
Earnings Call Summary | BrightSpire Capital(BRSP.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | BrightSpire Capital(BRSP.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結|BrightSpire Capital(BRSP.US) 2024年Q2業績發佈會
富途資訊 ·  08/01 04:44  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the BrightSpire Capital, Inc. (BRSP) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是BrightSpire Capital,Inc. (BRSP) Q2 2024業績會簡報摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • BrightSpire Capital reported a GAAP net loss attributable to common stockholders of $67.9 million, or $0.53 per share.

  • Distributable earnings (DE) for the quarter were $17.0 million, or $0.13 per share, with adjusted distributable earnings of $28.8 million, or $0.22 per share.

  • The company reported cash earnings of $26.8 million, or $0.21 per share.

  • GAAP net book value is $8.41 per share with undepreciated book value at $9.08 per share.

  • BrightSpire Capital報告,按GAAP的淨虧損歸屬於普通股股東爲6790萬美元,或每股0.53美元。

  • 本季度可分配收益(DE)爲1700萬美元,每股爲0.13美元,經調整的可分配收益爲2880萬美元,每股爲0.22美元。

  • 該公司報告現金收益爲2680萬美元,每股爲0.21美元。

  • 按GAAP的淨賬面價值爲每股8.41美元,未折舊的賬面價值爲每股9.08美元。

Business Progress:


  • BrightSpire has been focused on asset management initiatives to improve the portfolio's certainty and position the firm for future progress.

  • The company commenced loan originations and plans to redeploy capital which will partially offset lost cash flow earnings from legacy equity positions.

  • Planned investment in loan originations follows the anticipation of interest rate cuts, aiming to leverage opportunities as regional banks pull back.

  • Notably, $85 million was received in repayments and resolution proceeds, with capital deployment totaling $18 million.

  • BrightSpire一直專注於資產管理方面的工作以提高投資組合的確定性併爲未來的進展做好準備。

  • 該公司啓動了放款業務並計劃重新部署資金,部分抵消了從舊股權頭寸丟失的現金流收益。

  • 計劃在地區銀行放緩的情況下投資於貸款業務,追求槓桿機會。

  • 顯然,公司已經收到了8500萬美元的償還款和解決方案所得,資本配置總額爲1800萬美元。



  • Anticipated rate cuts could boost asset refinancing, opening opportunities in the private credit sector which might benefit from regional bank pullbacks.

  • The company is reengaging loan origination efforts, seizing opportunities as regional banks scale back, likely providing a boost to BrightSpire's portfolio growth.

  • 預期的利率下降可能會促進資產再融資,爲私人信貸領域開闢機會,這可能會從區域銀行的撤離中受益。

  • 公司正在重新啓動貸款發放工作,抓住地區銀行縮減的機會,可能會爲BrightSpire的投資組合增長提供支撐。



  • Legacy office equity investments linked to locations like Norway may not provide desired outcomes, impacting the firm's cash flow and requiring strategic impairment decisions.

  • Current economic and market uncertainties could necessitate adjustments in asset management and strategy to navigate potential challenges in the portfolio, particularly with investments underperforming or nearing critical decision points.

  • 與諸如挪威等地的傳統辦公室的權益投資可能無法達到預期的收益,影響公司的現金流,並需要戰略性減值決策。

  • 當前的經濟和市場不確定性可能需要調整資產管理和策略,以應對投資組合中潛在的挑戰,特別是投資表現不佳或處於關鍵決策點的投資。

More details: BrightSpire Capital IR

更多細節:BrightSpire Capital投資人關係部。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


