
NextEra Energy Board Declares Quarterly Dividend

NextEra Energy Board Declares Quarterly Dividend

特百惠 ·  07/25 12:00

JUNO BEACH, Fla., July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The board of directors of NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE) declared a regular quarterly common stock dividend of $0.515 per share. The dividend is payable on Sept. 16, 2024, to shareholders of record on Aug. 30, 2024.

美國佛羅里達州朱諾比奇,2024年7月25日/新聞稿/ ——NextEra Energy,Inc.(紐交所代碼:NEE)董事會宣佈,普通股季度股息爲每股0.515美元。股息將於2024年9月16日支付給2024年8月30日創紀錄的股東。


NextEra Energy, Inc.
NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company headquartered in Juno Beach, Florida. NextEra Energy owns Florida Power & Light Company, which is America's largest electric utility that sells more power than any other utility, providing clean, affordable, reliable electricity to approximately 5.9 million customer accounts, or more than 12 million people across Florida. NextEra Energy also owns a competitive clean energy business, NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, which, together with its affiliated entities, is the world's largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun and a world leader in battery storage. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emissions-free electricity from seven commercial nuclear power units in Florida, New Hampshire and Wisconsin. A Fortune 200 company, NextEra Energy has been recognized often by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity. For more information about NextEra Energy companies, visit these websites: , , .

NextEra Energy,Inc.(紐交所代碼:NEE)是一家總部位於佛羅里達州朱諾比奇的領先清潔能源公司。 NextEra Energy擁有Florida Power & Light Company,即美國最大的銷售電力的公用事業公司,爲佛羅里達州約590萬客戶帳戶或1200萬人提供清潔、經濟、可靠的電力。 NextEra Energy還擁有一個競爭性的清潔能源業務NextEra Energy Resources,LLC,與其關聯的實體一起,是世界上風能和太陽能的最大發電機,也是電池儲存的世界領導者。通過其子公司,NextEra Energy在佛羅里達州、新罕布什爾州和威斯康星州擁有七個商業核電機組,可發電乾淨、無排放的電力。Fortune 200公司NextEra Energy經常得到第三方機構的認可,因其在可持續性、企業責任、道德與合規以及多樣性方面的努力。有關NextEra Energy公司的更多信息,請訪問這些網站: ,,。

SOURCE NextEra Energy, Inc.

來源:NextEra Energy, Inc.

