
Max Resource Announces the 2024 Exploration Program for the Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project, Funded by Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation

Max Resource Announces the 2024 Exploration Program for the Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project, Funded by Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation

Max Resource宣佈由麥克莫蘭銅金公司資助的Sierra Azul銅銀項目2024年度勘探計劃
newsfile ·  07/30 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 30, 2024) - MAX RESOURCE CORP. (TSXV: MAX) (OTC Pink: MXROF) (FSE: M1D2) ("Max" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the 2024 exploration program for its Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project (formerly known as the Cesar Copper-Silver Project), located in northeastern Colombia. The program, with an approved expenditure of USD $4.2 million, will be funded by Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation ("Freeport"), as per an earn-in agreement announced on May 13th, 2024.

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞州——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月30日)——MAX RESOURCE CORP.(TSXV:MAX)(OTC Pink:MXROF)(FSE:M1D2)("Max"或"公司")很高興宣佈,位於哥倫比亞東北部的Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project(以前被稱爲Cesar Copper-Silver)的2024年勘探計劃。該計劃獲得價值420萬美元的批准,將由Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation("Freeport")提供資金,根據2024年5月13日宣佈的即獲即付的協議。

2024 Exploration Program and Budget


  • The US$4.2 million exploration program is underway.
  • There are two main objectives for the 2024 exploration program:
    • Conduct systematic regional exploration over the entire Sierra Azul Project Area (>1,300 sq-km).
    • Define priority targets for drilling.
  • 價值420萬美元的勘探計劃正在進行中。
  • 2024年勘探計劃有兩個主要目標:
    • 對Sierra Azul項目區域(> 1300平方公里)進行系統區域勘探。
    • 確定鑽探的優先目標。

"We are leveraging Freeport's global exploration team and expertise to unlock Sierra Azul's potential, which we believe is host to one of the world's largest underexplored sedimentary and volcanic copper-silver systems," commented Max CEO Brett Matich.

"我們正在利用Freeport的全球勘探團隊和專業知識,挖掘Sierra Azul的潛力,我們相信它是世界上最大的未開發沉積火山性銅銀系統之一。" Max首席執行官佈雷特·馬蒂奇評論道。

"The USD $4.2 million exploration budget to be implemented in the second half of 2024 is the largest annual exploration budget to date. We look forward to working with Freeport, one of the world's largest copper producers to advance our Sierra Azul copper silver project," he concluded.

"2024年下半年執行的價值420萬美元的勘探預算是有史以來最大的年度勘探預算。我們期待着與Freeport合作,他是世界上最大的銅生產商之一,推進Sierra Azul銅銀項目。"他總結道。

2024 Exploration Program


The 2024 exploration program at the Sierra Azul has two objectives: Drill Target Development and Regional Exploration (refer to Figure 1).

Sierra Azul的2024年勘探計劃有兩個目標:鑽探目標開發和區域勘探(請參閱圖1)。

Drill Target Development program will focus exploration on 28 priority targets that span over 90-km over all three districts of the Sierra Azul Project: AM, Conejo and URU. The goal of the program is to delineate selected drill targets. The work program has started and includes detailed geological mapping and soil sampling, as well as ground geophysical surveys and detailed structural analysis.

鑽探目標開發計劃將重點關注Sierra Azul項目的所有三個地區(Am、Conejo和URU)中28個優先目標的勘探。該計劃的目標是描繪出選擇的鑽探目標。這項工作計劃已經開始,包括詳細的地質製圖和土壤採樣,以及地面地球物理勘測和詳細的構造分析。

The Regional Exploration Program has been designed to systematically evaluate the entire Sierra Azul Project Work will include the collection of up to 7,500 soil samples and up to 1,600 stream sediment samples. In addition, a regional structural analysis will be conducted, followed by geological mapping and prospecting to identify additional mineralized outcrops.

區域勘探計劃的設計是系統評估整個Sierra Azul項目,工作將包括收集高達7500個土壤樣品和高達1600個溪流沉積物樣品。此外,還將進行區域構造分析,然後是地質製圖和勘探,以識別其他含礦露頭。

To complete this comprehensive exploration program, Max is recruiting additional geologists and technicians. Finally, Max will continue the corporate social responsibility programs. This includes meaningful engagement with local communities, as well as clear and direct communication with all levels of governmental authorities.


