
Cosa Resources Enters Agreement to Expand Its 100% Owned Orbit Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan

Cosa Resources Enters Agreement to Expand Its 100% Owned Orbit Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan

newsfile ·  07/29 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 29, 2024) - Cosa Resources Corp. (TSXV: COSA) (OTCQB: COSAF) (FSE: SSKU) ("Cosa" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has entered into an asset purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") with Skyharbour Resources Ltd. (the "Vendor") dated July 26, 2024, for the acquisition (the "Acquisition") of two mineral claims in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan (the "Claims").

卑詩省溫哥華--(新聞資訊社-2024年7月29日)-科薩資源公司(TSXV:COSA)(OTCQB:COSAF)(FSE:SSKU)(以下簡稱“科薩”或“公司”)很高興宣佈,已經與Skyharbour Resources Ltd.(以下簡稱“供應商”)簽署了一份資產購買協議(以下簡稱“購買協議”),該協議於2024年7月26日簽署,用以收購薩斯喀徹溫省Athabasca盆地的兩個礦權(以下簡稱“索賠”) 。



  • Two mineral dispositions totalling 6,049 hectares to be acquired, doubling the footprint of the Orbit uranium project (the "Orbit Project") to 12,718 hectares
  • Expands Cosa's control of untested strike length to eight kilometres located on trend with uranium mineralization, hydrothermal alteration, and reactivated graphitic faulting to the southwest
  • 將收購兩個礦權,總面積達6049公頃,將軌道鈾項目(“軌道項目”)的面積翻倍,達到12718公頃。
  • 擴大了科薩未經測試的長度達八千米的控制範圍,與鈾礦化、熱液改造和再生石墨化斷層走向一致,位於西南方向。部分地段被控制。

Keith Bodnarchuk, President and CEO of Cosa, commented: "This acquisition adds significant value and exploration runway to the Orbit Project, which is proximal to infrastructure and within 25 kilometres of the Key Lake Uranium Mill and the former Key Lake Uranium Mine. We are very pleased to expand this project, which is situated in a highly prospective area that has been largely overlooked by modern exploration despite having shallow target areas with no sandstone cover. We appreciate the effort from the Skyharbour team to complete this agreement in a timely manner. Cosa will continue to identify and pursue cost-effective opportunities to add to our pipeline of exciting projects and drill targets as we remain fully funded to complete all of our exploration plans into 2025."

科薩總裁兼首席執行官Keith Bodnarchuk表示:“這次收購爲軌道項目增添了重要價值和勘探推進,該項目鄰近基礎設施,距離Key Lake鈾礦廠和原Key Lake鈾礦25公里。我們非常高興擴展這個項目,它位於一個潛力巨大而又遭到現代勘探忽視的地區,礦層目標淺,無砂岩蓋層,感謝Skyharbour團隊及時完成了協議,截止到2025年,科薩將繼續尋找並追求成本效益高的機會,以新增我們的激動人心的項目和鑽探目標,而且我們的勘探計劃得到充分資金的支持。

Andy Carmichael, VP of Exploration of Cosa, commented: "The northern magnetic-low trend at the Orbit Project hosts known occurrences of uranium mineralization, hydrothermal alteration, and reactivated graphitic faulting on strike to the southwest, all of which can be important indicators of a uranium deposit on trend. We are excited to have nearly doubled the completely untested strike length of this trend contained by the Orbit Project. Furthermore, the southern portion of the Orbit Project hosts several complex magnetic low trends that have not been significantly explored and warrant additional work."

