
Petros Pharmaceuticals' Pivotal Statistically Significant Self Selection Study Shows Stronger Results With Proprietary Technology Application as Part of FDA Pathway for Over-the-Counter Access for STENDRA(R) (Avanafil)

Petros Pharmaceuticals' Pivotal Statistically Significant Self Selection Study Shows Stronger Results With Proprietary Technology Application as Part of FDA Pathway for Over-the-Counter Access for STENDRA(R) (Avanafil)

petros pharmaceuticals的關鍵統計結果自我選擇研究表明,在FDA途徑中,使用專有技術應用作爲STENDRA(R)(Avanafil)非處方藥訪問的一部分,結果更加突出。
Accesswire ·  07/29 21:20

Utilization of the Company's proprietary Web App showed improved self-selection utilizing an embedded validated diagnostic questionnaire compared to a live interview furthering the Company's efforts to potentially create a first-ever Rx-to-OTC switch in the ED category

通過公司專有的Web App,利用嵌入式臨床驗證的診斷問卷,相比與實際面試,自我選擇得到了改善,這進一步促進了公司在ED類別可能創造首個Rx-to-OTC開關的努力。

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / July 29, 2024 / Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTPI) ("Petros" or the "Company"), a company focused on expanding consumer access to medication through over-the-counter ("OTC") drug development programs, today announced results of a subsequent analysis of its pivotal study aimed at facilitating FDA-approved OTC access of the Company's STENDRA (avanafil) for consumers. This analysis suggested support for the primary study results and demonstrated improved correct self-selection outcomes resulting from patients using the Company's proprietary Web App Technology and its embedded clinically validated diagnostic tool relative to subsequent verbal interviews that were designed into the study protocol as a form of validation of an ED diagnosis. The analysis shows that men seem to respond with more transparency to clinically validated, yet intimate, erectile diagnostic questions discretely compared to a live interview, illustrating a disparity between the Web App results and the live interview determinations. The initial results from the proprietary technology arm demonstrated a 90.6% Point Estimate (PE) and an 86.37% Lower Bound (LB) for correct self-selection, while the post hoc analysis demonstrated a 94.9% PE and a 91.51% LB, a rate of self-selection of 4.3% and 5.14% higher, respectively. The statistically significant (p<.001) higher instance of correct self-selection compared to Drug Facts Label ("DFL") utilization alone remained unchanged. These results will be presented to the FDA in support of the results shown in the study in relation to the study endpoints reflected in the study protocol.

紐約,NY / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年7月29日 / Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(NASDAQ:PTPI)("Petros"或"公司"),是一家專注於通過場外交易("OTC")藥物開發計劃擴大消費者藥物獲取途徑的公司,今天宣佈了其關鍵研究的後續分析結果,旨在促進FDA批准OTC獲取公司的STENDRA(avanafil)用於消費者。該分析表明,通過患者使用公司專有的Web App技術和其中嵌入的臨床驗證的診斷工具自我選擇的正確結果得到了支持,並且相比於研究方案中設計的後續口頭面試,表現出更好的自我選擇結果。該分析顯示,男性似乎會通過臨床驗證的,但又私密的勃起障礙診斷問題更透明地回答問題,這是Web App結果和現場面試判斷之間的不一致性。專有技術板塊的最初結果展示了90.6%的點估計(PE)和86.37%的下限(LB)的正確自我選擇,而事後分析展示了94.9%的PE和91.51%的LB,分別自我選擇率高出4.3%和5.14%。與僅使用藥物說明書標籤("DFL")相比,更明顯的是正確的自我選擇實例顯著增加(p<0.001)。這些結果將呈交FDA,支持研究中與研究方案所反映的研究終點有關的結果。

Fady Boctor, Petros' President and Chief Commercial Officer, noted, "The new data reinforce the strong results we previously shared, highlighting that the Web App may be a more effective tool to ensure accurate self-selection. Men in the study reported that they were more comfortable answering questions about their condition anonymously on the Web App than in a live interview. This additional analysis further demonstrates the value of our proprietary Web App Technology, showcasing a significant impact on guiding consumers to appropriate self-selection and strengthening our position as a candidate for the upcoming Additional Conditions for Nonprescription Use ("ACNU") program, which is designed to enable expanded OTC access to medications that previously required a prescription. We look forward to future discussions with the FDA and to continued collaboration on this important path for improved medication accessibility."

