
Datasonic Bags RM30 Million Smart Card Contract From Indonesian Ministry

Datasonic Bags RM30 Million Smart Card Contract From Indonesian Ministry

Business Today ·  07/26 13:13

Datasonic Group Berhad through its subsidiary, PT Datasonic Teknologi Indonesia has signed a sales and purchase agreement with Perum Percetakan Negara Republik Indonesia ("PNRI"), a wholly-owned entity of the Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises for the supply of smart cards valued at nearly RM30 million over a period of one (1) to three (3) years.

Datasonic Group Berhad通過其子公司Pt Datasonic Teknologi已與印度尼西亞國有企業部的全資實體Perum Percetakan Percetakan Indonesia(“PNRI”)簽署了銷售和購買協議,在一(1)至三(3)年內供應價值近3000萬令吉的智能卡。

The group said the collaboration between both parties is a step for Datasonic to strengthen its position as a regional leader in cybersecurity services and smart cards, while PNRI acts as a partner responsible for producing and distributing various printing products for both the central and local governments. Therefore, this collaboration is expected to enhance bilateral relations between Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as demonstrate Datasonic's capabilities in the market, especially outside of Malaysia.


Datasonic Group Berhad is a public-listed company that excels in security printing technology, passport manufacturing, Malaysian identity cards (MyKad), EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) smart card production, as well as various services related to information and communications technology, and cybersecurity. The largest shareholder is Urusharta Jamaah Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned company of the Malaysian Ministry of Finance (Incorporated).

Datasonic Group Berhad是一家上市公司,在安全打印技術、護照製造、馬來西亞身份證(myKad)、EMV(Europay、萬事達卡和維薩卡)智能卡生產以及與信息和通信技術和網絡安全相關的各種服務方面表現出色。最大的股東是馬來西亞財政部(公司)的全資公司Urusharta Jamaah Sdn Bhd。

Through this agreement, it has expanded its portfolio as an industry leader not only in Malaysia but has also demonstrated the capabilities of Malaysian companies in industries dominated by European-based firms.