科薩勘探副總裁Andy Carmichael表示:“軌道項目的北部磁低點趨勢上存在鈾礦化、熱液脈石和再生石墨化斷層,全部都是潛在鈾礦牀的重要指標。我們對完全未經測試長度擴大了近兩倍的這個趨勢的發現充滿了期待。此外,軌道項目的南部覆蓋了多個曲線狀,東北向的磁低點,根據區域磁性資料確定的線ament,這暗示着有利的結構複雜性,與軌道項目的北部一樣,這個區域也沒有經過鑽探測試。科薩相信,軌道項目的探礦程度尚不足,對近地表和露天開採友好型礦化仍面臨機會。公司計劃在2025年完成軌道項目的鑽孔測試。

The Expanded Orbit Project


The Orbit Project is located roughly 19 kilometres south of the Athabasca Basin and 22 kilometres south of the Key Lake Mill and former Key Lake Mine (Figure 1) and is accessible by a network of trails extending to within 11 kilometres of the Orbit Project from Provincial Highway 914. Despite the Key Lake Mine's historical production of over 209 million lbs U3O8 at an average grade of 2.3%, the Orbit Project and surrounding area have seen little modern exploration.

軌道項目位於Athabasca盆地南面約19公里的地方,距離Key Lake礦廠和原Key Lake鈾礦22公里(圖1),通過向Provincial公路914公里以內延伸的一系列道路可達。儘管Key Lake Mine的歷史產量超過20900萬lbs U3O8,平均品位爲2.3%,但軌道項目和周邊地區很少經過現代勘探。

The northern portion of the expanded Orbit Project captures nearly eight kilometres of the interpreted strike extension of a northeast-trending magnetic low corridor that hosts occurrences of graphitic faulting, strong hydrothermal alteration, and weak uranium mineralization including 0.07% U3O8 in drill hole TED-01 (106.4 - 106.6 metres). The trend is sub-parallel to that which hosts the Gaertner and Deilmann uranium deposits of the former Key Lake Mine.

擴展軌道項目的北方几乎覆蓋了一個東北走向的磁性低點延伸的折線8公里,其中包括了再生石墨化斷層、強烈的熱液改造和弱鈾礦化。鑽孔TED-01(106.4 - 106.6m)中礦化程度爲0.07%U3O8。 該趨勢與曾經的Key Lake Mine鈾礦的Gaertner和Deilmann鈾礦產所在的趨勢基本呈互爲平行之勢。

The southern portion of the Orbit Project covers curvilinear, northeast-trending magnetic lows crosscut by lineaments identified from regional magnetic data which suggest favourable structural complexity. As with the northern portion of the Orbit Project, this area is untested by drilling. Like the 100% owned Aurora project to the northeast, Cosa believes that the Orbit Project is underexplored and remains prospective for near surface and open-pit amenable uranium mineralization. The Company aims to complete initial drill testing at the Orbit Project in 2025.


Acquisition Details


Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, Cosa has agreed to acquire a 100% unencumbered ownership of two mineral claims from the Vendor in exchange for 250,000 common shares of the Company (the "Consideration Shares"). The Consideration Shares will be subject to a four-month hold period pursuant to applicable Canadian securities laws, after which 50% of the Consideration Shares will become free trading. The Vendor has agreed to voluntary resale restrictions whereby the balance of 50% of the Consideration Shares will become free trading six months after closing. The Acquisition is subject to standard closing conditions, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV").

根據購買協議,科薩已經同意以股票的方式從供應商那裏收購兩個礦權,作爲支付,提供公司的普通股250000股(“考慮股票”),考慮股票將根據適用的加拿大證券法受到四個月的限售。之後,由50%的考慮股票自由交易。供應商已同意自願再銷售限制,以上述方式交付的菜餚股票餘額將在結息後6個月免費交易。該交易還需滿足標準交割條件,包括TSX Venture Exchange(“TSXV”)的批准。

Figure 1 - Orbit Uranium Project and Expanded Claims


About Cosa Resources Corp.


Cosa Resources is a Canadian uranium exploration company operating in northern Saskatchewan. The portfolio comprises roughly 209,000 ha across multiple projects in the Athabasca Basin region, all of which are underexplored, and the majority reside within or adjacent to established uranium corridors.

