
Salazar Resources Announces Change of Directors

Salazar Resources Announces Change of Directors

newsfile ·  07/30 18:45

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 30, 2024) - SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED (TSXV: SRL) (OTCQB: SRLZF) (FSE: CCG) ("Salazar" or the "Company") is pleased to welcome back Ms. Jennifer Wu as a director of the Company. Ms. Wu has rejoined the Company to replace Ms. Mary Gilzean who has resigned from the Board. Ms. Wu has 25 years of experience in the financial industry. Most recently she was an executive at Citigroup, where she focused on Enterprise Risk Management and achieved major milestones for its global climate risk management. Previously she specialized in metals & mining strategic investments by Chinese entities at Scarsdale Equities. Ms. Wu holds an MBA from Wake Forest University and the CFA and SCR (Sustainability and Climate Risk) designations.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華——(Newsfile Corp.——2024年7月30日)——SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED(tsxv:SRL)(OTCQB:SRLZF)(FSE:CCG)(“Salazar”或“公司”)很高興歡迎Jennifer Wu女士重新擔任公司的董事。 Wu女士已重新加入公司,以取代Mary Gilzean女士的職位。Wu女士在金融行業擁有25年的工作經驗。最近,她是花旗集團的高管,專注於企業風險管理,併爲其全球氣候風險管理實現了重大里程碑。此前,她專門從事血虧礦業行業板塊的中國實體在Scarsdale Equities的戰略投資。Wu女士擁有Wake Forest University的MBA學位以及CFA和SCR(可持續性和氣候風險)資格認證。

The Board thanks Ms. Gilzean for her contributions during her tenure with the Company and we wish her the best in her future endeavours.


About Salazar


Salazar Resources Limited is focused on creating value and positive change through discovery, exploration, and development in Ecuador. The team has an unrivalled understanding of the geology in-country and has played an integral role in the discovery of many of the major projects in Ecuador, including the two newest operating gold and copper mines. Salazar Resources has a wholly owned pipeline of copper-gold exploration projects across Ecuador with a strategy to make another commercial discovery and farm-out non-core assets. The Company actively engages with Ecuadorian communities and together with the Salazar family it co-founded The Salazar Foundation, an independent non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable progress through economic development. The Company already has carried interests in three projects. At its maiden discovery, Curipamba, Salazar Resources has a 25% stake fully carried through to production. At two copper-gold porphyry projects, Pijili and Santiago, the Company has a 20% stake fully carried through to a construction decision.

SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED的重點是通過在厄瓜多爾進行勘探、開發和發現,創造價值和積極變化。該團隊對境內的地質學擁有無與倫比的了解,並在厄瓜多爾的許多重大項目的發現中扮演了重要角色,包括兩個最新的黃金和銅礦。Salazar Resources在厄瓜多爾擁有一個完全擁有的銅金礦項目組合,通過策略性取得另一項商業發現並外包非核心資產的策略。該公司積極與厄瓜多爾社區合作,並與Salazar家族共同創立了Salazar Foundation,這是一個獨立的、致力於經濟發展的非營利性組織,致力於可持續進步。公司已經持有三個項目的權益。在其主要發現的Curipamba,Salazar Resources擁有一個25%的股權,完全承擔生產。在兩個銅金斑岩項目Pijili和Santiago,公司擁有20%的股權,完全承擔建造決策。

For further information from Salazar Resources, please contact Nick DeMare, Director, at or at 604-685-9316. Please also visit the Salazar Resources website at .

有關Salazar Resources的更多信息,請聯繫董事Nick DeMare,電子郵件,電話:604-685-9316.請訪問Salazar Resources網站。

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