Figure 1: Showing the area of regional exploration over the entire Sierra Azul Project (>1,300 sq-km)

圖1:顯示整個Sierra Azul項目區域(> 1300 km²)的區域勘探區域

The Sierra Azul Copper Silver Project comprises of three districts: AM, Conejo and URU. Collectively the three contiguous districts stretch over 120-km in NNE/SSW direction (refer to Figure 1). Max's land tenure at Sierra Azul includes 188 km2 of mining concessions and 1,141 km2 of mineral concession applications.

Sierra Azul銅銀項目包括三個地區:Am,Conejo和URU。這三個相鄰的地區在NNE / SSW方向上延伸超過120公里(請參閱圖1)。Max在Sierra Azul擁有的土地包括188 km²的採礦權和1141 km²的礦權申請。

On May 13th, 2024, Max announced that it had entered into an Earn-In Agreement ("EIA") with Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation ("Freeport"), a wholly owned-affiliate of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (NYSE: FCX) relating to Max's wholly owned Sierra Azul Project Copper-Silver Project (formerly known as Cesar Project). Under the terms of the EIA, Freeport can earn an 80% interest in Sierra Azul in two stages by spending an aggregate amount of $50 million and paying a total of $1.55 million in cash to Max.

2024年5月13日,Max宣佈已與Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation("Freeport")簽訂即獲即付協議("EIA"),相關協議與Max全資擁有的Sierra Azul項目銅銀項目(以前稱爲Cesar項目)有關。根據EIA的條款,Freeport可以通過支付總價值爲5000萬美元的費用並向Max支付總共155萬美元的現金,在兩個階段內獲得Sierra Azul的80%權益。

AM District
Starting in the far north of the Jurassic basin, classic stacked red bed outcrops with extensive lateral continuity have been rock sampled over many kilometres within the AM District. Highlight values of 34.4% copper and 305 g/t silver from outcrop samples have been documented in the sedimentary sequences. The Company confirmed that stratiform red-bed style mineralization continues at depth with two scout drill holes (Max News Release dated April 4, 2023). Max's field crews have identified a 15-km mineralized corridor encompassing 14 priority targets (AM-01 to 14) (Max News Release dated May 25, 2023 and Max News Release dated June 22, 2023

從侏羅紀盆地的最北端開始,普通的堆疊紅層露頭,具有廣泛的側向連續性,在Am區內的許多公里範圍內進行岩石採樣。標誌性的小區樣品顯示,沉積地層中銅含量爲34.4%,銀含量爲305 g / t。該公司確認,紅層樣式的層狀礦化在深部繼續存在,具有兩個偵察鑽孔(Max新聞發佈日期爲2023年4月4日)。Max的現場工作人員已經確定了一個15公里的含礦礦化帶,其中包括14個優先目標(Am-01至14)(Max新聞發佈日期爲2023年5月25日和Max新聞發佈日期爲2023年6月22日)。

Conejo District
Midway south, the Conejo District is the most recent to be recognized and is characterized by structurally controlled mineralization hosted in intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks. Numerous mineralized outcrops have been discovered over 3.7-km at the primary target in the district with surface samples averaging 4.9% copper (averaging all samples above a 2% cut-off). Two distinctive priority targets have been identified (CON-01 and O2). No drilling has been conducted at Conejo, but it has emerged as an area of focus for the Company.


URU District
Copper-silver mineralization within the URU District is hosted in intermediate volcanic rocks and is structurally controlled. In-country field crews have identified a 20-km mineralized corridor encompassing 12 targets (URU-01 to 12). At URU-C, a 9.0m of 7.0% copper and 115 g/t silver surface discovery was confirmed at depth by drill hole URU-12, which intersected 10.6m of 3.4% copper and 48 g/t silver. At URU-CE, 750m to the east, 19.0m of 1.3% copper discovered in outcrop was confirmed by drill hole URU-9, which intersected a broad zone of copper oxide returning 33.0m of 0.3% copper from 4.0m, including 16.5m of 0.5% copper (Max News Release date January 24, 2023).

