
USANA Executive Chairman Kevin Guest Shares 7 Steps to Soar Like Olympians

USANA Executive Chairman Kevin Guest Shares 7 Steps to Soar Like Olympians

USANA執行主席Kevin Guest分享7個像奧林匹克冠軍一樣的步驟
優莎娜 ·  08/01 12:00

USANA Executive Chairman Kevin Guest Shares 7 Steps to Soar Like Olympians

USANA執行主席Kevin Guest分享7個像奧林匹克冠軍一樣的步驟

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SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 1, 2024 /CNW/ -- Inspired by Olympians, Kevin Guest, executive chairman at USANA Health Sciences (NYSE:USNA), is urging all to dig deep into their inner strength to excel in their personal and professional life.

鹽湖城,2024年8月1日 / CNW / - 受到奧運會運動員的啓發,USANA Health Sciences(優莎娜)的執行主席Kevin Guest敦促所有人深入挖掘自己內在的力量,在個人和專業生活中卓越。


"Today's elite athlete shows tremendous discipline, resilience, determination and grit, all traits that develop winners in life," Guest said.


In his bestseller, All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, Guest shares qualities that bring harmony and success.

在他的暢銷書《All the Right Reasons:12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony》中,葛斯特分享了帶來和諧與成功的品質。

"So much of life comes down to understanding your passion and having the willingness and grit to turn it into something great," he said. "It's easy to dream. The hard part is doing the work. The hard part is developing the grit."


As sponsor of thousands of elite athletes, USANA Health Sciences values excellence and well-being. Its top-tier nutritional products undergo rigorous testing, nurturing body, mind and spirit.

作爲數以千計精英運動員的贊助商,USANA Health Sciences 珍視卓越和福祉。其頂尖的營養產品經過嚴格的測試,培育身體、頭腦和精神。

"Thinking about the Olympics, I'm inspired by the remarkable dedication and persistence of these athletes," Guest said. "Their relentless pursuit of excellence gives us valuable lessons that can be applied in our own lives."


Drawing inspiration from these elite competitors, Guest shares seven practical steps to achieve success:


  1. Set Clear Goals: Define career and personal objectives with specific, measurable goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain focus and direction.
  2. Commit to Continuous Improvement: Constantly refine your skills; similarly, invest in lifelong learning. Attend workshops, seek mentorship, and stay updated with industry trends to stay ahead of the curve.
  3. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: View setbacks as opportunities for growth. Reflect on failures, identify lessons learned, and apply them to improve future performance.
  4. Cultivate a Winning Mindset: A positive mental attitude is crucial for success. Stay optimistic, focus on your strengths, and visualize achievements. This mindset will propel one forward, even in challenging times.
  5. Build a Supportive Network: Rely on coaches, teammates and supporters. Be surrounded with individuals who encourage and motivate. Networking can provide valuable advice, opportunities and emotional support.
  6. Maintain Physical and Mental Well-being: Prioritize health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and mindfulness practices contribute to sustained energy and focus.
  7. Celebrate Progress: Celebrate every milestone, big or small. Recognize and reward achievements along the way to stay motivated and appreciate the upward journey.
  1. 設定明確的目標:制定具有特定、可衡量目標的職業和個人目標。將其分解成更小、可管理的任務,以保持專注和方向。
  2. 致力於不斷改進:不斷完善自己的技能;同樣,投資於終身學習。參加研討會、尋求指導並了解行業趨勢以保持領先。
  3. 將失敗視爲學習機會:把挫折視爲增長機會。反思失敗,確定吸取的教訓,並應用它們來改善未來的表現。
  4. 培養獲勝心態:積極的心態對於成功至關重要。保持樂觀,專注於自己的優勢,並視覺化成就。這種心態將推動一個人前進,即使在困難時期也是如此。
  5. 建立一個支持網絡:依靠教練、隊友和支持者。與鼓勵和激勵的個人爲伴。網絡可以提供寶貴的建議、機會和情感支持。
  6. 保持身心健康:優先考慮健康。定期鍛鍊、均衡的飲食和正念練習有助於保持持續的能量和關注力。
  7. 慶祝進展:慶祝每個具有里程碑意義的成就,無論大小。認可和獎勵一路上的成就,以保持動力並欣賞向上的旅程。

"By implementing these steps, you can channel the determination into your own pursuits and achieve higher levels in both your career and personal life," he said. "In my global travels, I've seen that the road to success is paved with continual effort, resilience and an unwavering belief in your own potential."


All proceeds for All the Right Reasons go to feeding hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals. For more information, visit .

《All the Right Reasons》的所有收益都用於餵飽飢餓的兒童,每本書購買可以提供40頓飯。欲獲得更多信息,請訪問 .

USANA Health Sciences, a global leader in health and wellness products, has long recognized the importance of social wellness in building a successful business. From its founding in 1992, USANA has focused on clear and concise communication to build trust with its customers and distributors in 25 countries. Visit to learn more.

USANA Health Sciences,一家全球領先的健康和保健產品提供商,長期以來一直認識到社交健康在建立成功業務中的重要性。自1992年成立以來,USANA一直專注於與在25個國家的客戶和分銷商建立信任的清晰而簡潔的交流。訪問USANA.com以了解更多。

Tim Brown, Candid Communications

Tim Brown,Candid Communications


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Released August 1, 2024


