
Earnings Call Summary | InTEST(INTT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | InTEST(INTT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | InTEST(INTt.US) 2024年Q2業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/03 23:59  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the InTEST Corporation (INTT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是 InTESt 公司(INTT)2024Q2業績會簡介:

Financial Performance:


  • inTEST Corporation reported Q2 2024 revenue of $34 million, including a significant contribution from the recent acquisition of Alfamation.

  • Gross margin for the quarter was recorded at 40.6%, which was lower than expected due to unfavorable product mix and higher volume at the low end of the guidance range.

  • EPS for Q2 stood at $0.02 per diluted share, with adjusted EPS at $0.08, reflecting adjustments for acquired intangible amortization.

  • InTESt 公司報告 2024Q2 營業收入爲3400萬美元,包括最近收購 Alfamation 所做出的重大貢獻。

  • 本季度毛利率爲40.6%,低於預期,這是由於不利產品組合和低端指導區間成交量較高所致。

  • 2024Q2每股收益爲0.02美元,調整後每股收益爲0.08美元,反映了取得的無形資產攤銷調整。

Business Progress:


  • The acquisition of Alfamation late in Q1 contributed $9.7 million to the quarter's revenue, showcasing effective integration and synergy realization across product technology sharing and supply chain management.

  • inTEST continues to navigate the challenging semiconductor market, with efforts to diversify into markets like Life Sciences and consumer electronics through acquisitions and innovation strategies.

  • Q1末收購 Alfamation,爲本季度貢獻了970萬美元的營業收入,展示了有效的產品技術共享和供應鏈管理的整合與協同效應。

  • inTESt 公司致力於通過收購和創新戰略,進入生命科學和消費電子等市場,應對挑戰性的半導體市場。



  • The company is focusing on diversified markets, aiming to mitigate the current sluggishness in semiconductor and Auto/EV sectors through innovations and acquisitions like Alfamation which positions them stronger in the automotive electronics and infotainment markets.

  • 該公司專注於多元化市場,旨在通過創新和收購(例如 Alfamation)在汽車電子和信息娛樂市場中處於更強的地位,以緩解目前半導體和汽車/電動汽車領域的不景氣。



  • The company forecasts continued challenges in the semiconductor front-end segment, affecting operations and financial performance into 2025.

  • Delivery pushouts by customers indicate ongoing uncertainties in market demand, although no cancellations have been reported, suggesting only a temporal shift rather than a loss of business.

  • 公司預測前端半導體領域的挑戰將持續影響運營和財務表現,直到2025年。

  • 受市場需求的不確定性影響,客戶推遲交貨,儘管未報告任何取消,但只是暫時轉移,而不是業務損失。

More details: inTEST IR

更多詳情:inTESt 投資者關係。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


