
NexGold Mining and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation Sign New Relationship Agreement for Goliath Gold Complex

NexGold Mining and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation Sign New Relationship Agreement for Goliath Gold Complex

NexGold Mining與Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation爲Goliath Gold Complex簽署新關係協議。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/06 19:00

TORONTO, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NexGold Mining Corp. (TSXV: NEXG) (OTCQX: NXGCF) (the "Company" or "NexGold") and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation ("WLON") today announced a new Relationship Agreement (the "Agreement") – a significant step towards Reconciliation and shared success in Canada's mining sector. The Agreement compensates for historical exploration activities in the traditional territories of Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and paves the way for improved First Nation participation in the future Goliath Gold Complex ("the Project").

NexGold Mining Corp. (TSXV: NEXG)(OTCQX: NXGCF)(以下簡稱“公司”或“NexGold”)與Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation(“WLON”)今天宣佈簽署了一項新的關係協議(“協議”),這是加拿大采礦業和解與共享成功邁出的重要一步。該協議補償了Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation傳統領土上的歷史勘探活動,併爲未來的Goliath Gold Complex(“該項目”)改善了第一民族的參與鋪平了道路。

Jeremy Wyeth, CEO of NexGold, stated, "NexGold couldn't be prouder to be embarking on this renewed relationship. As a company, we're honoured to operate on the traditional lands of the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, and we are committed to working together meaningfully and respectfully throughout the life of the Project and beyond. This agreement reaffirms the importance of strong and progressive collaborations with First Nations in the mining industry."

NexGold公司首席執行官Jeremy Wyeth表示:“NexGold非常自豪能夠開展這一更新的合作。作爲一家公司,我們很榮幸能夠在Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation的傳統土地上運營,我們致力於在該項目及以後的合作中與第一民族進行有意義和尊重的合作。該協議重申了與採礦行業中第一民族強而有力、前進的合作的重要性。”

Chief Clayton Wetelainen, Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation said, "We are a modern First Nation focused on sustainability and economic opportunity. As we create new business relationships, we require new arrangements for all activities on our lands. We must protect our rights and interests, inherent in our original use and occupation of our traditional territory since time immemorial."

Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation酋長Clayton Wetelainen表示:“我們是一個致力於可持續發展和經濟機會的現代第一民族。在我們創建新的商業關係時,我們需要新的安排來處理我們土地上的所有活動。我們必須保護我們的權利和利益,這是我們自古以來對傳統領土的原始使用和佔用所固有的。”

The new Agreement supports a jointly developed framework for collaboration between NexGold and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation for the Goliath Gold Complex. Some of the significant commitments within the agreement include:

新協議支持NexGold與Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation共同制定的Goliath Gold Complex合作框架。協議中的一些重要承諾包括:

  • Reconciliation measures that recognize and respect the inherent rights and Treaty and Aboriginal rights of Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation;
  • Capacity funding for continued engagement and consultation activities as well as agreed methods for information sharing and permit application reviews;
  • The formation of a technical working group;
  • New opportunities to maximize First Nation participation in Project activities through education, training, and mentorship opportunities;
  • Interim benefits from Exploration and other activities at the Project; and;
  • The negotiation of a life-of-mine agreement for the Goliath Gold Complex.
  • 認可和尊重Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation的固有權利、條約權利和原住民權利的和解措施;
  • 提供容量資金支持持續的參與和諮詢活動,並確定信息共享和許可申請審查的方法;
  • 成立技術工作組;
  • 通過教育、培訓和指導機會爲第一民族參與項目活動提供新機會;
  • 在項目的勘探和其他活動中獲得中期利益;
  • 就Goliath Gold Complex談判一項全面的礦山壽命週期協議。

The 2024 Relationship Agreement replaces the long-standing Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") that was signed between Tamaka Gold Corporation and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation in 2011.

2024年的關係協議取代了2011年Tamaka Gold Corporation與Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation簽署的長期諒解備忘錄(“MOU”)。

"NexGold looks forward to pursuing new approaches and innovative opportunities with Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation to strengthen our relationship," said Rachel Pineault, Vice President of HR, Sustainability, NexGold. "We know that the Nation's unique knowledge and guidance will bring tremendous benefits to the Goliath Gold Complex for the long term."

NexGold公司可持續發展和人力資源副總裁Rachel Pineault表示:“NexGold期待與Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation追求新的方法和創新機會,以加強我們的關係。我們知道,該民族的獨特知識和指導將爲Goliath Gold Complex帶來巨大的長期利益。”

About NexGold Mining Corp.

關於NexGold Mining Corp。

NexGold Mining Corp. is a gold-focused company with assets in Canada. NexGold's Goliath Gold Complex (which includes the Goliath, Goldlund and Miller deposits) is located in Northwestern Ontario. For information on the Goliath Gold Complex, refer to the technical report, prepared in accordance with NI 43-101, entitled "Goliath Gold Complex – NI 43-101 Technical Report and Prefeasibility Study" and dated March 27, 2023 with an effective date of February 22, 2023, led by independent consultants Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc. The technical report is available on SEDAR+ at , on the OTCQX at and on the Company website at .

NexGold Mining Corp.是一家在加拿大擁有資產的黃金公司。NexGold的Goliath Gold Complex(包括Goliath、Goldlund和Miller礦牀)位於安大略省西北部。有關Goliath Gold Complex的信息,請參閱根據NI 43-101編制的技術報告,名稱爲“Goliath Gold Complex – NI 43-101 Technical Report and Prefeasibility Study”,日期爲2023年3月27日,有效日期爲2023年2月22日,由獨立顧問Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc.領導。該技術報告在SEDAR+上、OTCQX上和公司網站上均可找到。

The Company also owns several other projects throughout Canada, including the Weebigee-Sandy Lake Gold Project JV, and grassroots gold exploration property Gold Rock. In addition, NexGold holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Niblack copper-gold-zinc-silver VMS project, located adjacent to tidewater in southeast Alaska, as well as five Hyder Area gold-silver and base metal properties in southeast Alaska. NexGold is committed to inclusive, informed and meaningful dialogue with regional communities and Indigenous Nations throughout the life of all our Projects and on all aspects, including creating sustainable economic opportunities, providing safe workplaces, enhancing of social value, and promoting community well-being. For further details about NexGold, please visit the Company's website at .

此外,該公司還在加拿大擁有其他幾個項目,包括Weebigee-Sandy Lake Gold Project JV和基礎的黃金勘探物業Gold Rock。此外,NexGold擁有Niblack銅金鋅銀VMS項目的高品位100%權益,該項目毗鄰東南阿拉斯加的潮汐水域,以及東南阿拉斯加的五個Hyder Area金銀和基本金屬物業。NexGold致力於與區域社區和土著民族進行包容性、權威和富有意義的對話,其內容包括創建可持續經濟機會,提供安全工作場所,增強社會價值,促進社區福祉等方面。有關NexGold的更多詳細信息,請訪問公司網站。



Morgan Lekstrom
NexGold Mining Corp.
T: +1 416-214-4654; Toll-free: +1-855-664-4654
Orin Baranowsky
NexGold Mining Corp。
T: +1 416-214-4654;免費電話:+1-855-664-4654
Orin Baranowsky

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