
Decade to Investigate Potential New VMS Zone at Terrace BC - Assays up to 79.12 G/t Gold and 927 G/t Silver Obtained From Float VMS Mineralization on the Nobody Knows Zone of Decade Terrace Property

Decade to Investigate Potential New VMS Zone at Terrace BC - Assays up to 79.12 G/t Gold and 927 G/t Silver Obtained From Float VMS Mineralization on the Nobody Knows Zone of Decade Terrace Property

十年計劃在卑詩省Terrace探索潛在的新VMS區域 - 在Decade Terrace房產的Nobody Knows區域發現了高達79.12克/噸的黃金和927克/噸的白銀浮選VMS礦化物。
newsfile ·  08/06 20:00

Stewart, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 6, 2024) - Decade Resources Ltd (TSXV: DEC) ("Decade") reports that it has received assay results for an indicated new VMS zone within the Nobody Knows zone. The project is part of a large claim holding consisting of 54 minerals claims which include Nobody Knows, Dardanelle (presently farmed out) and Treasure Mountain properties totaling 24,179.7 hectares. All 54 mineral claims are 100% owned by Decade Resources Ltd.

2024年8月6日,不列顛哥倫比亞省斯圖爾特,新聞檔案網 - Decade資源有限公司(TSXV:DEC)(" Decade ")報告稱,其收到了該公司所屬Nobody Knows區域內已知新的VMS區域的化驗測定結果。該項目是由54個礦產權聲明組成的大型礦權保有項目的一部分,其中包括Nobody Knows、Dardanelle(目前已出讓)和Treasure Mountain等物業,總面積爲24179.7公頃。這54個礦業權全部歸Decade資源有限公司所有。

The indicated new VMS zone is located approximately 3 km SW from the Nobody Knows # 2 copper-silver red bed which the Company has been actively drilling. Highlights of the recent discovery exploration include the following:

新的指定VMS區位於Nobody Knows #2銅銀紅層牀附近,距離約3公里,公司一直在積極鑽探。最近發現的勘探亮點如下:

  • High values in gold-silver-copper-lead-zinc associated with arsenopyrite and elevated bismuth and cobalt from select grab samples.
  • Samples consist of sulphide fragments and black pyritic mud associated with anhydrite within a felsic lapilli tuff.
  • Samples are from blast rock used to cover road material located along a spur logging trail.
  • Location of samples are along a spur logging trail 500 m off a main haul road.
  • Staking of 2 new claims totaling 1163 ha (claim #'s 1113948 and 1113969). Refer to map above.
  • 與砷黃鐵礦和富集鉍鈷相關的高金銀銅鉛鋅值與選擇性抓取樣品一起呈現。
  • 樣品由硫化物碎片和伴隨着斑岩凝灰岩內的黑色火山泥組成。
  • 樣品來自用於覆蓋公路材料的爆破岩石,位於側向道路上。
  • 樣品前方有一個從主道路分出的側向道路,距離拐點約爲50000萬。
  • 新增兩個聲明,總面積爲1163公頃(聲明編號1113948和1113969)。參見上面的地圖。

E. Kruchkowski, P. Geo. President of the Company, states: "It is an exciting discovery of sample VMS mineralization in an area of previously no known VMS type mineralization. In addition, the presence of sample high grade gold makes this a very attractive target. The Company wishes to thank Hopi Kruchkowski, geological assistant for locating the blast float rock. The vuggy nature of weathered surfaces associated with a red-yellow stain led her to break material located along a well-travelled logging road. A total of 16 samples were collected from 2 locations separated by 200 m. along the road and examined once they were cut using a diamond saw. The presence of visible gold in one of the samples suggested that gold values might be substantial. The presence of anhydrite would indicate a source near the vent forming an anhydrite cap"

該公司的總裁E.Kruchkowski,P.Geo.表示:“這是一個激動人心的發現,發現了在以前沒有VMS型礦化的區域中的VMS礦化樣品。此外,高品位黃金的存在使其非常具有吸引力。該公司感謝地質助理Hopi Kruchkowski定位爆破浮巖。與紅黃色污漬相伴隨的風化表面多孔的特徵導致它在行駛頻繁的林業路上斷開。從道路上隔開20000萬的2個位置收集了總共16個樣品,並且在使用金剛石鋸切割後進行檢查。一個樣品中存在可見的金子,這表明金價值可能很高。硬石膏的存在會指示着在煤氣噴口附近形成了源頭。"

The above sample is indicative of the cut sample appearance with weathered out sulphide fragments giving a vuggy nature to the rocks. The grey mottling is due to very fine grained pyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite and minor chalcopyrite. The photo below is a slab cut off assay sample 24-JN-14.


