
GSK's Top Selling Vaccine Can Potentially Reduce Dementia Risk, Research Suggests

GSK's Top Selling Vaccine Can Potentially Reduce Dementia Risk, Research Suggests

Benzinga ·  07/27 01:51

Scientists have discovered that the shingles vaccine Shingrix, developed by GSK Plc (NYSE:GSK), may reduce the risk of dementia, a finding that could significantly impact public health.


The research, published in Nature Medicine, showed that individuals vaccinated with Shingrix lived an average of 164 days longer without a dementia diagnosis compared to those who received the older Zostavax vaccine.


Related: GSK Says Its Blockbuster Shingles Vaccine Shows High Efficacy Even After 10 Years


The study, led by Maxime Taquet, a clinical lecturer in Oxford University's psychiatry department, analyzed data from 200,000 people.

牛津大學精神病學系的臨床講師Maxime Taquet帶領的研究分析了20萬人的數據。

Taquet stated the findings were "convincing" and called for further research to validate the hypothesis that shingles vaccination might prevent dementia.


Shingles is an infection caused by a virus. The main symptom is a painful rash. The virus that causes shingles is called varicella zoster.


Shingles, or herpes zoster, occurs when the dormant varicella-zoster virus, which causes childhood chickenpox, reactivates.

帶狀皰疹或稱爲Herpes zoster,是指引起兒童水痘的休眠水痘-帶狀皰疹病毒重新激活的疾病。

The switch from Zostavax to Shingrix in the U.S. health systems in 2017 allowed researchers to compare dementia rates among over 100,000 individuals vaccinated with either vaccine.


Shingrix showed a 17% lower risk of dementia than Zostavax and a 23-27% lower risk than vaccines for other infections, such as flu and tetanus.


Citing Sheona Scales, director of research at the Alzheimer's Research U.K. charity, the Financial Times report stressed the importance of further research to understand the biological mechanisms behind Shingrix's potential protective effect against dementia.

引用阿爾茨海默病研究英國慈善機構的研究主管Sheona Scales的話,金融時報報道強調了進一步研究理解Shingrix潛在保護作用背後的生物機制的重要性。

While the study adds to the evidence linking shingles vaccination with reduced dementia risk, Scales also pointed out other established dementia risk factors.


Shingrix has become one of GSK's top-selling products, generating 3.4 billion pounds in revenue worldwide in 2023, with Q4 2023 representing the highest-ever quarter of sales.

Shingrix已成爲GSK最暢銷的產品之一,在2023年全球實現34億英鎊的營業收入,Q4 2023年實現了有史以來最高的季度銷售額。

GSK acknowledged the new study as part of the "growing body of evidence" suggesting a connection between shingles vaccination and reduced dementia risk.


The company plans to present additional data on Shingrix at an upcoming Alzheimer's conference in Philadelphia.


Price Action: GSK stock is up 2.50% at $40.04 at the last check on Friday.


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