
Premier American Uranium Outlines Multiple Targets for Expansion Drilling at the Cebolleta Project, New Mexico

Premier American Uranium Outlines Multiple Targets for Expansion Drilling at the Cebolleta Project, New Mexico

GlobeNewswire ·  07/27 05:00

TORONTO, July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Premier American Uranium Inc. ("PUR", the "Company" or "Premier American Uranium") (TSXV: PUR) (OTCQB: PAUIF) is pleased to outline targets as part of its exploration growth plans at the Company's flagship Cebolleta Project ("Cebolleta" or the "Project") located in the Grants Mineral Belt in New Mexico.

多倫多,2024年7月26日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——美國頂級鈾業公司(“PUR”,“公司” 或 “美國頂級鈾業”)(TSXV:PUR)(OTCQB:PAUIF)欣然概述了該公司位於新墨西哥州礦產補助地帶的旗艦Cebolleta項目(“Cebolleta” 或 “項目”)勘探增長計劃的一部分目標。

Uranium mineralization at PUR's Cebolleta project are the northern extension of the Jackpile-Paguate trend of uranium deposits, which is one of the largest sandstone-hosted uranium endowments in the world.1,2 Collectively, the mines of the Laguna mining district produced more than 100 million pounds of U3O8 from the Jackpile-Paguate trend during the period from 1951 to 1983, as documented by geologists of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources and the US Department of Energy.2 The northern continuation of the Jackpile-Paguate trend of uranium deposits onto the southern part of the Cebolleta project property is well established, but the extent of mineralization is not fully defined, representing several important potential exploration and growth opportunities for the Company.

PUR的Cebolleta項目的鈾礦化是Jackpile-Paguate鈾礦牀趨勢的北部延伸,Jackpile-Paguate是世界上最大的砂岩儲存鈾資源之一。1,2 根據新墨西哥州地質學家的記錄,在1951年至1983年期間,拉古納礦區的礦山從傑克皮爾-帕瓜特趨勢中共產生了超過1萬磅的八氧化三鈾地質和礦產資源局和美國能源部。2 鈾礦牀 Jackpile-Paguate 趨勢的北方延續位於Cebolleta項目南部的物業已確立,但礦化範圍尚未完全確定,這爲公司提供了幾個重要的潛在勘探和增長機會。

The Company has identified several target areas at Cebolleta, including:


  • Untested areas with known mineralized zones, but not yet comprehensively drilled.
  • Mineralized zones within the Jackpile sandstone which remain open-ended and trend beyond the limits of the existing drilling grid, providing potential for expansion of known deposits.
  • Mineralization at the Piedra Lumbre prospect (Figure 1), hosted in the Westwater Canyon Member of the Morrison Formation, which is the principal host for the prolific uranium deposits of the Grants Mineral Belt.
  • 未經測試的區域有已知的礦化區,但尚未全面鑽探。
  • Jackpile 砂岩內的礦化區保持開放狀態,呈現超出現有鑽探網格界限的趨勢,爲已知礦牀的擴張提供了潛力。
  • Piedra Lumbre勘探區(圖1)的礦化作用位於莫里森組的西水峽谷成員,該岩層是格蘭茨礦帶多產鈾礦牀的主要宿主。

Colin Healey, CEO of PUR commented, "As drilling has begun in Wyoming to unlock the potential opportunity to discover another ISR amenable deposit in close proximity to Ur-Energy's Lost Creek uranium mine and processing facility and not far from Rio Tinto's Sweetwater Mill, our technical team is undertaking the next steps required to expand shareholder value at Cebolleta in New Mexico. We are currently designing programs with the goal of unlocking growth potential as we advance toward preliminary economic and technical studies at the Cebolleta Project. We look forward to providing more detailed plans for exploration and advancement at this rapidly evolving flagship project in the near future."

PUR首席執行官科林·希利評論說:“懷俄明州的鑽探已經開始,爲在Ur-Energy的Lost Creek鈾礦和加工設施附近、距離力拓的甜水磨坊不遠處發現另一個符合ISR條件的礦牀提供了潛在的機會,我們的技術團隊正在採取必要的下一步措施,以擴大新墨西哥州Cebolleta的股東價值。我們目前正在設計計劃,目標是在Cebolleta項目進行初步經濟和技術研究的同時,釋放增長潛力。我們期待在不久的將來爲這個快速發展的旗艦項目提供更詳細的勘探和推進計劃。”

Brownfield Exploration Targets at Cebolleta

Cebolleta 的棕地勘探目標

The Company has identified several important brownfields targets that remain either untested or have very limited historical drilling immediately adjacent to historically defined mineralization in the Jackpile Sandstone at both the St. Anthony and L-Bar (Sohio) areas of the Project (Figure 1).


