
Reyna Silver Announces Commencement of Drilling and Acquisition of Union Patented Claims

Reyna Silver Announces Commencement of Drilling and Acquisition of Union Patented Claims

Accesswire ·  08/06 23:00

VANCOUVER, BC and HONG KONG / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2024 / Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV:RSLV)(OTCQX:RSNVF)(FRA:4ZC) ("Reyna Silver") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an Option Agreement (the "Agreement") with Aulode LLC. ("Aulode") on the Union Hill Project (the "Project") located in Eureka County, Nevada. Drilling commences imminently targeting the framework of this extensive system including identifying the level of oxidation, major potentially mineralized structures and critical ore-system exploration vectors.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華和香港/ACCESSWIRE/2024年8月6日/雷納·西爾弗公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:RSLV)(OTCQX: RSNVF)(FRA: 4ZC)(“Reyna Silver”)欣然宣佈,它已與Aulode LLC簽訂了期權協議(“協議”)。(“Aulode”)參與位於內華達州尤里卡縣的聯合山項目(“項目”)。鑽探即將開始,目標是這個龐大系統的框架,包括確定氧化水平、主要的潛在礦化結構和關鍵的礦石系統勘探向量。

The Union patented claim group has 10 newly staked claims (81 hectares) at the Company's 70% optioned Gryphon Summit project in Eureka/Elko Co, Nevada. Adding this to the recently announced Mineral Hill claim group acquisition (See Press Release of August 1, 2024) completes Reyna Silver's control of the 12,058.98 hectares of Gold, Silver and Critical Metals potential identified to date at Gryphon.

聯盟的專利索賠小組在內華達州尤里卡/埃爾科公司的 70% 選股權的Gryphon Summit項目中有10項新提出的索賠(81公頃)。再加上最近宣佈的對Mineral Hill索賠集團的收購(見 2024 年 8 月 1 日的新聞稿)完成了雷娜·西爾弗對迄今爲止確定的12,058.98公頃黃金、白銀和關鍵金屬潛力的控制權 Gryphon

  • Union Patented Claims encompass this historical high-grade Silver,-Lead-Zinc producing district. Mineralization was mined to the base of oxidation leaving the underlying sulfides untouched.

  • Adding 233 unpatented claims (1900 hectares) means the company now controls all of the identified gold, silver and critical metals potential at Gryphon.

  • Drilling will commence imminently- targeting the major potentially mineralized structures that define the framework of this extensive system, identifying the depth of oxidation, and critical ore-system exploration vectors.

  • 聯盟專利索賠涵蓋了這個歷史悠久的高品位白銀、鉛鋅生產區。礦化被開採到氧化基底,使底層的硫化物保持不變。

  • 增加233項未獲專利的索賠(1900公頃),這意味着該公司現在控制着Gryphon所有已確定的金、銀和關鍵金屬潛力。

  • 鑽探將立即開始,目標是定義這個廣泛系統框架的主要潛在礦化結構,確定氧化深度和關鍵的礦石系統勘探向量。

"The Union patented claims were the last puzzle piece Reyna Silver needed to fully control Gryphon, providing the opportunity to take a serious look at Gryphon from new angles," said Jorge Ramiro Monroy, Reyna Silver President and CEO. "We can't wait to unleash our technical team's experience discovering major CRDs in a comprehensive attack on the entire district's combined Gold, Silver, plus Critical Metals endowment "


CRD systems are continuous, zoned, polymetallic deposits and following known CRD mineralization back towards its interpreted porphyry source is a key exploration element. Historic production in the Gryphon region occurred prior to the advent of contemporary high-recovery selective flotation metallurgy and focused almost exclusively on oxidized mineralization. This means unoxidized sulfide mineralization beneath the historical production zones remains to be followed through the balance of the CRD-Skarn-Porphyry continuum model Reyna Silver follows. Reyna Silver plans to immediately use the geometry and geochemistry of the historic Union and Mineral Hill CRD workings to vector towards underlying sulfide Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization. Notably, CRDs in in this part of Nevada, like the Eureka district 70km South of Gryphon and the Cortez Camp 50km to the west, are also known for their significant gold credits, generally believed to stem from a later overprint of Carlin-type gold mineralization (See Press Release of August 1, 2024). Both mineralization types are documented at Gryphon and the two mineralizing events exploited the same structural plumbing, so understanding the controls on CRD mineralization should enhance understanding the geometry of the entire system, including where concentrated Carlin-type gold may occur.

