
RCLCO Mid-Year Report Ranks Summerlin and Bridgeland Among Nation's Top-Selling Master Planned Communities

RCLCO Mid-Year Report Ranks Summerlin and Bridgeland Among Nation's Top-Selling Master Planned Communities

GlobeNewswire ·  08/02 04:08

Howard Hughes Communities Deliver Strong Home Sales and Land Sales in First Half of 2024 Supporting Expectation of Record-Breaking Year for HHH Portfolio

Howard Hughes社區在2024年上半年的強勁房屋銷售和土地銷售支持了HHH投資組合創紀錄的預期

Summerlin, a Howard Hughes community in Las Vegas Bridgeland, a Howard Hughes community in the Greater Houston area

Summerlin是一家位於拉斯維加斯的Howard Hughes社區 Bridgeland是位於大休斯頓地區的Howard Hughes社區

THE WOODLANDS, Texas, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Summerlin and Bridgeland, two of the award-winning communities in the Howard Hughes Holdings (NYSE: HHH) portfolio, have been ranked among the country's top-selling master planned communities (MPCs), according to a mid-year 2024 report released by national real estate consultant RCLCO. The Summerlin community in Las Vegas ranked #5 on the RCLCO list with 596 new homes sold during the first half of 2024, and Bridgeland, in the Greater Houston area, ranked #8 nationwide with 498 new homes sold by mid-year. Demand for homes in the amenity-rich, business-friendly environments of Howard Hughes communities continues to deliver strong results that support the company's expectation of another year of record residential land sales in terms of price-per-acre and acres sold.

德克薩斯州伍德蘭(The Woodlands),2024年8月1日,GLOBE NEWSWIRE -- Howard Hughes Holdings(NYSE:HHH)投資組合中屢獲殊榮的社區Summerlin和Bridgeland被全國房地產諮詢公司RCLCO發佈的2024年中期報告評爲全國銷售最好的規劃社區(MPC)之一。拉斯維加斯的Summerlin社區在2024年上半年銷售了596套新房,排名RCLCO榜單第5位;休斯頓地區的Bridgeland則憑藉498套新房排名全國第8。Howard Hughes社區內充滿各種便利設施和商業環境的房屋需求依然強勁,這也支持了該公司將再次創下以每英畝價格和銷售面積計算的住宅土地銷售的記錄的預期。

"The inclusion of two Howard Hughes communities in the top ten best-selling MPCs in RCLCO's mid-year report is a testament to the exceptional high-quality lifestyle that they offer," said David O'Reilly, Chief Executive Officer of Howard Hughes. "Our year-to-date increase in total home sales across the portfolio solidifies our expectation that 2024 will be the best year for residential land sales in the history of Howard Hughes. Our impressive mid-year results show a 163% increase in residential land sales revenues and a 35% increase in average price per acre compared to our 2023 mid-year results. Despite high interest rates and national headlines propagating a misleading singular picture of the housing sector, the communities across our national portfolio are delivering strong year-over-year improvement."

“兩個Howard Hughes社區被列入RCLCO中期報告中最暢銷的MPC前十名,證明了它們所提供高品質生活方式的非凡價值,” Howard Hughes首席執行官David O'Reilly表示:“我們整個投資組合在今年內的銷售總額的增長,使我們確信2024年將成爲Howard Hughes歷史上最佳的住宅土地銷售之一。我們2024年上半年令人印象深刻的業績表現,顯示相比2023年上半年,住宅土地銷售收入增長了163%,每英畝平均價格增長了35%。儘管利率上升並且全國各個地區都在宣傳房地產行業的誤導性個別形象,但我們投資組合中的社區正在帶來強勁的年度改善。”

Spanning 22,500 acres, Summerlin continues to be one of the most sought-after and best-selling communities in the country, offering over 127,000 residents unparalleled access to nature and expansive commercial amenities in a business-friendly environment. The local job market has grown over two times faster than the national average, as recent corporate relocations and expansions by technology companies, sports teams, and entrepreneurs working across a variety of industries have attracted a workforce seeking an affordable, high-quality lifestyle.

Summerlin是一家位於拉斯維加斯的Howard Hughes社區

Summerlin offers the greatest variety of housing options in the Las Vegas Valley—with 70 floor plans selling in nearly 20 neighborhoods at different price points and styles from some of the nation's top builders—driving sizeable residential growth. Thanks to a heightened demand for new housing, Summerlin anticipates another record-breaking year for residential land sales to homebuilders in 2024 as well as continued strong demand for commercial amenities. In its 34th year of development, Summerlin has nearly 3,000 acres of raw land remaining, with three new commercial cores under planning and development throughout the community.


Bridgeland is on pace in 2024 to meet or exceed its record for annual home sales set in 2023. The community continues to demonstrate significant and transformative growth that is expanding the urban landscape of the Houston region, attracting residents with access to more than 3,000 acres of parks, lakes, trails and green space within a quarter mile of every home, as well as top-rated schools and expanding job opportunities.