Cosa Resources是一家加拿大鈾勘探公司,位於薩斯喀徹溫北部運營。該公司在Athabasca流域地區擁有大約209,000公頃的多個項目,所有這些項目都是未開發的,大部分位於或毗鄰已建立的鈾走廊內。

Cosa's award-winning management team has a long track record of success in Saskatchewan. In 2022, members of the Cosa team were awarded the AME Colin Spence Award for their previous involvement in discovering IsoEnergy's Hurricane deposit. Prior to Hurricane, Cosa personnel led teams or had integral roles in the discovery of Denison Mines' Gryphon deposit and 92 Energy's Gemini Zone and held key roles in the founding of both NexGen and IsoEnergy.

Cosa 獲獎的管理團隊在薩斯喀徹溫省有着長期成功的記錄。2022 年,Cosa 團隊的成員因在發現 IsoEnergy 的 Hurricane 礦牀方面的先前參與而獲得了 AME Colin Spence 獎。在 Hurricane 之前,Cosa 職員曾帶領團隊或在 Denison Mines 的 Gryphon 礦牀和 92 Energy 的 Gemini 區域的發現中發揮了關鍵作用,並在創立 NexGen 和 IsoEnergy 時擔任重要角色。

Cosa's primary focus through 2024 is initial drilling at our Ursa Project, which captures over 60-kilometres of strike length of the Cable Bay Shear Zone, a regional structural corridor with known mineralization and limited historical drilling. It potentially represents the last remaining eastern Athabasca corridor to not yet yield a major discovery. Modern geophysics completed by Cosa in 2023 identified multiple high-priority target areas characterized by conductive basement stratigraphy beneath or adjacent to broad zones of inferred sandstone alteration - a setting that is typical of most eastern Athabasca uranium deposits. Initial drilling results from Ursa in winter 2024 are positive and include the intersection of a broad zone of alteration with associated structure in the Athabasca sandstone located 250 to 460 metres above the sub-Athabasca unconformity. Follow-up is planned in the second half of 2024.

Cosa 的主要重點直到 2024 年是在我們的 Ursa 項目進行初步鑽探,該項目涵蓋了 Cable Bay 剪切帶超過 60 公里長的部分,這是一個已知礦化和歷史鑽探有限的區域性構造迴廊。該項目有可能是東部 Athabasca 迴廊中尚未發現重大礦牀的最後機會。Cosa 在 2023 年完成的現代地球物理工作識別出多個高優先級的目標區域,這些區域的下部地層電性地層下面或相鄰於推測的砂岩蝕變帶,這是大多數東部 Athabasca 鈾礦牀的典型地貌。2024 年冬天在 Ursa 鑽探的初步結果是積極的,幷包括位於距離亞阿特巴斯卡不整合面 250 至 460 米處的 Athabasca 砂岩中的一大片蝕變和相關構造的交叉口。後續計劃在 2024 年下半年進行。

Qualified Person


The Company's disclosure of technical or scientific information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Andy Carmichael, P.Geo., Vice President, Exploration for Cosa. Mr. Carmichael is a Qualified Person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101. This news release refers to properties in which the Company has no interest. Mineralization on those neighboring properties does not necessarily indicate mineralization on the Company's properties.

本新聞稿涉及的技術或科學信息的披露已由Cosa的勘探副總裁Andy Carmichael,P.Geo.審核和批准。 Carmichael先生是根據National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員。這則新聞稿提到了公司沒有利益的資產。鄰近物業上的礦化不一定意味着公司資產上也存在礦化。



Keith Bodnarchuk, President and CEO
+1 888-899-2672 (COSA)

Keith Bodnarchuk,總裁兼首席執行官
+1 888-899-2672(COSA)

Cautionary Statements


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣)均不對本發佈的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws (collectively "forward-looking statements"). Forward-Looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, plans, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. All statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-Looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to statements regarding, the Company's exploration and development plans. Although the Company believes any forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations and assumptions in such statements will prove to be correct. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company's management's discussion and analysis as filed under the Company's profile at . Forward-Looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including the price of uranium and other commodities; costs of exploration and development; the estimated costs of development of exploration projects; the Company's ability to operate in a safe and effective manner and its ability to obtain financing on reasonable terms. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.


