
Tree Island Steel Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

Tree Island Steel Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

Tree Island鋼鐵公佈2024年第二季度業績
GlobeNewswire ·  08/02 04:30

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tree Island Steel (''Tree Island'' or the ''Company'') (TSX: TSL) announced today its financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2024.

2024年6月30日結束的三個月,樹島鋼鐵(“Tree Island”或“公司”)(TSX:TSL)宣佈了其2024年財務業績,其中營業收入爲5400萬美元,扣除運費和分銷成本後減少960萬美元,而2023年營業額爲6360萬美元。本季度的毛利潤下降至460萬美元,而2023年同期爲910萬美元。調整後EBITDA金額爲290萬美元,而2023年同期爲680萬美元。收益減少的最大推動因素是銷售價格的下降以及對原材料成本減少的影響較小,去年關閉的Etiwanda工廠也對銷量和收入產生了一定程度的影響。

For the three-month period ended June 30, 2024, revenues, net of freight and distribution costs, decreased by $9.6 million to $54.0 million, compared to $63.6 million in 2023. Gross profit for the quarter decreased to $4.6 million, from $9.1 million in the same period in 2023. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to $2.9 million, compared to $6.8 million during the same period in 2023. The largest drivers for the decreased earnings are the lower average selling prices and reduced spread over raw material costs. To a lesser extent, the shutdown of Etiwanda facility last year also impacted the volumes and revenue.


For the six months ended June 30, 2024, revenues, net of freight and distribution costs, decreased by $28.4 million to $110.5 million compared to $138.9 million in 2023 and gross profit decreased to $9.4 million from $20.9 million. The decrease is for the same factors as in the quarter. This resulted in an Adjusted EBITDA of $6.0 million, compared to $16.6 million during the same period in 2023.


"The first half of the year was challenged with customers conservatively managing their inventories and selling prices trending lower, resulting in further compression in our gross profit margins. We expect these headwinds to continue into the second half of the year. The Company is continuing to address operational challenges that have the potential to impact its future operating results and cashflows, including the ongoing trade cases in Canada and the US and increasing environmental and regulatory compliance requirements. As noted last quarter, these market conditions require careful management to maintain the Company's operating results," commented Nancy Davies, Chief Operating Officer of Tree Island Steel.

"上半年客戶謹慎管理其庫存,銷售價格趨勢下降,這進一步壓縮了我們的毛利率。我們預計這些逆風將持續到下半年。公司正在繼續解決可能影響其未來運營業績和現金流的運營挑戰,包括加拿大和美國的貿易案件以及不斷增加的環保和監管合規要求。正如上季度所指出的,這些市場條件需要謹慎管理才能維持公司的運營業績。"Tree Island Steel的首席運營官Nancy Davies如此評論。

Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
($'000 unless otherwise stated) June 30, June 30,
2024 2023 2024 2023
Revenue 57,718 67,263 118,308 147,011
Freight and distribution costs (3,732) (3,672) (7,769) (8,150)
Subtotal 53,986 63,591 110,539 138,861
Cost of sales (48,013) (53,304) (98,421) (115,461)
Depreciation (1,365) (1,205) (2,682) (2,534)
Gross profit 4,608 9,082 9,436 20,866
Selling, general and administrative expenses (3,288) (3,352) (6,679) (6,836)
Operating income 1,320 5,730 2,757 14,030
Foreign exchange gain (loss) 202 (125) 584 18
Loss on disposition of property, plant and equipment disposal (31) (97)
Site closure costs (1,040) (1,340)
Reorganization costs (11) (2097) (11) (2,097)
Interest Income 128 253 335 390
Financing Expenses (568) (371) (1,128) (807)
Income before income taxes 1,071 2,319 2,537 10,097
Income tax expense (461) (668) (1,301) (2,596)
Net income 610 1,651 1,236 7,501
Net income per share 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.27
Dividends per share 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.10
June 30, December 31,
Financial position as at: 2024 2023
Total assets 173,583 174,260
Total non‐current financial liabilities 30,312 28,439
Adjusted EBITDA
Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
($'000 unless otherwise stated) June 30, June 30,
2024 2023 2024 2023
Operating income 5,730 1,320 5,730 2,757 14,030
Add back depreciation 1,365 1,205 2,682 2,534
Foreign exchange (loss) gain 202 (125) 584 18
Adjusted EBITDA1 2,887 6,810 6,023 16,582
三個月之內結束 銷售額最高的六個月
(除非另有說明,否則爲$'000) 2020年6月30日 2020年6月30日
2024 2023 2024 2023
營業收入 57,718 67,263 118,308 147,011
運費和分銷成本 (3,732) (3,672) (7,769) (8,150)
小計 53,986 63,591 110,539 138,861
銷售成本 (48,013) (53,304) (98,421) (115,461)
折舊費用 (1,365) (1,205) (2,682) (2,534)
毛利潤 4,608 9,082 9,436 20,866
銷售,總務及管理費用 (3,288) (3,352) (6,679) (6,836)
營業利潤 1,320 5,730 2,757 14,030
匯率期貨損益 202 (125) 584 18
處置固定資產的損失 (31) (97)
場地關閉成本 (1,040) (1,340)
重組成本 (11) (2097) (11) (2,097)
利息收入 128 253 335 390
融資費用 (568) (371) (1,128) (807)
稅前收入 1,071 2,319 2,537 10,097
所得稅費用 (461) (668) (1,301) (2,596)
淨收入 610 1,651 1,236 7,501
每股淨收益 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.27
每股分紅派息 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.10
2020年6月30日 12月31日
截至:財務狀況 2024 2023
總資產 173,583 174,260
總非流動負債 30312 28,439
三個月之內結束 銷售額最高的六個月
(除非另有說明,否則爲千美元) 2020年6月30日 2020年6月30日
2024 2023 2024 2023
營業利潤 5,730 1,320 5,730 2,757 14,030
增加折舊費用 1,365 1,205 2,682 2,534
匯率期貨(損失)收益 202 (125) 584 18
調整後的EBITDA1 2,887 6,810 6,023 16,582

