
Cannabis Co. C21 Investments Reports Stub Period Revenue Of $4.5M Following $3.5M Deep Roots Harvest Acquisition

Cannabis Co. C21 Investments Reports Stub Period Revenue Of $4.5M Following $3.5M Deep Roots Harvest Acquisition

大麻股C21投資報告稱,收購Deep Roots Harvest後的短期營業收入爲450萬美元。
Benzinga ·  08/02 21:41

Vertically integrated cannabis company C21 Investments Inc. (CSE:CXXI) (OTCQX:CXXIF) announced its audited financial statements on Thursday as well as management discussion and analysis for its two-month stub fiscal period ended March 31, 2024.

垂直整合大麻股公司C21 Investments Inc.(cse:cxxi)(OTCQX:cxxif)於週四宣佈了其經過審計的財務報表,以及截至2024年3月31日的兩個月零頭的管理討論與分析。

The two-month stub period resulted from the company's previously announced change of its fiscal year end from January 31 to March 31.


"We are pleased to announce the release of our audited two-month stub period financial statements," CEO and president Sonny Newman said. "This transition from our previous January 31 fiscal year end to a March 31 fiscal year end will better align the company with the reporting schedule of our peers, and better equip our auditors to complete their work promptly moving forward. Our operations continued to perform well in this stub period. Retail sales run rates and margins were comparable to the previous quarter and we remained one of the only positive free cash flow public companies in U.S. cannabis."

“我們很高興宣佈發佈經過審計的爲期兩個月的零頭財務報表”,首席執行官兼總裁Sonny Newman表示。“這次從我們之前的1月31日財政年度結束日改爲3月31日的過渡將使公司與同行的報告時間表更好地對齊,並更好地裝備我們的核數師,以便他們繼續迅速完成工作。我們的運營在這個零頭期間繼續表現良好。零售銷售額和利潤率與上一季度相當,並且我們仍然是美國大麻領域中爲數不多的正向自由現金流公共公司之一。”

Read Also: Cannabis Co. C21 Investments Reports Fifth Consecutive Year Of Positive Free Cash Flow, Following $3.5M Deep Roots Harvest Acquisition

閱讀還要:大麻股C21 Investments報告了第五個連續年度的正向自由現金流,隨後收購了Deep Roots Harvest的350萬美元。


Financial Highlights For Two-Month Stub Period From February 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024

兩個月的零頭期間財務亮點 2024年2月1日至2024年3月31日

  • Revenue totaled $4.5 million.
  • Gross profit amounted to $1.8 million.
  • Selling, general and administrative expenses amounted to $1.5 million.
  • Net loss amounted to $74.404.
  • Operating cash flow was $0.9 million.
  • Positive free cash flow was $0.9 million.
  • As of March 31, the company had $55.2 million in total assets and $24.2 million in total liabilities.
  • 營業收入總額爲450萬美元。
  • 毛利潤總額爲180萬美元。
  • 銷售、一般及管理費用總額爲150萬美元。
  • 淨虧損總額爲74.404美元。
  • 營業現金流量爲90萬美元。
  • 自由現金流爲90萬美元。
  • 截至3月31日,公司總資產爲5520萬美元,總負債爲2420萬美元。

Subsequent to the end of the period, C21 Investments has wrapped up the previously announced $3.5 million acquisition of an operational retail cannabis dispensary in South Reno, Nevada in June.

該期結束後,C21 Investments在6月份完成了之前宣佈的350萬美元收購內華達州南里諾的一個營業中的零售大麻零售店。

Before that, the company closed a non-brokered private placement offering of its convertible debenture units for aggregate gross proceeds of CA$4 million ($2.9 million). C21 Investments used the net proceeds to fund the acquisition of Deep Roots Harvest, Inc.'s assets – the Southern Reno retail cannabis dispensary – by its wholly-owned Nevada subsidiary, Silver State Relief, LLC.

在此之前,公司通過發行可轉換債券單位的非經紀人私募定向增發,獲得了400萬加元(290萬美元)的總毛收益。C21 Investments將淨收益用於由其全資子公司Silver State Relief,LLC購買Deep Roots Harvest,Inc.資產(南里諾零售大麻零售店)。

  • Drive-Thru Cannabis Sales Help C21: Same-Store Sales Up, But Revenue Down In Q3
  • 在第三季度帶動C21的汽車點購銷售額增長,但營業收入下降,同店銷售額增長。