Precipitated sulphides, sulphide fragments and anhydrite matrix are shown in this marked up photo.


Assay results for the 16 select grab samples are shown below. Sample 24-JN-4 was from a massive sphalerite boulder while sample 24-JN-5 was from a rock that was 0.4 m in diameter. Samples were located in several main areas separated by 200m. Between the 2 areas, a burn pile of waste wood from logging is stacked within a quarry used for road construction. The Company feels that this wood obscures the felsic rock formation. Samples 24-JN-1 to 7 were east of the samples 24-Jn-24-8 to 16 by several hundred meters. A table showing values for these select quarried samples are shown below:


Sample # Au g/t Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn %
24-Jn-1 40.24 108 0.86 0.11 0.65
24-Jn-2 28.62 58.99 0.3 0.08 0.55
24-Jn-3 39.03 169 1.226 0.12 0.74
24-Jn-4 17.043 927 2.32 7.93 27.15
24-Jn-5 79.12 690 2.192 3.27 14.22
24-Jn-6 19.33 99.39 0.5 0.11 2.08
24-Jn-7 10.603 178 1.119 0.9 23.36
24-Jn-8 10.655 49.04 0.19 0.18 0.53
24-Jn-9 0.185 3.35 0.043 0.007 0.05
24-Jn-10 40.94 142 0.41 0.11 0.73
24-Jn-11 31.57 96.23 0.41 0.61 1.27
24-Jn-12 34.27 251 1.426 0.23 3.87
24-Jn-13 9.517 168 0.77 0.25 4.33
24-Jn-14 36.59 230 1.613 0.32 4.2
24-Jn-15 50.82 363 1.373 2.02 9.59
24-Jn-16 37.32 159 0.4 0.08 0.18
樣品編號 Au克/噸 Ag g / t Cu % 市淨率% Zn %
24-Jn-1 40.24 108 0.86 0.11 12,666
24-Jn-2 28.62 $78.41 0.3 0.08 0.55
24-Jn-3 39.03 169 1.226 0.12 0.74
24-Jn-4 17.043 927 2.32 7.93 27.15
24-Jn-5 283,282 690 2.192 3.27 14.22
24-Jn-6 19.33 99.39 0.5 0.11 2.08
24-Jn-7 10.603 178 1.119 0.9 23.36
24-Jn-8 10.655 49.04 0.19 0.18 0.53
24-Jn-9 0.185 3.35 0.043 0.007 0.05
24-Jn-10 40.94 142 0.41 0.11 0.73
24-Jn-11 31.57 96.23 0.41 0.61 1.27
24-Jn-12 34.27 251 1.426 0.23 3.87
24-Jn-13 9.517 168 0.77 0.25 4.33
24-Jn-14 36.59 230 1.613 0.32 4.2
24-Jn-15 50.82 363 1.373 2.02 9.59
24-Jn-16 37.32 159 0.4 0.08 0.18

Note: The samples above were selective in nature and do not necessarily represent the metal content in the located source. The Company feels that the consistent high metal content in a variety of boulders from several locations. These results are highly encouraging and further investigation is warranted.


In addition the following table shows the values for arsenic, bismuth and cobalt as follows:


