
AlEn USA Donates Cleaning Supplies to Houston Food Bank To Support Communities Impacted by Hurricane Beryl

AlEn USA Donates Cleaning Supplies to Houston Food Bank To Support Communities Impacted by Hurricane Beryl

PR Newswire ·  08/05 22:00

The Houston-Based Cleaning Brand is Collaborating With H-E-B To Help Neighbors Recover


HOUSTON, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to Hurricane Beryl recently making landfall in Houston, causing insurmountable damage and loss, AlEn USA, in partnership with H-E-B, is announcing a donation of 66,096 lbs of Cloralen Concentrated Bleach to the Houston Food Bank. The cleaning supplies will be distributed to nearly 11,000 households to help restore a "sense of home". As the premier cleaning company for Hispanic American families, AlEn USA and its brands – Ensueño, PINALEN, and CLORALEN – know that for many people, a clean home also brings peace of mind and a feeling of stability.

2024年8月5日,休斯頓——針對颶風伯里爾最近在休斯頓登陸,造成難以估量的損失後, AlEn USA與H-E-b合作,宣佈向休斯頓食品銀行捐贈66,096磅Cloralen精華漂白劑。這些清潔用品將分發給將近11,000戶家庭,幫助恢復“家的感覺”。作爲西班牙裔美國家庭的首選清潔公司,AlEn USA及其品牌——Ensueño,PINALEN和CLORALEN知道,對於許多人來說,一個乾淨的家也帶來了內心的平靜和穩定感。

The aftermath of a hurricane requires heavy-duty clean-up solutions, which is why AlEn USA is donating their high-performance, multi-surface Cloralen concentrated bleach. The product is a stain remover, cleaner and deodorizer that can be used throughout the entire home. A week after Hurricane Beryl hit the region, local residents endured a heatwave and many are still without power, which is why it is critical that people keep their homes clean and sanitized to maintain healthy living conditions.

颶風后需要具備重型清潔解決方案,這就是爲什麼AlEn USA捐贈了它們的高性能多表面Cloralen精華漂白劑。該產品可以用於整個家庭的去污、清潔和除臭,並且是一種除污劑,可用於除去泥漬、血漬、咖啡漬等。在颶風伯里爾襲擊該地區一週後,當地居民忍受高溫天氣,許多人仍然沒有電,這就是爲什麼保持家庭清潔和衛生以維護健康居住條件至關重要。

"In the wake of a hurricane, step one is to remove mold and bacteria from your living spaces to maintain physical health, but a clean home is much more than that," said Greg Schwarz, Executive Vice President & Country General Manager at AlEn USA. "When the world around you feels out of control, having a clean space and a safe place to live is a major contributor to mental and emotional well-being. All of us at AlEn USA are committed to building a cleaner world and hope that through this donation we can contribute to those facing challenges."

“在颶風來襲的情況下,第一步就是從居住空間中去除黴菌和細菌,以保持身體健康,但是一個乾淨的家不僅僅是這些,”AlEn USA執行副總裁兼美國區總經理Greg Schwarz說道,“當你的周圍世界感覺失控時,擁有一個乾淨的空間和一個安全的住所是心理和情感健康的主要因素。我們所有在AlEn USA的人都致力於建立一個更清潔的世界,希望通過這種捐贈,我們可以爲面臨挑戰的人們做出貢獻。”

"We are grateful to have such a generous supplier, AlEn USA, make such an impactful donation to help us to take care of our community when it's needed the most. They are a shining example of Texans Helping Texans and we are proud to partner with them," said Lisa Helfman, Managing Director, H-E-B Public Affairs.

“我們非常感謝這麼慷慨的供應商AlEn USA,在我們最需要幫助社區的時候,提供瞭如此有影響力的捐贈。他們是德克薩斯州人互幫互助的光輝榜樣,我們很自豪能與他們合作,”H-E-b公共事務部董事總經理Lisa Helfman表示。

"Houston Food Bank is so grateful for the support of AlEn USA during the pandemic and in response to Hurricane Beryl," said Brian Greene, president/CEO of Houston Food Bank. "This donation of 66,096 lbs. of bleach will support neighbors throughout our 18-county service area affected by the extended power outages and as they continue to recover from Beryl. These items are extremely helpful for our neighbors, and we look forward to our continued partnership with AlEn USA for years to come."

“休斯頓食品銀行非常感激AlEn USA在疫情期間和對颶風伯里爾的響應中所提供的支持,”休斯頓食品銀行總裁兼首席執行官Brian Greene表示,“這捐贈的66,096磅漂白劑將在我們18個服務區爲受到停電影響的鄰居提供幫助,併爲他們繼續從伯里爾中恢復提供支持。這些物品對我們的鄰居非常有幫助,我們期待在未來幾年繼續與AlEn USA合作。”

In addition to financial support, AlEn USA provides volunteer work and community giveback campaigns year-round. Employee volunteers have participated in activities including cleaning public spaces and schools, natural disaster relief, educational work, local fundraising, races for a cause, reforestation and recycling. The company's mission is to build a cleaner and more sustainable world, and connecting with the local Houston and Texas areas is one important step towards that greater goal.

除了提供財務支持之外,AlEn USA還提供全年的志願工作和社區回饋活動。員工志願者參加了包括清潔公共空間和學校、自然災害救援、教育工作、本地籌款、爲事業而跑、再造林和回收等活動。該公司的使命是建立一個更清潔、更可持續的世界,並與當地的休斯頓和德克薩斯地區建立聯繫是那個更偉大的目標的一個重要步驟。

About AlEn USA
Headquartered in Houston, Texas, AlEn USA is a subsidiary of AlEn, a Mexican corporation dedicated to generating innovative hygiene and wellness solutions for the home through high-value brands. With 75 years of experience, its purpose is to build a cleaner and more sustainable world for you. AlEn Foundation represents the company's commitment to social and environmental development of communities; investing in projects related to education, environment and communities, while also leveraging the benefits of AlEn family products to bring cleanliness and well-being. For more information, visit .

關於AlEn USA
總部位於德克薩斯州休斯頓,AlEn USA是AlEn的子公司,AlEn是一家墨西哥企業,致力於通過高價值品牌爲家庭生成創新的衛生和健康解決方案。憑藉75年的經驗,其目的是爲您建立一個更清潔、更可持續的世界。AlEn Foundation代表了公司對社區的社會環境發展的承諾,投資於與教育、環境和社區有關的項目,同時利用AlEn家庭產品的好處,帶來清潔和健康。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .


來源:AlEn USA