  • In the St. Anthony area, the southern property line is defined by the northern part of the Jackpile open pit mine. Reconnaissance-scale exploration drilling carried out by a previous operator of the project encountered mineralization in several holes in the immediate vicinity of the northern edge of the Jackpile open pit. The Company believes the southern boundary region of the property has the potential to host additional uranium mineralization that could be similar in tenor to mineralization in the adjoining Jackpile mine.
  • The "Link" target is situated along the northern flank of the St. Anthony north pit and near the area of Phase I confirmation drill program completed by American Future Fuel Corporation in 2023, in an area of limited historical drilling along the major trend that defines the mineralized system on the Project. The Company believes that the Link target has a probability of expanding the known mineralization on the Project. In addition, the "South Pit Extension" target is considered to have good potential to host additional mineralization as it is situated between areas of well-defined mineralization but was largely undrilled due to the presence of an isolated topographic high. Notably, the Willie P underground mine developed by UNC as part of the St. Anthony mine complex where 1.6 million pounds of uranium were mined from 1975 to 1979, is believed to have remaining mineralization not included in the current mineral resource estimate ("MRE") for the Cebolleta Project in New Mexico prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (see press release dated June 24, 2024). The Company has begun work to acquire and analyze data that was previously unavailable.
  • At the L-Bar (Sohio) area of the Project "brownfields" targets have been identified in the north and south Sohio target areas, immediately adjacent to known mineralization. In the Central target area, sparse historical drilling has defined isolated pods of mineralization that the Company believes could be linked to define a larger, continuous mineralized body.
  • 在聖安東尼地區,南部地產線由 Jackpile 露天礦的北部界定。該項目的一位前運營商進行的偵察規模的勘探鑽探在 Jackpile 露天礦北部邊緣附近的幾個孔中遇到了礦化現象。該公司認爲,該物業的南部邊界區域有可能容納額外的鈾礦化區,其礦化程度可能與毗鄰的Jackpile礦的礦化作用相似。
  • “Link” 目標位於聖安東尼北坑的北側,靠近美國未來燃料公司於2023年完成的第一階段確認鑽探計劃區域,該區域沿着定義該項目礦化系統的主要趨勢沿線的歷史鑽探有限。該公司認爲,Link目標有可能擴大該項目的已知礦化範圍。此外,“南坑延伸” 目標被認爲具有承載更多礦化的巨大潛力,因爲它位於礦化層定義明確的區域之間,但由於存在孤立的地形高點,基本上沒有鑽探。值得注意的是,UNC開發的Willie P地下礦是聖安東尼礦山綜合體的一部分,該礦在1975年至1979年期間開採了160萬磅鈾,據信其餘礦化未包含在新墨西哥州Cebolleta項目當前根據國家儀器43-101——礦產項目披露標準(見2024年6月24日新聞稿)編制的新墨西哥州塞博萊塔項目的礦產資源估算(“MRE”)中。該公司已開始收集和分析以前不可用的數據。
  • 在項目的L-Bar(索希奧)區域,已在索希奧北部和南部目標區域確定了 “棕地” 目標,緊鄰已知的礦化區。在中央目標區域,稀疏的歷史鑽探已經定義了孤立的礦化區,該公司認爲這些礦化池可能與定義更大、更連續的礦化體有關。

Figure 1: "Brownfields" and "greenfields" exploration targets within the Project area. Note the Jackpile Mine pit boundary is at the southern limit of the property and the Company believes there is good potential to extend this mineralization onto the Project area. On the eastern side of the Project area, the Piedra Lumbre prospect is a "greenfields" target that has potential for hosting mineralization in the underlying Westwater Canyon Member of the Morrison Formation.