1 See definition on Adjusted EBITDA in Section 2 NON‐IFRS MEASURES of the June 30, 2024, MD&A.


About Tree Island Steel

關於Tree Island Steel

Tree Island Steel, headquartered in Richmond, British Columbia since 1964, through its operating facilities in Canada and the United States, produces wire products for a diverse range of industrial, residential construction, commercial construction and agricultural applications. Its products include galvanized wire, bright wire; a broad array of fasteners, including packaged, collated and bulk nails; stucco reinforcing products; concrete reinforcing mesh; fencing and other fabricated wire products. The Company markets these products under the Tree Island, Halsteel, K-Lath, TI Wire, ToughStrand and ToughPanel brand names.

Tree Island Steel自1964年以來總部位於不列顛哥倫比亞省里士滿市,通過其在加拿大和美國的生產設施,爲各種工業、住宅建築、商業建築和農業應用領域生產線材產品。其產品包括鍍鋅線、亮線;一系列包裝、釘條和散裝釘;灰泥加固產品;混凝土加固網;圍欄和其他加工線材產品。該公司在Tree Island、Halsteel Lath、TI Wire、ToughStrand和ToughPanel品牌下銷售這些產品。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes forward-looking information with respect to Tree Island including its business, operations and strategies, its dividend policy and the declaration and payment of dividends thereunder as well as financial performance and conditions. The use of forward-looking words such as, "may," "will," "expect" or similar variations generally identify such statements. Any statements that are contained herein that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Although management believes that expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements involve risks and uncertainties including risks and uncertainties discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Tree Island's most recent annual information form and management discussion and analysis.

本新聞稿包含關於Tree Island包括其業務、運營和策略、其股息政策以及根據該政策宣佈和支付股息以及財務業績和狀況的前瞻信息。使用"可能","將","期望"或類似的變體一般標識這些語句。本文所包含的任何不是歷史事實的聲明均可能被視爲前瞻性聲明。儘管管理層認爲前瞻性聲明所反映的預期是合理的,但此類聲明涉及風險和不確定性,包括在Tree Island最近的年度信息形式和管理層討論與分析的“風險因素”下討論的風險和不確定性。

The forward-looking statements contained herein reflect management's current beliefs and are based upon certain assumptions that management believes to be reasonable based on the information currently available to management. By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and a number of factors could cause actual events or results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. In evaluating these forward-looking statements, prospective investors should specifically consider various factors including the risks outlined herein under the heading "Risk Factors" which may cause actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: general economic, market and business conditions, public health epidemics, the economy and potentially its supply chain, the cyclical nature of our business and demand for our products, impact of any tax reassessments or appeals therefrom, financial condition of our customers, competition, deterioration in Tree Island Steel's liquidity, leverage, and restrictive covenants, disruption in the supply of raw materials, volatility in the costs of raw materials, dependence on the construction industry, transportation costs and availability, foreign exchange fluctuations, labour relations, trade actions, dependence on key personnel and skilled workers, reliance on key customers, environmental matters, intellectual property risks, energy costs, un-insured loss, credit risk, operating risk, management of growth, success of acquisition and integration strategies, and other risks and uncertainties set forth in our publicly filed materials.

本文中包含的前瞻性聲明反映了管理層目前的信仰,並基於管理層目前認爲合理的某些假設。由於其本質上,前瞻性聲明涉及通常的風險和不確定性以及若干因素可能會導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性聲明中討論的結果實質上有所不同。在評估這些前瞻性聲明時,潛在投資者應特別考慮各種因素,包括在此處所述的風險因素,這些因素可能會導致實際結果與任何前瞻性聲明實質上不同。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於:一般經濟,市場和業務條件,公共衛生流行病,經濟及其供應鏈,我們業務的週期性及對我們產品的需求,任何稅務重新評估或上訴的影響,我們客戶的財務狀況,競爭,Tree Island Steel流動性,槓桿比率和限制性契約的惡化以及供應原材料的中斷,原材料成本的波動,對建築業的依賴,運輸成本及可用性,外匯波動,勞工關係,貿易行動,對關鍵人員和熟練工人的依賴,對關鍵客戶的依賴,環境問題,知識產權風險,能源成本,未投保丟失,信用風險,運營風險,增長管理,收購和整合策略的成功以及我們在公開文件中披露的其他風險和不確定性。

This press release has been reviewed by the Company's Board of Directors and its Audit Committee and contains information that is current as of the date of this press release, unless otherwise noted. Events occurring after that date could render the information contained herein inaccurate or misleading in a material respect. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this forward-looking information and management of the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by applicable securities laws.


For further information contact:
Ali Mahdavi, Investor Relations
Tree Island Steel
(416) 962-3300

投資者關係: Ali Mahdavi
(416) 962-3300

