
Batteries Plus Teams Up With Green Bay Packers to Launch Battery Recycling Initiative Backed By U.S. Department of Energy

Batteries Plus Teams Up With Green Bay Packers to Launch Battery Recycling Initiative Backed By U.S. Department of Energy

Batteries Plus與綠灣包裝工隊合作,推出由美國能源部支持的電池回收計劃。
PR Newswire ·  08/02 04:52

Robust Partnership Aims to Make Battery Recycling Mainstream, Engage Communities, and Promote Sustainability


HARTLAND, Wis., Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following the news of being chosen to enter into negotiations for a $7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, Batteries Plus – the nation's leading specialty battery retailer – announced today at Lambeau Field its partnership with the Green Bay Packers to launch a new battery recycling initiative. Backed by the Department of Energy, this collaboration aims to reshape battery recycling efforts across the country, engaging communities in a shared commitment to environmental sustainability.

威斯康星哈特蘭,2024年8月1日/美通社/ - 在熱火神殿被選為與美國能源部進行7百萬美元補助金談判的消息之後,Batteries Plus - 全國領先的特殊電池零售商 - 今天在澤西擊敗亞利桑那卡迪縣的球隊發布了與綠灣包裝工合作啟動新的電池回收計劃。由能源部支持,此項合作旨在重塑全國的電池回收工作,使社區共同致力於環境可持續性。

"This grant is a pivotal step in our mission to make battery recycling accessible and mainstream."


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Batteries Plus announces partnership with Green Bay Packers and U.S. Department of Energy to Make Battery Recycling Mainstream, Engage Communities, and Promote Sustainability
Batteries Plus宣佈與綠灣包裝工和美國能源部合作,使電池回收成爲主流,參與社區,並促進可持續發展。

The initiative will see the implementation of highly visible recycling stations at Wisconsin Batteries Plus locations as well as an interactive booth at Lambeau Field that showcases and educates consumers on how to properly recycle batteries. Cirba Solutions, Batteries Plus's preferred recycling partner for 14 years, will help facilitate the recycling process as the brand will encourage fans to visit their local Batteries Plus store to recycle their old and used batteries. The brand is also launching recycling contests with local schools, with the winning class from the selected school winning an exclusive Lambeau Field experience. As part of the launch, the interactive booth will be set up at select Packers games this season, including the preseason Family Night and games against the Minnesota Vikings and Arizona Cardinals, where they can also enter to win exclusive Packers experiences and prizes.

此舉將在威斯康星州Batteries Plus門店實施高度可見的回收站,並在熱火神殿設置互動展位,向消費者展示如何正確地回收電池。Batteries Plus的合作回收合作伙伴Cirba Solutions將幫助促進回收流程,因爲該品牌將鼓勵粉絲到當地的Batteries Plus商店回收他們的舊電池和使用電池。該品牌還將與當地學校合作舉辦回收比賽,選中學校的獲勝班級將獲得獨家的熱火神殿體驗。作爲啓動計劃的一部分,交互式展位將在本賽季選擇的包裝工的比賽中設置,在季前家庭之夜以及與明尼蘇達維京人和亞利桑那紅雀的比賽中,粉絲們還可以輸入以贏取獨家的包裝工體驗和獎品。

"This grant is a pivotal step in our mission to make battery recycling accessible and mainstream," said Scott Williams, CEO of Batteries Plus. "By eliminating recycling fees at our stores and developing advanced recycling workstations, we're removing barriers and making it easier for consumers to do their part in preserving both our natural resources and the strength of our domestic supply chain. We're excited to partner with the Department of Energy and the Green Bay Packers to bring this important message to a wider audience."

Batteries Plus的首席執行官Scott Williams說:“這筆資金是我們使電池回收變得易於接近和成爲主流的使命的重要一步。通過在我們的商店免除回收費用並開發先進的回收工作站,我們正在消除障礙,使消費者更容易履行他們在維護自然資源和國內供應鏈實力方面的責任。我們很高興與美國能源部和綠色灣包裝者合作,向更廣泛的受衆傳遞這個重要信息。”

The Green Bay Packers, the winningest team in NFL history and staunchly community-supported organization, will help Batteries Plus reach even more people during this initiative. The first Batteries Plus location opened in Green Bay in 1988, and as Wisconsin-based organizations, the support will be closely knit prior to the initiative's national rollout. This effort complements the Packers' existing 'Green Team' sustainability efforts on gameday and every day at Lambeau Field.

作爲美國橄欖球歷史上獲勝最多的球隊和堅定支持社區的組織,綠灣包裝者將在此計劃期間幫助Batteries Plus吸引更多人。Batteries Plus於1988年在綠灣開設了第一個門店,作爲威斯康星企業,這種支持將在計劃的全國推廣之前密切結合。此舉是對包裝工賽日和熱火神殿每天的機會的補充。

"The Green Bay Packers are proud to be a part of this vital initiative," said Aaron Popkey, Packers Director of Public Affairs. "As a team deeply rooted in the community, we recognize the importance of sustainability and are committed to promoting responsible recycling practices among our fans."

綠色灣包裝者的公共事務主任Aaron Popkey說:“綠灣包裝者很自豪能成爲這個重要計劃的一部分。作爲一個深深扎根於社區的團隊,我們認識到可持續性的重要性,並致力於在粉絲中推廣負責任的回收實踐。”

The Department of Energy entered discussions with Batteries Plus last month for the $7 million grant to help install portable consumer battery recycling drop-offs at their stores. On top of eliminating the costs for recycling batteries, the Department of Energy and Batteries Plus are committed to educating consumers on lithium battery recycling on a national scale in each community the brand operates, with an added focus on Justice40 communities. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was in attendance to show support for this initiative prior to its national rollout.

