
Uranium Explorers Call For Lifting Mining Ban In Western Australia, Target $1B In Exports

Uranium Explorers Call For Lifting Mining Ban In Western Australia, Target $1B In Exports

Benzinga ·  08/06 18:29

Uranium explorers are calling on Western Australian authorities to lift the ban on uranium mining to capitalize on rising global demand and prices. Australia holds nearly a third of the world's known uranium reserves, yet only two out of its eight states and territories, South Australia and the Northern Territory, permit mining.


Uranium prices have surged, driven by the global shift toward nuclear energy as part of the energy transition. This rise in demand is essential for meeting decarbonization goals, with many countries planning to increase their nuclear energy capacity significantly.


Still, Australia has only two operating projects, producing a fraction of its capabilities and potentially missing export opportunities.


"The bans in some states like Western Australia, which is known for its mining history, are nonsensical and leave the nation at risk of missing out on soaring global demand. The time is now to remove these bans — there's a real economic cost to not doing it, "Jonathan Fisher, CEO of Cauldron Energy (OTCPK: CAULF), a uranium explorer, said for Bloomberg.

“像西澳這樣有着採礦歷史的一些州的禁令是荒謬的,讓國家面臨錯失飆升的全球需求的風險。現在是時候撤銷這些禁令了——不這麼做會有真實的經濟代價,”鈾勘探商Cauldron Energy (OTCPK:CAULF)的CEO Jonathan Fisher在接受彭博採訪時說。

Now read: Uranium Prices Surge To 16-Year Highs Due To Supply Uncertainties, Rising Demand For AI Data Centers

現在閱讀: 鈾價因供應不確定性和人工智能數據中心需求上升而飆升至16年高位

In addition to environmental concerns, Australia has a complex cultural heritage situation, as evidenced by the recent ban on mining at the Jabiluka site.


Discovered in the early 1970s, this high-grade uranium deposit has been at the center of legal and cultural disputes between Indigenous custodians and mining companies. The government recently extended the Kakadu National Park to include Jabiluka, prohibiting further mining activities.


Despite environmental concerns lingering from past incidents like the Chornobyl and Fukushima disasters and the ongoing cleanup from toxic leaks at the Ranger project in the Northern Territory, the industry argues that modern regulations and technologies can mitigate such risks.


The country's two operating uranium mines, BHP Group's (NYSE:BHP) Olympic Dam and Boss Energy's (OTC:BQSSF) Honeymoon project, contribute around 9% of the world's uranium supply.

該國兩個正在運營的鈾礦,BHP Group的奧林匹克壩和Boss Energy的Honeymoon項目,貢獻了全球約9%的鈾供應量。

The rising uranium prices, currently above $80 per pound, show the potential economic benefits of lifting the ban.


"Country after country has declared renewables aren't going to achieve their targets, and that nuclear will be a big component to reach net zero," said John Borshoff, CEO of uranium explorer Deep Yellow (OTC:DYLLF) which has the Mulga Rock project in Western Australia.

“各個國家都宣佈,可再生能源不能實現它們的目標,而核能將成爲達到淨零碳排放的重要組成部分,”鈾礦勘探商Deep Yellow (OTC:DYLLF)的CEO John Borshoff說,該公司在西澳Mulga Rock項目中擁有權益。

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA) supports lifting the ban. Earlier this year, they published a study estimating that lifting the ban could generate $1 billion and create 9,000 jobs.


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