
Earnings Call Summary | Cavco Industries(CVCO.US) Q1 2025 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Cavco Industries(CVCO.US) Q1 2025 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | 卡寇工業(CVCO.US) 2025年Q1業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/03 05:50  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Cavco Industries, Inc. (CVCO) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Cavco Industries reported a marginal increase in net revenue to $477.6 million, up by 0.4% compared to the previous year.

  • Gross margin as a percentage of net revenue declined to 21.7%, down from 24.8%, primarily due to lower average selling prices and losses in the Financial Services segment.

  • Pretax profit decreased by 27.7% to $43.9 million due to losses in the Financial Services segment.

  • Diluted earnings per share were $4.11, down from $5.29 last year.

  • 卡寇工業報告淨營業收入微幅增長至477.6百萬美元,同比增長0.4%。

  • 毛利率佔淨營業收入的百分比下降至21.7%,較上年的24.8%下降,主要是由於平均銷售價格下降和金融服務業務出現虧損。

  • 由於金融服務板塊虧損,稅前利潤下降27.7%,至4390萬美元。

  • 每股攤薄收益爲4.11美元,低於去年的5.29美元。

Business Progress:


  • Cavco Industries has seen a 25% increase in orders and a 20% increase in shipments with a maintained backlog of around 7 to 8 weeks.

  • The company experienced significant growth in the lower-cost, single-section home market.

  • Continued investments in operational improvements have been made despite reduced production volumes in recent quarters.

  • 卡寇工業訂單增長25%,出貨量增長20%,保持約7至8周的積壓訂單。

  • 該公司在低成本單節房屋市場上經歷了顯著增長。

  • 儘管在最近幾個季度的生產量下降,但繼續投資於運營改進。



  • The stable wholesale pricing and rising community orders suggest potential market recovery and improved sales moving forward.

  • 穩定的批發價格和不斷增長的社區訂單表明潛在的市場復甦和銷售改善。



  • Financial Services segment suffered from high insurance losses due to convective storms and fires, impacting profitability with a pretax net loss of $5.2 million. Additional weather events like Hurricane Beryl may also affect upcoming quarterly results.

  • 由於對流風暴和火災造成的高額保險賠款,金融服務板塊遭受損失,稅前淨虧損爲520萬美元。像伯利颶風之類的天氣事件也可能影響未來季度的業績。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