美國能源部上個月開始與Batteries Plus進行7百萬美元的撥款談判,以幫助安裝其門店的便攜式消費者電池回收卸貨站。除了消除電池回收成本外,美國能源部和Batteries Plus還致力於在品牌運營的每個社區全國範圍內教育消費者鋰電池回收問題,重點關注Justice40社區。能源部長詹妮弗·格蘭霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)在這個活動中表示支持此舉在全國範圍內推出之前。

At the press conference, Secretary Granholm said, "This is a huge step in American energy independence and building a full American supply chain. We need to be extracting the critical materials in these batteries in a responsible way by recycling the materials we already have in our system. Partnering with Batteries Plus and a great football team like the Packers will create this cycle."

在新聞發佈會上,格蘭霍姆部長說:“這是實現美國能源獨立和建立全面美國供應鏈的重要一步。我們需要通過回收我們系統中已有的材料,以負責任的方式提取這些電池中的關鍵材料。與Batteries Plus和像包裝工一樣優秀的橄欖球隊合作將創造這個週期。”

While the initiative is breaking ground in Wisconsin Batteries Plus locations and Lambeau Field, Batteries Plus will be rolling out the recycling initiative in a nationwide effort as well. For 30 years, Batteries Plus has been America's destination for battery recycling, annually processing 50 million pounds of batteries, including over 1 million pounds of lithium-based batteries—a number that continues to grow. Partnering with the Department of Energy and the Green Bay Packers gives Batteries Plus the opportunity to expand upon the processes already in place to make recycling batteries more mainstream and efficient in order to better protect the environment.

雖然該計劃正在威斯康星Batteries Plus門店和熱火神殿進行,但Batteries Plus將在全國範圍內推出回收計劃。 30年來,Batteries Plus一直是美國最大的電池回收目的地,每年處理5000萬磅電池,包括超過100萬磅的鋰離子電池 - 這一數字仍在增長。 與美國能源部和綠色灣包裝者合作,Batteries Plus有機會建立已經建立起來的流程,以使回收電池更具普及性和高效性,以更好地保護環境。

For a comprehensive list of batteries that can be recycled, including household, rechargeable, and lithium-based batteries, and to find a convenient Batteries Plus location near you, please visit .

有關可回收的電池(包括家用電池,可充電電池和鋰離子電池)的詳細列表以及找到您附近方便的Batteries Plus門店,請訪問 。


關於Batteries Plus:

Batteries Plus is a leading specialty retailer that offers an unmatched selection of battery solutions for consumers and businesses, no matter their power needs. With over 700 locations in 46 states and Puerto Rico, the retailer not only has unrivaled selection when it comes to meeting power needs, but its stores offer expertise to go along with any purchase. Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Hartland, WI, Batteries Plus is owned by Freeman Spogli, a private equity firm based in Los Angeles and New York City. To learn more about Batteries Plus and its products and services, visit . For more information on Batteries Plus' services for all B2B power needs, visit . To learn more about one of Forbes' Best Franchises to Buy in America, visit .

Batteries Plus是一家領先的特殊零售商,爲消費者和企業提供無與倫比的電池解決方案,無論其電力需求如何。憑藉46個州和波多黎各的700多個門店,該零售商不僅在滿足動力需求方面擁有無與倫比的選擇,而且其商店還提供與任何購買相匹配的專業知識。Batteries Plus成立於1988年,總部位於威斯康星州哈特蘭,是位於洛杉磯和紐約市的私人股權投資公司Freeman Spogli所有。要了解有關Batteries Plus及其產品和服務的詳細信息,請訪問。有關B20億所有動力需求的更多信息,請訪問。有關在美國購買最佳特許經營權之一的有關Forbes的更多信息,請訪問。



The Green Bay Packers, established in 1919, are the NFL's only community-owned team with more than 539,000 shareholders. With a tradition of excellence, the Packers have captured an NFL-record 13 world championships, including four Super Bowls, and have 28 individuals enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, a total that is second among all teams. Lambeau Field, the Packers' venerable home that was built in 1957, is the longest-tenured stadium in the NFL and recognized by many as having the top gameday experience in professional sports. In the community, the Packers have an annual economic impact of more than $300 million.

綠灣包裝工成立於1919年,是NFL唯一的社區擁有的隊伍,擁有超過539,000股東。憑藉卓越的傳統,包裝者贏得了13個NFL世界冠軍,包括四個超級碗冠軍,並在職業足球名人堂中有28個人員入選,該數字僅次於所有團隊。內森蘭博田(Lambeau Field)是包裝工的古老家園,於1957年建成,是NFL中經營時間最長的體育場,並被許多人認爲是專業體育中最好的比賽日經驗。在社區中,包裝工每年的經濟影響超過3億美元。



The U.S. Department of Energy was activated on October 1, 1977. Today, the Department's priority ensures the nation's security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges through science and technology solutions. The Department seeks to transform the nation's energy system and secure leadership in clean energy technologies, pursue world-class science and engineering as a cornerstone of economic prosperity, and enhance nuclear security through defense, nonproliferation, and environmental efforts.


Media Contact:
Danny Stewart
Fishman Public Relations
[email protected]
847.945.1300 ext. 266

Danny Stewart
Fishman Public Relations
[email protected]
847.945.1300 分機 266

SOURCE Batteries Plus

資源:Batteries Plus