CRD 系統是連續的、分區的多金屬礦牀,沿着已知的 CRD 礦化回到其解釋的斑岩源頭是關鍵的勘探要素。Gryphon 地區的歷史性生產發生在當代高回收率選擇性浮選冶金技術問世之前,幾乎只專注於氧化礦化。這意味着歷史產區下方的未氧化硫化物礦化仍有待通過Reyna Silver遵循的CRD-Skarn-Porphyry連續體模型的平衡進行跟蹤。Reyna Silver計劃立即利用歷史悠久的聯盟和礦山CRD礦牀的幾何形狀和地球化學來引導潛在的硫化物銀鉛鋅礦化。值得注意的是,內華達州這一地區的CRD,例如格里豐以南70公里處的尤里卡地區和向西50公里的科爾特斯營地,也以其大量的黃金信貸而聞名,人們普遍認爲這些信用源於後來的卡林式金礦化疊印(見 2024 年 8 月 1 日的新聞稿)。Gryphon記錄了兩種礦化類型,這兩個礦化事件利用了相同的結構管道,因此,了解CRD礦化的控制應該可以增強對整個系統幾何形狀的理解,包括可能出現濃縮的卡林型金的地方。

Figure 1. Updated claim map of the 12,058.98 ha project with new boundaries in bold blue and previous boundaries in narrow blue. Patented Claims are delineated in reds. Union is shown in bold red and Mineral Hill on the east side in narrow red (See Press Release of August 1, 2024). Selective sampling results for Silver are shown in blue with Lead in grey and Zinc in green.

圖 1。更新了 12,058.98 公頃項目的索賠地圖,新邊界以粗體藍色顯示,之前的邊界以窄藍色顯示。專利索賠以紅色描繪。聯盟以粗體紅色顯示,東側的礦山以狹窄的紅色顯示(見 2024 年 8 月 1 日的新聞稿)。銀的選擇性抽樣結果顯示爲藍色,鉛爲灰色,鋅爲綠色。

The Agreement:


The Agreement gives Reyna Silver the right (the "FIrst Option") to earn a 100% ownership interest in the mineral rights and rights to prospect and explore the Project; and the further right (the "Second Option") to earn a 100% ownership interest in all remaining rights (including without limitation surface rights) in in the Project and to become the fee title owner of the Project.

該協議賦予Reyna Silver的權利(“第一期權”)獲得礦產權的100%所有權權益以及勘探和勘探該項目的權利;以及進一步的權利(“第二種選擇”),獲得該項目所有剩餘權利(包括但不限於地表權)的100%所有權權益,併成爲該項目的收費所有權所有者。

The First Option is subject to Reyna Silver making cash payments to Aulode in the aggregate amount of US$917,500 on or before August 2, 2030. The Second Option is subject to Reyna Silver making a production decision and making further cash payments to Aulode as follows:


(a) US$500,000 within thirty (30) days after Reyna Silver receives all construction, environmental and other permits required in order to proceed with construction on the Project; and

(a) 在Reyna Silver獲得項目施工所需的所有施工、環境和其他許可證後的三十(30)天內獲得500,000美元;以及

(b) US$2,000,000 no later than the date three months prior to the estimated date of commencement of construction on the Project.

(b) 不遲於項目預計開工日期前三個月的日期爲2,000,000美元。

If Reyna has not made a production decision by August 2, 2030, it may extend the date for exercise of the Second Option by up to a further three years by making further cash payments of US$250,000 in respect of each such one-year.extension.