URU區域內的銅銀礦化是由中間火山岩產生的,並受到構造控制。在國內現場工作人員已確定一個全長20公里的含礦脈帶,包括12個目標(URU-01至12)。在URU-C,一次表面鎔煉的發現爲9000000噸的7.0%銅和115 g / t銀被駐地鑽孔URU-12所證實,它穿過了1060萬噸的3.4%銅和48 g / t銀。在URU-CE,距離東部75000米,一次露天發現的1900萬噸1.3%銅被駐地鑽孔URU-9所證實,它穿過了一個寬闊的氧化銅區,返回3300萬噸的0.3%銅,包括1650萬噸的0.5%銅(Max新聞發佈日期爲2023年1月24日)。

Qualified Person
The Company's disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release was reviewed and approved by Tim Henneberry, P.Geo (British Columbia), a member of the Max Resource advisory board, who serves as a qualified person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中屬於技術或科學性質的Max披露內容經過了Tim Henneberry,P.Geo(卑詩省)Max Resource顧問委員會成員的審查和批准,他是符合《國家43-101號》定義的合格人員。

About Max Resource Corp.
Max Resource Corp. (TSXV: MAX) is a mineral exploration company advancing the newly discovered district-scale Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project. The wholly owned Sierra Azul project sits along the Colombian portion of the world's largest producing copper belt (Andean belt), with world-class infrastructure and the presence of global majors (Glencore and Chevron).

關於Max Resource Corp.
Max Resource Corp.(TSXV:MAX)是一家礦產勘探公司,正在推進新發現的區域規模的Sierra Azul銅銀項目。全資擁有的Sierra Azul項目位於全球最大的銅生產帶(安第斯帶)的哥倫比亞地區,具有世界級的基礎設施和全球主要公司(Glencore和Chevron)的存在。

Subject to TSX Venture approval, Max has announced plans to purchase 100% of the Florália Hematite DSO (benchmark 58 to 62% Fe) property, located within the Iron Quadrangle in Brazil. Channel sampling of excavated mining pits in 2023 resulted in the definition of a geological target estimated at 8,052,041 tonnes to 12,184,160 tonnes using a density of 2.71 g/cm3 at an average grade of 58% Fe (see news release here).

在TSX Venture的批准下,Max宣佈計劃購買位於巴西鐵象限內的Florália Hematite DSO(基準爲58至62%Fe)物業的100%所有權。2023年開採的礦井進行的溝道採樣結果確定了一個地質目標,估計使用2.71克/立方厘米的密度,平均品位爲58%的Fe,重量爲8,052,041噸至12,184,160噸(請參閱此處的新聞稿)。

Max cautions investors the potential quantity and grade of the iron ore is conceptual in nature, and further cautions there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and Max is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.


For more information visit:


For additional information contact:
Tim McNulty E: T: (604) 290-8100
Rahim Lakha E.
Brett Matich T: (604) 484 1230

Tim McNulty E: T: (604) 290-8100
Rahim Lakha E.
Brett Matich 電話:(604)484 1230

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law.

本新聞稿除歷史事實陳述外,還包含有關"前瞻性信息"的某些內容,該信息屬於適用證券法律下的前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息經常以"計劃","預期","項目","打算","相信","預測"和其他類似的詞或表示某些事件或情況"可能"或"將"發生的陳述爲特色。前瞻性陳述基於陳述發表的意見和估計,並且受到各種風險和不確定性以及其他可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述所預期的不同的因素的影響,包括但不限於延遲或不確定性的監管批准,包括TSXV的批准。前瞻性信息中存在不確定性,包括超出公司控制範圍的因素。不保證Max Resources Corp.商業化計劃將根據本新聞稿中描述的條款或時間表生效。

Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to delays or uncertainties with regulatory approvals, including that of the TSXV. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. There are no assurances that the commercialization plans for Max Resources Corp. described in this news release will come into effect on the terms or time frame described herein.

前瞻性信息通常以諸如“計劃”,“預期”,“項目”,“意圖”,“相信”,“預測”,“估計”和其他類似的詞語,或者陳述某些事件或條件“可能”或“將會”發生。前瞻性聲明基於發表聲明時的意見和估計,並受各種風險和不確定因素以及其他可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性聲明中預期不同的因素的影響,包括但不限於監管批准的延遲或不確定性,包括tsxv的批准。前瞻性信息本身就存在不確定性,包括公司控制範圍之外的因素。不能保證Max Resource Corp. 在本新聞稿中描述的商業化計劃將按照所述條款或時間框架生效。

The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at


