
Earnings Call Summary | Buenaventura Mining(BVN.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Buenaventura Mining(BVN.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | 布埃納文圖拉開採(BVN.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  07/27 04:53  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Compañía De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (BVN) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Compañía De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.(BVN)2024 Q2業績電話會議的摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • EBITDA increased $85 million from the previous year to a margin of 39%, up from 13% last year.

  • Net income for Q2 2024 was $74 million, compared to last year's net loss of $5 million.

  • Copper production decreased by 22% year-over-year primarily due to the voluntary suspension at El Brocal.

  • Silver production increased significantly to 4 million ounces, largely due to outputs from Uchucchacua and Yumpag.

  • All-in sustaining costs reduced by 91% year-over-year.

  • EBITDA從上一年的利潤增加了8500萬美元,利潤率達39%,高於去年的13%。

  • 2024年Q2的淨利潤爲7400萬美元,去年淨虧損爲500萬美元。

  • 銅生產量同比下降22%,主要原因是El Brocal的自願暫停。

  • 白銀產量大幅增加至400萬盎司,主要得益於Uchucchacua和Yumpag的產出。

  • 全面維持成本同比降低91%。

Business Progress:


  • Increased focus on the San Gabriel project with $70 million allocated and significant progress in construction at various stages.

  • Emphasis on enhancing dividend returns, particularly from the Cerro Verde project, expected to range between $120 million and $150 million in dividends for FY 2024.

  • Decrease in net debt to EBITDA ratio to 1.4 times, reflecting effective debt management.

  • 更加註重San Gabriel項目,分配了7000萬美元,並在各個階段的建設中取得了重大進展。

  • 着重提高分紅回報,特別是來自Cerro Verde項目的回報,預計FY2024的分紅將在12000萬美元到15000萬美元之間。

  • 淨債務對EBITDA比率降至1.4倍,反映了有效的債務管理。



  • Expansion and significant capital investments in the San Gabriel project, which is expected to enhance future production capabilities.

  • Increase in dividends from partnerships and projects contributing positively to financial performance.

  • 擴大、在San Gabriel項目中進行重大資本投資,預計將增強未來的生產能力。

  • 來自合作伙伴和項目的分紅增加對財務業績產生積極影響。



  • Voluntary suspension of operations at El Brocal affects copper production negatively.

  • Declining ore grades at Orcopampa and Tambomayo leading to increased production costs.

  • El Brocal自願暫停營運對銅生產產生負面影響。

  • Orcopampa和Tambomayo礦山礦石品位下降,導致生產成本增加。

More details: Buenaventura Mining IR

更多詳情請查看Buenaventura Mining IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