圖 1:項目區域內的 “棕地” 和 “綠地” 勘探目標。請注意,Jackpile Mine礦坑邊界位於該物業的南端,該公司認爲這種礦化作用很有可能擴展到項目區域。在項目區域的東側,Piedra Lumbre勘探區是一個 “綠地” 目標,有可能在莫里森組的西水峽谷底層成員中進行礦化。

Greenfields Exploration Targets at Cebolleta – Potential for New Discovery

Cebolleta 的 Greenfields 勘探目標——新發現的潛力

  • At the Piedra Lumbre prospect on the eastern margin of the Project (Figure 1), historical drilling encountered uranium mineralization within sandstones of the Westwater Canyon ("Westwater"), 300 feet below the Jackpile Sandstone. The extent of mineralization at Piedra Lumbre is largely untested, and represents an opportunity for potential identification of new "greenfields" mineralized area.
  • 在該項目東緣的Piedra Lumbre勘探區(圖1),歷史鑽探在西水峽谷(“西水”)的砂岩中遇到了鈾礦化,該砂岩位於傑克皮爾砂岩下方300英尺處。Piedra Lumbre的礦化程度基本上未經測試,這爲發現新的 “綠地” 礦化區域提供了機會。

About the Cebolleta Project

關於 Cebolleta 項目

Cebolleta is an advanced uranium exploration project with a Mineral Resource (April 2024Technical Report) of Indicated Resources containing 18.6 million pounds of U3O8 (6.6 M tons @ 0.14% U3O8). Inferred Resources are estimated to contain 4.9 million pounds of U3O8 (2.6 M tons @ 0.10% U3O8).

Cebolleta是一個先進的鈾勘探項目,其礦產資源(2024年4月技術報告)中含有18.6萬磅的八氧化三鈾(660萬噸 @ 0.14% U3O8)。據估計,推斷資源含有490萬磅的八氧化三鈾(260萬噸 @ 0.10% U3O8)。

Qualified Person Statement


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dean T. Wilton, PG, CPG-7659, MAIG-6384, a consultant to PUR, and a "Qualified Person" (as defined in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects). Data verification related to certain scientific and technical information with respect to the Project can be found in the Company's technical report entitled "Technical Report on the Cebolleta Uranium Project, Cibola County, New Mexico, USA" dated June 17, 2024, which is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .

本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息已由迪恩·威爾頓、PG、CPG-7659、MAIG-6384、PUR 顧問和 “合格人員”(定義見國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準)的審查和批准。與該項目有關的某些科學和技術信息相關的數據驗證可以在公司於2024年6月17日發佈的題爲 “美國新墨西哥州西博拉縣Cebolleta鈾項目技術報告” 的技術報告中找到,該報告可在SEDAR+的公司簡介下查閱,網址爲。

About Premier American Uranium


Premier American Uranium Inc. is focused on the consolidation, exploration, and development of uranium projects in the United States. One of PUR's key strengths is the extensive land holdings in three prominent uranium-producing regions in the United States: the Grants Mineral Belt of New Mexico, the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming and the Uravan Mineral Belt of Colorado. With a rich history of past production and both current and historic uranium mineral resources, PUR has work programs underway to advance its portfolio.

Premier American Uranium Inc. 專注於美國鈾項目的合併、勘探和開發。PUR的主要優勢之一是在美國三個主要的鈾產區擁有大量土地:新墨西哥州的格蘭茨礦產帶、懷俄明州的大分水嶺盆地和科羅拉多州的烏拉萬礦帶。憑藉豐富的過去生產歷史以及當前和歷史上的鈾礦產資源,PUR正在制定工作計劃以擴大其產品組合。

Backed by Sachem Cove Partners, IsoEnergy Ltd., Mega Uranium Ltd., and additional corporate and institutional investors, and an unparalleled team with U.S. uranium experience, PUR's positioning in the market represents a compelling opportunity, as uranium fundamentals are currently the strongest they have been in more than a decade.