Bridgeland在2024年上半年的家居銷售已經達到或超過了2023年創紀錄的銷售額,繼續展現出不斷增長的強勁潛力,擴大了休斯敦地區的城市景觀,吸引了一些可以享受到每個家園周圍超過3,000英畝的公園、湖泊、小徑和綠色空間,以及綜合評分高的學校和不斷壯大的工作機會的居民。住宅銷售包括社區中多種不同價格和設計的住房,包括Creekland Village、Parkland Village、Prairieland Village以及鋪設的面積爲925英畝的Bridgeland Central城市區域,後者正成爲北部休斯頓一個充滿活力的居住和商業中心,擁有Bridgeland的第一個H-E-b雜貨店和休斯頓的第一棟大型木材辦公樓。
Bridgeland是位於大休斯頓地區的Howard Hughes社區

Residential home sales include a diverse range of home designs and price points throughout the community, including Creekland Village, Parkland Village, and Prairieland Village, as well as the 925-acre urban district of Bridgeland Central, which is emerging as a dynamic residential and commercial hub for Northwest Houston, featuring Bridgeland's first H-E-B grocery store and Houston's first mass timber office building.

Bridgeland在2024年上半年的家居銷售已經達到或超過了2023年創紀錄的銷售額,繼續展現出不斷增長的強勁潛力,擴大了休斯敦地區的城市景觀,吸引了一些可以享受到每個家園周圍超過3,000英畝的公園、湖泊、小徑和綠色空間,以及綜合評分高的學校和不斷壯大的工作機會的居民。住宅銷售包括社區中多種不同價格和設計的住房,包括Creekland Village、Parkland Village、Prairieland Village以及鋪設的面積爲925英畝的Bridgeland Central城市區域,後者正成爲北部休斯頓一個充滿活力的居住和商業中心,擁有Bridgeland的第一個H-E-b雜貨店和休斯頓的第一棟大型木材辦公樓。

According to the RCLCO report, sales among the country's top master planned communities outperformed the broader new home market, as people are choosing communities that are highly amenitized, offer an exceptional quality of life, a variety of housing options, and short commutes. Houston was once again the top-performing metropolitan area with 13 communities in the top 50, with over 4,500 sales representing almost 24% of sales among ranked MPCs. The Las Vegas metropolitan area followed with just over 2,000 sales, representing 11% of sales among ranked MPCs.


About Summerlin
Summerlin began to take shape in 1990 and has ranked in the country's top 10 best-selling master planned communities for nearly two decades. Located along the western rim of the Las Vegas valley, Summerlin encompasses 22,500 acres with approximately 5,000 gross acres remaining to accommodate future growth, including infrastructure, open space and common areas, all within the master plan. The community is currently home to nearly 127,000 residents who enjoy an unparalleled list of amenities. These include more than 300 neighborhood and village parks, more than 200 completed miles of trails, 26 public and private schools, 14 houses of worship, ten golf courses, shopping centers, medical and cultural facilities, business parks and dozens of actively selling floor plans. Homes are available in a variety of styles—from single-family homes to townhomes—with offerings in a wide price range, including custom homesites in The Ridges. Summerlin is recognized as one of the country's premier locations to raise a family and to operate a business, named MPC of the Year for 2020 by the National Home Builders Association. For more information, visit

Summerlin始建於1990年,幾乎連續二十年躋身全國十大最暢銷的規劃社區之列。Summerlin佔地22,500英畝,約有5,000英畝的毛地可供未來發展,包括基礎設施、開放空間和公共場所,全部在總體規劃內。社區目前有近127,000居民,擁有一系列無與倫比的設施。這些設施包括300多個社區公園和村莊公園、200多英里的路線、26所公立和私立學校、14座教堂、十個高爾夫球場、購物中心、醫療和文化設施、商業園區和數十個處於活躍銷售狀態的底樓平面圖。該社區的住房風格多種多樣,包括單戶住宅和聯排別墅,價格範圍廣泛,其中包括The Ridges的定製住宅站點。Summerlin被譽爲美國的最佳兒童成長和最佳企業經營地點,國家住宅建築商協會評選爲2020年度MPC。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
Bridgeland是一個位於得克薩斯州賽普斯的11,500英畝的規劃社區,被評爲全國暢銷的規劃社區之一。國家住宅建築師協會2024年MPC榮膺大獎的Bridgeland於2006年開放,並提供各種各樣的住房選擇和廣泛的戶外設施,強調保護和增強自然環境。Bridgeland是一個LEED預認證社區,擁有超過3,000英畝的湖泊、小徑和公園,並提供度假勝地風格的游泳池、74個公園、儲存湖泊、免費使用皮艇、划艇和其他娛樂機會,以促進居民的健康和積極生活方式。Bridgeland Central,該社區新興的925英畝城市區域,目前正在進行中,擁有70英畝的Bridgeland Central村庭綠地,將推動未來的商業增長。Bridgeland是Howard Hughes社區,並通過公司的HHCares計劃支持休斯頓地區的180個當地原因和慈善機構。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Bridgeland
Bridgeland is an 11,500-acre master planned community located in Cypress, Texas, and is ranked among the top-selling master planned communities in the country. The National Association of Home Builders' 2024 Master Planned Community of the Year opened in 2006 and offers a wide variety of housing options and extensive outdoor amenities, with a strong emphasis on conserving and enhancing the natural environment. Bridgeland, a LEED Pre-certified community, has over 3,000 acres dedicated to lakes, trails, and parks, and offers resort-style pools, 74 current parks, stocked lakes and complimentary use of kayaks, paddleboats, and other recreational opportunities for residents to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. Bridgeland Central, the community's emerging 925-acre urban district is now underway with 70-acre Village Green at Bridgeland Central and will help propel future commercial growth. Bridgeland is a Howard Hughes community and supports over 180 local causes and charitable organizations in the Houston region through the company's HHCares program. For more information, visit

Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.在美國擁有、管理和開發商業、住宅和混合用途房地產。旗下屢獲殊榮的資產包括全國最重要的規劃社區投資組合,以及營運資產和開發機會,包括位於馬里蘭州哥倫比亞市的唐人街; 德克薩斯州大休斯頓地區的伍德蘭、Bridgeland和The Woodlands Hills; 拉斯維加斯的Summerlin; 夏威夷檀香山的Ward Village; 以及亞利桑那州大菲尼克斯地區的Teravalis。Howard Hughes投資組合在市場需求的基礎上具備戰略地位,加速發展,並擁有全國最強大的房地產平台之一。該公司致力於創新營造,以其持續的設計卓越和對社區文化生活的承諾而聞名。Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.在紐約證券交易所上市爲HHH。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
Bridgeland是位於大休斯頓地區的Howard Hughes社區

About Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.
Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. owns, manages, and develops commercial, residential, and mixed-use real estate throughout the U.S. Its award-winning assets include the country's preeminent portfolio of master planned communities, as well as operating properties and development opportunities including Downtown Columbia in Maryland; The Woodlands, Bridgeland and The Woodlands Hills in the Greater Houston, Texas area; Summerlin in Las Vegas; Ward Village in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi; and Teravalis in the Greater Phoenix, Arizona area. The Howard Hughes portfolio is strategically positioned to meet and accelerate development based on market demand, resulting in one of the strongest real estate platforms in the country. Dedicated to innovative placemaking, the company is recognized for its ongoing commitment to design excellence and to the cultural life of its communities. Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. is traded on the New York Stock Exchange as HHH. For more information, visit

關於霍華德休斯控股公司:霍華德休斯控股公司在美國擁有、管理和開發商業、住宅和綜合用途房地產。其屢獲殊榮的資產包括全國最重要的總體規劃社區組合,以及運營性質的物業和開發機會,包括:紐約市海港;馬里蘭州哥倫比亞市區;德克蕭地區的伍德蘭,布里奇蘭和伍德蘭山;拉斯維加斯的薩默林;夏威夷火奴魯魯的Ward Village;以及亞利桑那州凱拉維利斯™。霍華德休斯的投資組合定位於根據市場需求滿足並加速開發,從而形成了該國最強大的房地產平台之一。該公司致力於創新的空間營造,並以其持續致力於設計卓越和社區文化生活而受到認可。霍華德休斯控股公司在紐交所上市,股票代碼爲HHH。有關更多信息,請訪問。

Safe Harbor Statement
Statements made in this press release that are not historical facts, including statements accompanied by words such as "will," "believe," "expect," "enables," "realize," "plan," "intend," "assume," "transform" and other words of similar expression, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management's expectations, estimates, assumptions, and projections as of the date of this release and are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in these statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are set forth as risk factors in Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Quarterly and Annual Reports. Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. cautions you not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this release. Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect future events, information or circumstances that arise after the date of this release.

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本新聞稿中附帶有諸如“將”、“相信”、“期望”、“使能”、“實現”、“計劃”、“有意”、“假定”、“轉型”等類似表述的語句,即爲前瞻性聲明,是根據管理層的期望、估計、假設和預測在本次發佈之日的表述,並不代表未來業績的保證。實際結果可能與這些陳述中所表達的或暗示的結果有所不同。導致實際結果有所不同的因素,在Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.向證券交易委員會提交的文件中作爲風險因素列出,包括其季度和年度報告書。Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.提醒您,不應過度依賴本發佈中所包含的前瞻性陳述。Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.不承擔任何公開更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明以反映未來事件、信息或情況的義務。

Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.


Media Relations
Cristina Carlson, 646-822-6910
Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications

Cristina Carlson, 646-822-6910

Investor Relations
Eric Holcomb, 281-475-2144
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Eric Holcomb, 281-475-2144

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