
Earnings Call Summary | DBV Technologies(DBVT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | DBV Technologies(DBVT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | dbv technologies(DBVt.US) 2024年Q2業績會
富途資訊 ·  07/31 15:31  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the DBV Technologies S.A. (DBVT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是dbv technologies於2024年Q2業績會的總結:

Financial Performance:


  • DBV reported a net loss of $60.5 million for H1 2024.

  • Cash on hand at the end of H1 2024 totals €66.2 million, with a cash runway extending into Q1 of 2025 due to implemented cost-saving measures.

  • Operating expenses amounted to $65 million, reflecting a 28% increase from the previous year, primarily driven by clinical and CMC activities for Viaskin Peanut.

  • DBV Technologies在2024年上半年報告淨虧損6050萬美元。

  • 截至2024年上半年末,DBV Technologies手頭現金爲6620萬歐元,由於實施節約成本措施,現金流可延續至2025年Q1。

  • 營業費用達6500萬美元,比去年同期增長28%,主要是由於Viaskin Peanut的臨床和CMC活動所驅動。

Business Progress:


  • DBV is progressing with the VITESSE Phase 3 pivotal trial for Viaskin Peanut in children aged four to seven, expecting to complete enrollment by Q3 2024.

  • The COMFORT Toddlers supplemental safety study protocol is in ongoing dialogue with the FDA, focusing on patch wear time experience and improving data submission based on feedback.

  • A labeling proposal has been submitted to the FDA, addressing patch wear time for Viaskin Peanut, based on data from the EPITOPE pivotal trial.

  • DBV Technologies正在進行鍼對4至7歲兒童的Viaskin Peanut VITESSE第3階段關鍵試驗,並預計在2024年Q3完成招募。

  • COMFORt Toddlers補充安全性研究方案正在與FDA展開持續對話,關注貼片佩戴時間體驗並改善數據提交方案基於反饋意見。

  • 根據EPITOPE關鍵試驗所得數據,DBV Technologies已向FDA提交Viaskin Peanut貼片佩戴時間的標籤建議。



  • The development of Viaskin Peanut for children with peanut allergies represents a significant market opportunity due to the high percentage of children who do not outgrow their peanut allergy.

  • Viaskin Peanut的開發對於患有花生過敏症的兒童來說,代表着一個重大的市場機遇,因爲無法擺脫花生過敏的兒童所佔比例較高。



  • Ongoing regulatory challenges and the need for additional data submission to the FDA may impact the timeline and success of Viaskin Peanut's approval.

  • FDA對Viaskin Peanut的持續監管挑戰以及需要進一步提交數據,可能會影響其獲得批准的時間和成功性。

More details: DBV Technologies IR

更多細節:dbv technologies收益報告

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