在Sachem Cove Partners、IsoEnergy Ltd.、Mega Uranium Ltd. 以及其他企業和機構投資者以及具有美國鈾經驗的無與倫比的團隊的支持下,PUR在市場中的定位是一個絕佳的機會,因爲鈾基本面目前是十多年來最強勁的。

For More Information, Please Contact:


Premier American Uranium Inc.
Colin Healey, CEO
Toll-Free: 1-833-223-4673
Twitter: @PremierAUranium


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Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to, planned exploration and advancement activities; anticipated exploration results; the potential for identification of additional mineralization and future mineral resource expansion; plans regarding preparation of a Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Project; expectations regarding the resurgence of nuclear power in the US; and other activities, events or developments that are expected, anticipated or may occur in the future. Generally, but not always, forward-looking information and statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connotation thereof.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息包括但不限於有關計劃勘探和推進活動的陳述;預期的勘探結果;確定更多礦化區和未來礦產資源擴張的可能性;有關爲該項目編制初步經濟評估的計劃;對美國核能復甦的預期;以及預期、預期或將來可能發生的其他活動、事件或發展。通常,但並非總是如此,前瞻性信息和陳述可以通過使用 “計劃”、“期望”、“預期”、“預算”、“預計”、“預測”、“打算”、“預期” 或 “相信” 等詞語或其負面含義或某些行動、事件或結果 “可能”、“會” 的措辭或陳述的變體來識別, “可能” 或 “將被採取”, “發生” 或 “被實現” 或其負面含義.

Forward-looking information and statements are based on our current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates and forecasts about PUR's business and the industry and markets in which it operates. Such forward-information and statements are based on numerous assumptions, including among others, that the planned exploration activities will be compelt4ed as anticipated and that the results of such planned exploration activities are as anticipated, the price of uranium, the anticipated cost of planned exploration activities, that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner, that financing will be available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, that third party contractors, equipment and supplies and governmental and other approvals required to conduct the Company's planned exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in a timely manner. Although the assumptions made by PUR in providing forward-looking information or making forward-looking statements are considered reasonable by management at the time, there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be accurate.


Forward-looking information and statements also involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performances and achievements of Premier American Uranium to differ materially from any projections of results, performances and achievements of Premier American Uranium expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or statements, including, among others: limited operating history, negative operating cash flow and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of additional financing, delays or failure to obtain required permits and regulatory approvals, changes in mineral resources, no known mineral reserves, aboriginal title and consultation issues, reliance on key management and other personnel; potential downturns in economic conditions; availability of third party contractors; availability of equipment and supplies; failure of equipment to operate as anticipated; accidents, effects of weather and other natural phenomena and other risks associated with the mineral exploration industry; changes in laws and regulation, competition, and uninsurable risks and the risk factors with respect to Premier American Uranium set out in PUR's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the other documents of PUR filed with the Canadian securities regulators and available under PUR's profile on SEDAR+ at .

前瞻性信息和陳述還涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性以及其他因素,這些因素可能導致Premier American Uranium的實際業績、表現和成就與此類前瞻性信息或陳述所表達或暗示的任何業績、業績和成就的預測存在重大差異,包括:運營歷史有限、運營現金流負和對第三方融資的依賴、額外融資的不確定性、延遲或失敗獲得所需的許可證和監管部門的批准,礦產資源的變化,未知的礦產儲量,原住民所有權和諮詢問題,對關鍵管理人員和其他人員的依賴;經濟狀況的潛在衰退;第三方承包商的可用性;設備和用品的可用性;設備無法按預期運行;事故、天氣和其他自然現象的影響以及與礦產勘探行業相關的其他風險;法律和法規的變化、競爭和不可保的風險以及PUR截至2023年12月31日止年度的年度信息表以及向加拿大證券監管機構提交的PUR的其他文件中列出的與美國優質鈾有關的風險因素,可在SEDAR+的PUR簡介下查閱。

Although PUR has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. PUR undertakes no obligation to update or reissue forward-looking information as a result of new information or events except as required by applicable securities laws.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


1 World's Largest Giant Uranium Deposit in New Mexico. US Geological Survey Open File Report 82-539, 1982. ()

1 新墨西哥州世界上最大的巨型鈾礦牀。美國地質調查局公開文件報告 82-539,1982 年。()

2 The Jackpile-Paguate Uranium Mine, Grants Uranium District: Changes in perspectives from production to superfund site Virginia T. McLemore, Bonnie A. Frey, Ellane El Hayek, Eshani Hettiarachchi, Reid Brown, Olivia Chavez, Shaylene Paul, and Milton Das

2 Jackpile-Paguate 鈾礦,格蘭茨鈾區:從生產到超級基金所在地弗吉尼亞·麥克萊莫爾、邦妮·弗雷、埃蘭·艾爾·哈耶克、埃沙尼·海蒂亞拉奇、裏德·布朗、奧利維亞·查韋斯、莎琳·保羅和米爾頓·達斯,視角的變化