Sample # Bi ppm As ppm Co ppm
24-Jn-1 106.89 >10000 226.6
24-Jn-2 47.09 >10000 150.2
24-Jn-3 186.09 >10000 187.7
24-Jn-4 1673.05 >10000 616
24-Jn-5 688.39 >10000 356.4
24-Jn-6 99.91 >10000 79.9
24-Jn-7 193.99 >10000 154.9
24-Jn-8 49.05 >10000 82
24-Jn-9 3.69 96.8 87.3
24-Jn-10 185.37 >10000 223.8
24-Jn-11 173 >10000 245.2
24-Jn-12 86.71 >10000 161.3
24-Jn-13 109.64 >10000 157.2
24-Jn-14 143.33 >10000 204.2
24-Jn-15 528.04 >10000 289.7
24-Jn-16 165.19 >10000 172.2
樣品編號 鉍ppm 砷ppm 鈷ppm
24-Jn-1 106.89 >10000 226.6
24-Jn-2 47.09 >10000 150.2
24-Jn-3 186.09 >10000 187.7
24-Jn-4 1673.05 >10000 616
24-Jn-5 688.39 >10000 356.4
24-Jn-6 99.91 >10000 79.9
24-Jn-7 193.99 >10000 154.9
24-Jn-8 49.05 >10000 82
24-Jn-9 3.69 包括累計已攤銷部分和未攤銷的部分 87.3
24-Jn-10 185.37 >10000 223.8
24-Jn-11 173 >10000 245.2
24-Jn-12 86.71 >10000 161.3
24-Jn-13 截至2024年6月30日的三個和六個月內,該公司向某些員工授予了約152,100股和152,100股的基於時間和基於績效的限制性股票單位,其合併加權平均授予日期公允價值分別爲109.64美元/股和109.64美元/股。 >10000 157.2
24-Jn-14 143.33 >10000 204.2
24-Jn-15 528.04 >10000 289.7
24-Jn-16 165.19 >10000 172.2

Sampling in the area indicates < 100 ppm Arsenic, < 20 ppm bismuth and < 50 ppm cobalt as a comparison to the above anomalous values. The photo below shows the crude banded nature of the VMS mineralization in sample 24-JN-5 with mottled matrix hosting bands of semi-massive pyrite-chalcopyrite.

領域採樣表明,與上述異常值相比,砷小於100 ppm,鉍小於20 ppm,鈷小於50 ppm。下圖顯示了樣品24-JN-5 中VMS 礦化的粗帶狀特性,斑駁的基質中寄藏着半塊狀黃鐵礦-硫黃銅。

The next 2 marked up photos show the variable nature of the mineralization.


The above photo shows fragments of sulphides while the photo below shows precipitated sulphide in an anhydrite matrix.


MSA Labs prepared the samples in Terrace BC with the analysis being conducted in Vancouver.

MSA 實驗室在卑西Terrace 準備樣品,並在溫哥華進行分析。

The Company is confidant that the source area is established and plans to further investigate by further sampling and drilling. A drill capable of drilling NQ size core has been mobilized to test the target area.

公司有信心確定了資源區且計劃通過進一步採樣和鑽探進行深入研究。一個能夠鑽取NQ 型芯的鑽探機已調動至目標區域。

Ed. Kruchkowski, P. Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is in charge of the exploration programs on behalf of the Company and is responsible for the contents of this release. E. Kruchkowski supervised the collection of the samples and noted the nature of them. E. Kruchkowski has read and approved the scientific and technical disclosure. E. Kruchkowski is not independent of Decade as he is the president of the Company.

在本次工作中,負責公司勘探項目的礦產地質師Ed. Kruchkowski, P. Geo. Be,是國家技術規範43-101的合格人員,並負責本文件的全部內容。E. Kruchkowski 監督採集樣品並記錄了樣品性質。E. Kruchkowski 已審閱並批准科學技術披露。由於他是公司總裁,E. Kruchkowski 不是Decade 的獨立董事。

Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company actively seeking opportunities in the resource sector. Decade holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the "Golden Triangle" area of northern British Columbia. For a complete listing of the Company assets and developments, visit the Company website at . For investor information, please call 250-636-2264 or Gary Assaly at 604-377-7969.

Decade Resources Ltd.是一家加拿大礦業勘探公司,積極尋求資源領域的機會。Decade 持有多個基礎草根階段到先進階段的不同開發和勘探項目。其資產和項目均位於卑詩省北部的“金三角”地區。有關公司資產和發展的完整列表,請訪問公司網站。投資者信息,請致電250-636-2264或致電Gary Assaly 604-377-7969。


代表 Decade Resources Ltd.董事會

"Ed Kruchkowski"
Ed Kruchkowski, President

“Ed Kruchkowski”
Ed Kruchkowski,總裁

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