Petros總裁兼首席商務官Fady Boctor表示:“新數據強化了我們先前的強有力的研究結果,強調Web App可能是確保準確自我選擇的更有效工具。研究中的男性報告稱,他們在Web App上匿名地回答問題時,比在實時面試中更自在。這項額外的分析更進一步證明了我們的專有Web App技術的價值,展示了對引導消費者進行適當的自我選擇產生了重大影響,並鞏固了我們作爲即將推出的非處方藥附加條件("ACNU")計劃的候選者的地位,該計劃旨在擴大以前需要處方藥物的非處方藥物的獲取途徑。我們期待與FDA的未來討論,並繼續在提高藥物可獲取性的重要路徑上進行合作。”

As reported previously, the study, which evaluated 509 subjects, demonstrated a 90.6% PE correct consumer self-selection for those who used the Company's Web App Technology, compared to 57.3% PE using a DFL alone (p<.001). Notably, those participants who identified as nitrate users (high-risk use population) also performed better using the Web App Technology (98.21%-point estimate, n=56), compared to using DFL alone (58.7%-point estimate, n=46), a significant difference between the two arms of the study in the high-risk population where Arm B (Proprietary Web App Technology arm) outperformed Arm A (DFL alone arm) by 67%.

如此報道,該研究評估了509名受試者,對於使用公司的Web App技術的人群,證實了90.6%的點估計的正確消費者自我選擇,與僅使用DFL的57.3%的點估計相比(p<0.001)。值得注意的是,在確定高風險使用人群的硝酸鹽用戶時,這些參與者也可以更好地使用Web App技術(98.21%,點估計,n = 56),與僅僅使用DFL(58.7%,點估計,n = 46)相比,兩個研究分組之間的差異顯著,Proprietary Web App Technology板塊(Arm B)優於DFL alone板塊(Arm A)高達67%。

Although results of the initial analysis were statistically significant showing the separation of the two arms, due to recorded accounts of patient apprehension during the live interviews that followed the patient's discrete entries to the Company's proprietary Web App Technology, several patients were suspected to be mis-diagnosed following the interview portion of the self-selection process, driving the Company to conduct an additional analysis using the Proprietary Web App data alone which also included a clinically validated sexual health survey often used as a standalone diagnostic tool in clinics globally. The post hoc analysis showed improved outcomes of men accurately self-selecting while using only the Proprietary Web App when removing the subsequent interview data. This analysis showed a higher point value of 94.9% correct self-selection, and a lower-bound reading (which is often required by FDA for most primary analyses) of 91.51%.

儘管最初分析的結果具有統計學意義,因爲在患者使用公司的專有Web App技術進行離散輸入,接着進行患者實時面試期間記錄了患者的憂慮情況,因此,疑似有幾個患者在自我選擇過程中的面試部分被誤診,驅動公司僅使用專有的Web App數據進行額外分析,其中還包括臨床驗證的全球常用獨立診斷工具的性健康調查。事後分析顯示,在僅刪除後續面試數據時,在僅使用Proprietary Web App時,改進了男性正確自我選擇的結果。該分析顯示了更高的94.9%的正確自我選擇點值和(通常由FDA要求進行大部分主要分析的)91.51%的下限讀數。

The pivotal self-selection study was a randomized, 2-arm, open-label, virtual, self-selection study intended to evaluate participant's self-selection with the DFL alone (Arm A) compared to the participant's self-selection with the DFL and the Proprietary Web App Technology (Arm B). Based on the FDA Proposed Rule for a Nonprescription Product with an Additional Condition of Nonprescription Use (ACNU)1 the sponsor must "demonstrate that the labeling alone... is insufficient to ensure appropriate self-selection or appropriate actual use, or both." Therefore, the results of this randomized, 2-arm pivotal all-comers self-selection study are intended to provide critical evidence required by the FDA.

關鍵的自我選擇研究是一項隨機的、2分組的、開放標籤的、虛擬的、自我選擇研究,旨在評估僅使用DFL(Arm A)與使用DFL和專有Web App技術的自我選擇(Arm B)。基於FDA提出的具有非處方使用附加條件產品的擬議規則(ACNU)1,贊助商必須"證明僅標籤......不足以確保適當的自我選擇或適當的實際使用,或兩者兼而有之"。因此,此隨機的、2分組的關鍵全體自我選擇研究,旨在爲FDA提供所需的關鍵證據。

About Petros Pharmaceuticals
Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is committed to the goal of becoming a leading innovator in the emerging self-care market driving expanded access to key prescription pharmaceuticals as OTC treatment options. Currently, Petros is pursuing increased access for its flagship prescription ED therapy, STENDRA (avanafil), via potential OTC designation (see important safety information below.) If ultimately approved by the FDA for OTC access, STENDRA (avanafil) may be the first in its class to achieve this marketing status, also establishing company know how as a potentially proven platform for other prospective prescription therapeutics.

