
Covenant Logistics Group's (NASDAQ:CVLG) 29% CAGR Outpaced the Company's Earnings Growth Over the Same Five-year Period

Covenant Logistics Group's (NASDAQ:CVLG) 29% CAGR Outpaced the Company's Earnings Growth Over the Same Five-year Period

Covenant Logistics Group (納斯達克:CVLG)的年複合增長率(CAGR)高達29%,超過了同期公司利潤增長。
Simply Wall St ·  07/26 18:18

The most you can lose on any stock (assuming you don't use leverage) is 100% of your money. But on a lighter note, a good company can see its share price rise well over 100%. For example, the Covenant Logistics Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVLG) share price has soared 246% in the last half decade. Most would be very happy with that. It's also good to see the share price up 22% over the last quarter. The company reported its financial results recently; you can catch up on the latest numbers by reading our company report.

任何一隻股票的最大虧損(假設不使用槓桿)是你的全部資金。但是值得一提的是,一家優秀的公司股票價格可能會上漲超過100%。例如,Covenant Logistics Group股份有限公司(納斯達克:CVLG)的股票價格在過去的五年中已飆升246%。大多數人肯定會爲此感到非常高興。此外,值得一提的是,過去一個季度股票價格上漲了22%。公司最近發佈了財務數據,你可以通過閱讀我們的公司報告來了解最新數據。

The past week has proven to be lucrative for Covenant Logistics Group investors, so let's see if fundamentals drove the company's five-year performance.

Covenant Logistics Group的投資者在過去的一週裏獲得了豐厚的回報,因此我們來看看這家公司的五年表現是否受基本面的推動。

In his essay The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville Warren Buffett described how share prices do not always rationally reflect the value of a business. By comparing earnings per share (EPS) and share price changes over time, we can get a feel for how investor attitudes to a company have morphed over time.


Over half a decade, Covenant Logistics Group managed to grow its earnings per share at 9.6% a year. This EPS growth is slower than the share price growth of 28% per year, over the same period. So it's fair to assume the market has a higher opinion of the business than it did five years ago. And that's hardly shocking given the track record of growth.

在過去的五年中,Covenant Logistics Group成功實現了每股收益年均增長9.6%。雖然這種每股收益的增長速度比同期股票的28%的增長速度要慢,但股票價格的上漲速度卻更快,因此可以合理地認爲,市場對該公司的看法比五年前更高。考慮到該公司的增長記錄,這並不令人震驚。

The image below shows how EPS has tracked over time (if you click on the image you can see greater detail).


NasdaqGS:CVLG Earnings Per Share Growth July 26th 2024

We're pleased to report that the CEO is remunerated more modestly than most CEOs at similarly capitalized companies. It's always worth keeping an eye on CEO pay, but a more important question is whether the company will grow earnings throughout the years. It might be well worthwhile taking a look at our free report on Covenant Logistics Group's earnings, revenue and cash flow.

我們很高興地報告,與同樣資本化的公司相比,Covenant Logistics Group的首席執行官的報酬要更加適中。關注首席執行官的薪酬總是值得的,但更重要的問題是,該公司是否會在未來幾年內實現盈利增長。看看我們有關Covenant Logistics Group的收益、營業收入和現金流的免費報告可能會很有意義。

What About Dividends?


When looking at investment returns, it is important to consider the difference between total shareholder return (TSR) and share price return. The TSR is a return calculation that accounts for the value of cash dividends (assuming that any dividend received was reinvested) and the calculated value of any discounted capital raisings and spin-offs. So for companies that pay a generous dividend, the TSR is often a lot higher than the share price return. In the case of Covenant Logistics Group, it has a TSR of 255% for the last 5 years. That exceeds its share price return that we previously mentioned. This is largely a result of its dividend payments!

在考慮投資回報時,重要的是要考慮總股東回報率(TSR)和股票價格回報率之間的差異。TSR是一項計算回報的指標,它考慮了現金股息的價值(假設任何股息都已被再投資)、任何折價融資和分拆的計算價值。因此,在股息慷慨的公司裏,TSR往往比股票價格回報更高。以Covenant Logistics Group爲例,公司在過去5年中的TSR爲255%。這超過了我們之前提到的股票價格回報。這主要是由於公司的分紅!

A Different Perspective


Covenant Logistics Group provided a TSR of 3.5% over the last twelve months. But that return falls short of the market. If we look back over five years, the returns are even better, coming in at 29% per year for five years. Maybe the share price is just taking a breather while the business executes on its growth strategy. I find it very interesting to look at share price over the long term as a proxy for business performance. But to truly gain insight, we need to consider other information, too. Even so, be aware that Covenant Logistics Group is showing 3 warning signs in our investment analysis , you should know about...

在過去的12個月中,Covenant Logistics Group的TSR爲3.5%。但該回報低於市場平均水平。如果我們回顧過去的五年,回報會更好,達到了每年29%。也許股票價格只是在休息,而企業則在執行其增長戰略。對於代表企業業績的長期股票價格,我認爲這很有意思。但爲了真正獲得深入的洞察,我們需要考慮其他的信息。不過,還需要注意,Covenant Logistics Group在我們的投資分析中顯示出了3個警告信號,你應該知道......

Of course Covenant Logistics Group may not be the best stock to buy. So you may wish to see this free collection of growth stocks.

當然,Covenant Logistics Group可能不是最好的股票買入選擇。因此,你可能希望查看這個增長股票的免費收藏。

Please note, the market returns quoted in this article reflect the market weighted average returns of stocks that currently trade on American exchanges.


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This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.

這篇文章是Simply Wall St的一般性文章。我們根據歷史數據和分析師預測提供評論,只使用公正的方法論,我們的文章並不意味着提供任何金融建議。文章不構成買賣任何股票的建議,也不考慮您的目標或您的財務狀況。我們的目標是帶給您基本數據驅動的長期關注分析。請注意,我們的分析可能不考慮最新的價格敏感公司公告或定性材料。Simply Wall St沒有任何股票頭寸。

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