On exercise of the Second Option by Reyna Silver, Reyna Silver will grant Aulode a 2.5% net smelter return ("NSR") royalty over the Project. Reyna Silver will have the option to repurchase 1.25% of the 2.5% NSR royalty at any time by paying Aulode US$2,500,000.


If Reyna Silver has not made a production decision by August 2, 2033, then Reyna Silver will quitclaim and transfer its rights in the Project to Aulode and Aulode will grant Reyna Silver a 2.0% NSR royalty over the Project. Aulode will have the option at any time to repurchase 1.00% of such 2.0% NSR royalty by paying Reyna Silver US$1,000,000, and to repurchase the remaining 1.00% of the 2.0% NSR royalty by paying Reyna Silver a further US$1,000,000.


For Further Information, Please Contact:


Bethany Terracina, VP Investor Relations

Bethany Terracina,投資者關係副總裁

About Reyna Silver Corp.


Reyna Silver is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company. The Company focuses on exploring for high-grade, district-scale silver deposits in Mexico and the United States. In Nevada USA, the Company has recently entered into an option to acquire 70% of the 10,300-hectare "Gryphon Summit Project" in a 50/50 partnership with Reyna Gold Corp. (TSXV:REYG). The Gryphon Project shows features indicating uniquely superimposed/overprinted Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper Carbonate Replacement (CRD), Carlin Gold and Critical Metals mineralization. Also in Nevada, the Company is advancing its option to acquire 100% of the "Medicine Springs Project" where the Company is exploring a potentially significant Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper CRD-skarn-Porphyry system. The Company's Mexican assets are 100% owned and include the "Guigui Project" and "Batopilas Project", both located in Chihuahua State. The Guigui Project covers the interpreted source area for the Santa Eulalia Carbonate Replacement Deposit District and Batopilas covers most of Mexico's historically highest-grade silver system.

Reyna Silver是一家以增長爲導向的初級勘探和開發公司。該公司專注於在墨西哥和美國勘探高品位、區域規模的白銀礦牀。在美國內華達州,該公司最近與雷納黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:REYG)簽訂了收購佔地10,300公頃的 “Gryphon Summit Project” 70%的股權的期權。Gryphon項目顯示了獨特的疊加/套印銀鉛鋅銅碳酸鹽替代物(CRD)、卡林金和關鍵金屬礦化的特徵。同樣在內華達州,該公司正在推進收購 “Medicine Springs項目” 100%股權的選擇權,該公司正在探索一個潛在的重要銀鉛鋅銅CRD-SKARN-Porphyry系統。該公司的墨西哥資產由100%擁有,包括位於奇瓦瓦州的 “Guigui項目” 和 “Batopilas項目”。Guigui項目涵蓋了Santa Eulalia碳酸鹽替代礦牀區的解釋來源區域,而巴託皮拉斯涵蓋了墨西哥歷史上品位最高的大部分白銀系統。

Forward Looking Information


This release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements relating to the Offering and the use of proceeds therefrom. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. All forward-looking statements in this press release are made as of the date of this press release. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to assumptions and risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's public securities filings with the Canadian securities commissions. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述不是歷史事實,通常以 “期望”、“計劃”、“預期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“項目”、“潛力” 和類似的表述來識別,或者事件或條件 “將”、“將”、“可能”、“可能” 或 “應該” 發生。前瞻性陳述可能包括但不限於與本次發行及其所得收益的使用有關的陳述。本警示聲明明確對本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述進行了全面限定。本新聞稿中的所有前瞻性陳述均自本新聞稿發佈之日起作出。此處包含的前瞻性陳述通常還受公司向加拿大證券委員會提交的公開證券文件中不時描述的假設、風險和不確定性的約束。儘管公司認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但此類陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異。無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因,公司明確表示不打算或有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述。

SOURCE: Reyna Silver Corp.