有關Petros Pharmaceuticals的信息
Petros Pharmaceuticals,Inc.致力於成爲新興自我保健市場的領先創新者,推動通過OTC治療選項展開關鍵處方藥物的獲取途徑。目前,Petros通過可能的OTC指定追求其旗艦處方ED治療STENDRA(avanafil)的增加獲取途徑(請參見下文的重要安全信息)。如果STENDRA(avanafil)最終獲得FDA的OTC獲取批准,則可能成爲該類別中首個獲得此營銷地位的藥物,並建立公司專有技術平台作爲其他潛在處方藥物的潛在證明。

About the OTC Pathway
The process of switching a prescription medication to OTC first involves the design of a Drug Facts Label ("DFL") that is well understood by potential consumers. Then, data must show that consumers can make an appropriate informed decision to use or not to use the product based only upon the information on the DFL and their personal medical history. Then consumers must demonstrate that they can properly use the product based upon the information on the DFL. To accomplish this, the FDA ordinarily requires a consumer tested OTC DFL. Such testing includes conduct of iterative Label Comprehension Studies (LCS) in the general population, Self-Selection Studies (SSS) in a population interested in using the product and in specific populations who may be harmed if they use the product, and usually one Actual Use Trial (AUT) demonstrating safe and appropriate use by consumers in a simulated OTC setting.

FDA目前正在最終確定的規定引入了非處方用途的附加條件標準(ACNU)準則,這些準則使得消費者可以正確自我選擇,同時可以拓展OTC 途徑以前只能處方開具藥物的產品範圍。ACNU可能是創新的計算機工具,也可能使用其他支持切換過程的方法。

The regulations that FDA is currently finalizing introduced Additional Conditions for Nonprescription Use ("ACNU") criteria that enable correct self-selection by consumers and may expand OTC access to medications that formerly could only be available by prescription. An ACNU may be an innovative computerized tool, or the additional conditions may use other approaches that support the switch process.


Important Safety Information about STENDRA (avanafil)
STENDRA (avanafil), originally launched by Auxilium Pharmaceuticals prior to its sale to Endo Pharmaceuticals, is an oral phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. STENDRA (avanafil) is not for use in women or children. It is not known if STENDRA (avanafil) is safe and effective in women or children under 18 years of age. A 100-mg and 200-mg tablet can be taken as early as ~15 minutes before sexual activity. STENDRA (avanafil) only works with sexual stimulation and should not be taken more than once a day. STENDRA can be taken with or without food; do not drink too much alcohol when taking STENDRA (avanafil) (for example, more than three glasses of wine or three shots of whiskey) as it can increase chances of side effects. Of people enrolled in clinical trials, 1.4%, 2.0%, and 2.0%, respectively, stopped taking STENDRA (avanafil) (50 mg, 100 mg, or 200 mg) due to side effects compared to 1.7% taking a placebo. STENDRA (avanafil) was designed and developed expressly for erectile dysfunction.

STENDRA(avanafil)最初由Auxilium Pharmaceuticals推出,後來被出售給Endo Pharmaceuticals,是口服磷酸二酯酶5(PDE5)抑制劑,用於治療勃起功能障礙。STENDRA(avanafil)不適用於婦女或兒童。不知道STENDRA(avanafil)在婦女或18歲以下兒童中是否安全有效。可以在~15分鐘左右的時間內服用100毫克和200毫克的藥片進行性活動。STENDRA(avanafil)僅在性刺激下起作用,不應每天服用超過一次。服用STENDRA(avanafil)時可以飲食或不飲食;當服用STENDRA(avanafil)時不要喝太多酒精(例如,超過三杯葡萄酒或三杯威士忌酒),因爲這可能會增加副作用發生的幾率。在參與臨床試驗的人群中,1.4%、2.0%和2.0%,分別停止服用STENDRA(avanafil)(50毫克、100毫克或200毫克)由於副作用,相對於服用安慰劑的1.7%。STENDRA(avanafil)是爲治療勃起功能障礙而專門設計和開發的。

STENDRA is contraindicated for any form of organic nitrates, in patients with known hypersensitivity to any component of the tablet, and in patients who are using a guanylate cyclase stimulator.


Patients should not use STENDRA if sexual activity is inadvisable due to cardiovascular status or any other reason. Before taking STENDRA, tell your doctor if you have had any kind of heart issues including heart attack, heart failure, angina and irregular heartbeat or have elevated or low blood pressure.


Use of STENDRA with alpha-blockers, other antihypertensives, or substantial amounts of alcohol (greater than three units) may lead to hypotension.


Patients should seek emergency treatment if an erection lasts greater than 4 hours.


Patients should stop STENDRA and seek medical care if a sudden loss of vision occurs in one or both eyes, which could be a sign of Non-Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy ("NAION"). Doctors should discuss with patients the increased risk of NAION in patients with a history of NAION.


Patients should stop taking STENDRA and seek prompt medical attention in the event of sudden decrease or loss of hearing.

