year-over-year increase in net revenues for Q2 2024, amounting to CNY 116.9 million, a 17% increase.

  • Revenue from packaged tours increased by 29% year-over-year, making up 77% of total net revenues.

  • The company achieved a quarterly record high net income of CNY 43 million.

  • Gross profit rose by 29% year-over-year to CNY 84.4 million.

  • Operating expenses decreased by 15% from the previous year, contributing to the profitability.

  • Sales and marketing expenses surged by 61% due to increased promotional activities.

  • 途牛旅遊網在2024年第二季度報告中,淨營收金額同比增長了17%達到1.169億人民幣。

  • 包團產品的營收同比增長了29%,佔總淨營收的77%。

  • 途牛在第二季度實現了4400萬人民幣的季度淨收益歷史新高。

  • 毛利潤同比增長29%,達到8440萬人民幣。

  • 由於營業費用減少15%,有助於公司盈利能力的提高。

  • 由於推廣活動增加,銷售及營銷費用同比激增61%。

Business Progress:


  • Tuniu continued to strengthen its in-house product development, with transaction volume of new tour products up over 40% year-over-year.

  • Live streaming channels and new media strategies showed significant progress, with triple-digit growth in transaction volume on Tuniu app and the mini program.

  • The company expanded the variety and destination coverage of its arrangements, particularly in outbound travel, which are adapting to changing consumer preferences and increasing the offerings through partnerships.

  • 途牛繼續加強自主開發產品,新旅遊產品的成交量同比增長了40%以上。

  • 直播概念和新媒體戰略取得了顯著進展,途牛小程序和APP成交量同比增長了數百個百分點。

  • 公司擴大了旅遊產品的品類和目的地範圍,特別是在境外旅遊方面,通過合作適應消費者不斷變化的喜好和需求並增加旅遊產品的種類和目的地覆蓋範圍。



  • The full opening of overseas destinations and a diverse range of travel products underpin potential market expansion opportunities.

  • The company's adaptation and expansion of live streaming and new media channels are timely strategic responses to the evolving digital consumption trends.

  • Engaging with new partnerships in high-traffic online platforms and various promotional strategies represent significant opportunities for customer base expansion and sales increase.

  • 境外目的地的全面開放和各種旅遊產品的多樣化是公司潛在的市場擴張機會。

  • 公司對新媒體渠道和直播概念相應調整和擴大,是對數字消費趨勢的及時戰略應對。

  • 在高交通量的在線平台和各種推廣策略中,尋求與新合作伙伴的接觸是擴大客戶群和增加銷售的重要機會。



  • The increase in sales and marketing expenses by 61%, primarily for promotion and personnel, may affect operating margins if not offset by proportional revenue growth in future quarters.

  • 營銷費用同比激增61%,主要用於促銷和人員,如果未來幾個季度營收增長不可成比例,可能會影響業務利潤率。

More details: Tuniu IR


Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


