
Earnings Call Summary | Sterling Infrastructure(STRL.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Sterling Infrastructure(STRL.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | Sterling Infrastructure(STRL.US) 2024年Q2業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/07 00:58  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. (STRL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Sterling Infrastructure, Inc. (STRL) 2024 Q2業績會議錄要點:

Financial Performance:


  • Sterling reported EPS of $1.67 in Q2 2024, a growth of 31% over the previous year, achieving a new Q2 record.

  • Operating income grew by 20% to $72.7 million and revenue rose by 12% to $582.8 million.

  • Gross profit margins improved to over 19% driven by higher-margin services shift.

  • Cash flow from operating activities for the first half of 2024 was robust at $170.6 million, compared to $181.1 million in the prior year.

  • Quarter-end net cash position strengthened to $211 million, reflecting strong liquidity.

  • 2024 Q2季度,Sterling報告每股收益爲$1.67,同比增長31%,創下新的季度記錄。

  • 營業收入增長20%至$7270萬,收入增長12%至$58280萬。

  • 毛利潤率提高至19%以上,盈利能力得到提高,得益於更高利潤的服務轉型。

  • 2024年上半年的經營活動現金流現金流充裕,爲$17060萬,去年同期爲$18110萬。

  • 季末淨現金頭寸強化至$21100萬,流動性強勁。

Business Progress:


  • Focus is shifting towards larger multi-phase projects in Transportation and E-Infrastructure, enhancing future work visibility.

  • Significant growth in transportation solutions, with revenues up 54% and operating profit up 57%, driven by organic growth.

  • Pursuing acquisitions to complement the platform and drive growth. Actively looking for the right deals particularly in the E-Infrastructure market.

  • 重心正在向更大型的多階段運輸和電子基礎設施項目轉移,提高未來的工作可見性。

  • 運輸方案的顯著增長,收入增長54%,營業利潤增長57%,主要受到有機增長的推動。

  • 尋找補充平台和推動增長的收購交易,特別是在電子基礎設施市場上積極尋找合適的交易。



  • Continued strong performance in data centers, which now comprise over 40% of E-Infrastructure's backlog.

  • Expansion into the Rocky Mountain region, adding three sizable data center projects.

  • Engaging in onshoring-related projects in manufacturing, expected to see sustained activity into 2025 and 2026.

  • 數據中心表現持續強勁,已佔電子基礎設施待辦訂單的40%以上。

  • 擴展到落基山地區,並增加三個規模不小的數據中心項目。

  • 參與制造業的離岸項目,預計將持續到2025年和2026年。



  • Smaller commercial and warehouse markets have softened, impacting the top-line growth; however, a recovery is anticipated with potentially improving economic conditions.

  • Challenging revenue conditions in the manufacturing market due to front-loaded project timelines and competition.

  • 雖然小型商業和倉儲市場有所放緩,影響了收入增長,但預計隨着經濟形勢的改善而恢復。

  • 由於項目時間提前和競爭的原因,製造業市場的收入條件具有挑戰性。

More details: Sterling Infrastructure IR

更多詳情請參考Sterling Infrastructure IR。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