如果突然減輕或喪失聽力,請患者停止服用STENDRA並尋求及時醫療 attention。

STENDRA can potentiate the hypotensive effect of nitrates, alpha blockers, antihypertensives, and alcohol.


CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., ketoconazole, ritonavir, erythromycin) increase STENDRA exposure. For patients taking concomitant strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (including ketoconazole, ritonavir, atazanavir, clarithromycin, indinavir, itraconazole, nefazodone, nelfinavir, saquinavir and telithromycin), do not use STENDRA.


Combination with Other PDE5 Inhibitors or Erectile Dysfunction Therapies is not recommended.


The safety of STENDRA is unknown in patients with bleeding disorders and patients with active peptic ulceration.


The use of STENDRA offers no protection against sexually transmitted diseases including HIV. Consider counseling patients on protective measures for sexually transmitted diseases.


The most common adverse reactions reported with use of STENDRA include headache, flushing, nasal congestion, nasopharyngitis, and back pain.


For more information about STENDRA, call 844-458-4887 . If you would like to report an adverse event or product complaint, please contact us at 844-458-4887.


You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA by calling 1-800-FDA-1088, or at .


Please see the full Prescribing Information and Patient Information.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are based upon Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.'s ("Petros," "we," "our," "us" or the "Company") management's assumptions, expectations, projections, intentions, and beliefs about future events. In some cases, predictive, future-tense or forward-looking words such as "intend," "develop," "goal," "plan," "predict", "may," "will," "project," "estimate," "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "continue," "potential," "opportunity," "forecast," "should," "target," "strategy" and similar expressions, whether in the negative or affirmative, that reflect our current views with respect to future events and operational, economic and financial performance are intended to identify forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. Such forward-looking statements are only predictions, and actual results and the timing of certain events and circumstances may differ materially from those described by the forward-looking statements as a result of risks and uncertainties, Petros' ability to execute on its business strategy, including its plans to develop and commercialize its product candidates; Petros' ability to comply with obligations as a public reporting company; Petros' ability to maintain compliance with the Nasdaq Stock Market's listing standards; risks related to Petros' ability to continue as a going concern; risks related to Petros' history of incurring significant losses; risks related to Petros' dependence on the commercialization of a single product, STENDRA; and risks related to Petros' ability to obtain regulatory approvals for, or market acceptance of, any of its products or product candidates. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements are contained in the Company's periodic reports and in other filings that the Company has filed, or may file, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under the headings "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and elsewhere. The Company cautions readers that the forward-looking statements included in this press release represent our beliefs, expectations, estimates and assumptions only as of the date of hereof and are not intended to give any assurance as to future results. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all these factors. Further, the Company cannot assess the effect of each such factor on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to be materially different from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Accordingly, you should not unduly rely on any forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含根據1933年修正案第27A條和1934年修正案第21E條的前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明基於Petros Pharmaceuticals,Inc.("Petros","我們","我們","我們"或"公司")的管理層的假設,期望,投影,意圖和對未來事件的信念。在某些情況下,用於預測、未來時或前瞻性詞語,例如"打算"、"開發"、"目標"、"計劃"、"預測"、"可能"、"將"、"項目"、"估計"、"預計"、"繼續"、"潛力","機會"、"預測"、"應該"、"目標"、"策略"和類似表達意圖的(無論是肯定的還是否定的),反映我們目前對未來事件以及運營、經濟和財務表現的看法,但不是識別這些聲明的唯一方法。這樣的前瞻性聲明僅爲預測,實際結果和某些事件和情況的時間可能因爲風險和不確定性,Petros能否執行其業務策略,包括其計劃開發和商業化其產品候選物的計劃; Petros能否履行作爲上市報告公司的義務;Petros能否保持符合納斯達克股票市場的上市標準;有關Petros能否繼續作爲實際運營的企業的風險;有關Petros承擔重大損失的歷史記錄的風險;有關於任何Petros產品或產品候選物獲得監管批准或市場接受合適性的風險的其他風險因素,在"風險因素"和"財務狀況和經營結果的管理討論和分析"等報告期間和其他文件中,公司已提交,或可能提交,給美國證券交易委員會("SEC")。公司提醒讀者,本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性聲明僅代表我們對此後的事件的信念、期望、估計和假設,且不意味着爲我們的未來結果提供任何保證。新因素會不斷出現,我們無法預測所有這些因素。此外,公司無法評估每個因素對我們業務的影響,或任何因素或多個因素可能導致實際結果與任何前瞻性陳述所包含的結果明顯不同。因此,您不應過於依靠任何前瞻性陳述。

The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events, a change in our views or expectations or otherwise, except as required by federal securities laws.




Jules Abraham

Jules Abraham



SOURCE: Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

來源:Petros Pharmaceuticals,Inc。

