
Xylo Technologies Announces Plan To Implement ADS Ratio Change On The Basis Of 1 New ADS For Every 2.666666 Old ADSs Held; Ordinary Shares Of The Co Represented By Each ADS, Will Be Changed From 15 Ordinary Shares To 40 Ordinary Shares

Xylo Technologies Announces Plan To Implement ADS Ratio Change On The Basis Of 1 New ADS For Every 2.666666 Old ADSs Held; Ordinary Shares Of The Co Represented By Each ADS, Will Be Changed From 15 Ordinary Shares To 40 Ordinary Shares

Xylo Technologies宣佈計劃實施ADS比例變更,基於每持有2.666666箇舊ADS的股東,發放1個新ADS;每個ADS所代表的普通股將從15股變更爲40股。
Benzinga ·  07/31 04:14

Xylo Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:XYLO) ("Xylo" and the "Company"), a technology company engaged in advanced medical solutions, innovative internet technologies and electric vehicle ("EV") and charging solutions, announced today that it plans a ratio change which will result in a reverse split of the Company's American Depositary Receipt, or ADR, program on the basis of one (1) new ADS for every 2.666666 old ADSs held. As a result, the number of ordinary shares of the Company represented by each American Depositary Share, or ADS, will be changed from fifteen (15) ordinary shares to forty (40) ordinary shares. The effective date anticipated for the reverse split and the ratio change is August 5, 2024 and the Company's ADSs will continue to be traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol "XYLO" with a new CUSIP Number 58471G 508. The ordinary shares of Xylo will not be affected by this change in the ADS to ordinary share ratio.

愛文思控股有限公司(NASDAQ:XYLO)("Xylo" and the "Company")是一家從事先進醫療解決方案、創新互聯網技術以及電動汽車 ("EV") 和充電解決方案的技術公司。今天宣佈計劃調整比率,以每2.666666箇舊ADS爲基礎,進行逆向股票拆分,每1個新ADS轉換爲40股公司普通股。因此,公司普通股每個American Depositary Share (ADS)所代表的股份數量將從15股普通股變爲40股普通股。拆分和比率變化的有效日期預計爲2024年8月5日,公司的ADS將以新的CUSIP股票代碼58471G 508繼續在納斯達克交易所交易,股票交易標的代碼爲"XYLO"。Xylo普通股不受此ADS轉普通股比率變化的影響。

Effective August 5, 2024, ADS holders will be required on a mandatory basis to surrender their old ADSs to BNY Mellon for cancellation at a rate of one (1) new ADS for every 2.666666 old ADS held. The Bank of New York Mellon., as the depositary bank for Xylo's ADS program, will arrange for the exchange of current ADSs for new ADSs (subject to receipt of applicable ADS fees from the exchanging ADS holders).

自2024年8月5日起,ADS持有人將被要求強制性地向紐約梅隆銀行(BNY Mellon)交出其舊的ADS,以每2.666666箇舊ADS爲基礎,以一種新的ADS率的比例進行註銷。作爲Xylo ADS計劃的託管銀行,紐約梅隆銀行將安排交換現有ADS與新ADS(須向交換ADS持有人收取適用的ADS費用)。

Only whole ADSs will be distributed. BNY Mellon will attempt to sell any fractional


