share_log Migrates Card Operations to Pismo Migrates Card Operations to Pismo

PR Newswire ·  07/25 21:24

Fintech transfers its credit card portfolio to cloud infrastructure in only five months


BRISTOL, England, July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --, whose novücard is Brazil's only credit card with automatically increasing limits, migrated its legacy credit card infrastructure to Pismo in just five months.

英國布里斯托爾,2024年7月25日/ PRNewswire / - alt.bank是巴西唯一擁有自動增加信用額度功能的信用卡的發行人,該公司在僅五個月內就將其傳統信用卡基礎架構遷移到Pismo上。

alt.Bank was created in 2019 by the anglo/american technology entrepreneur Brad Liebmann with the objective to bring transparent and fair lending practices to the Brazilian credit card market. The fintech chose Pismo's cloud-native platform to boost its operations and expand the range of services available to its customers via the Visa credentials.

2019年,Brad Liebmann(一位英國/美國科技企業家)創建了,目標是爲巴西信用卡市場引入透明和公平的貸款實踐。 fintech選擇了Pismo的雲原生平台,以提高其運營能力並通過Visa憑據擴展其客戶可用的服務範圍。

"To enable the delivery of the services we are creating, we need flexible, up-to-date, and reliable technology. We found the ideal partner in Pismo," says Brad Liebmann, founder and CEO at

"爲了提供我們正在創建的服務,我們需要靈活、最新、可靠的技術。我們在Pismo中找到了理想的合作伙伴,"說alt.bank的創始人兼CEO Brad Liebmann。

The project was completed without dependency on the previous operator and without service interruptions for cardholders.


"On Pismo's platform, we selected the microservices that made sense for our operation, and we didn't have to wait in line for developments, as we did before. This allowed us to migrate in record time.", complements.


novücard is the first card in Brazil to offer a dynamic credit limit that automatically increases month by month as bills are paid on time and in full. Taking advantage of the Pismo platform, the fintech plans to launch several new product features for novücard – some of which will be novel to Brazil – by the end of the year.


"alt.Bank is simplifying access to financial products to its clients. And operational efficiency is pivotal for the success," says Rodrigo Melato, VP of Global Sales and Customer Success at Pismo. "By offering cutting-edge technology in small blocks, Pismo simplifies how clients manage technology. Pismo offers more than 600 endpoints, what helps keep costs under control and give clients authonomy to be in charge of their infrastructure," he concludes.

"alt.Bank爲其客戶簡化金融產品的訪問。操作效率對於成功至關重要," Pismo的全球銷售和客戶成功副總裁Rodrigo Melato說。"通過以小塊提供尖端技術,Pismo簡化了客戶管理技術的方式。 Pismo提供600多個端點,有助於控制成本並賦予客戶掌管其基礎設施的自主權,"他最後總結道。 is Brazil's fastest growing direct credit card issuer and received more than $30 million in investment - led by New York-based Union Square Ventures. It is the first investment in South America for USV, considered the most successful Series A investor in the world. At the heart of the alt.Bank is its GUARD credit engine – Brazil's most accurate – which is also used by other Brazilian lenders via partnerships.

alt.bank是巴西發展最快的直接信用卡發行人,獲得了超過3000萬美元的投資——由總部位於紐約的聯合廣場風險投資領導。 這是USV在南美的第一個投資,被認爲是全球最成功的A輪投資者之一。alt.Bank的核心是其GUARD信貸引擎 - 巴西最準確的信貸引擎 - 也被其他巴西貸款人通過合作伙伴關係使用。

Pismo, which was acquired by Visa International earlier this year, continues to play a key role in the transformation and modernisation of the financial segment landscape. Pismo provides clients with comprehensive core banking and card-issuer processing capabilities across all product types through cloud native APIs.


About Pismo


Pismo is a technology company that provides a complete processing platform for banking, card issuing and financial market infrastructure. Large banks and fintechs use our cloud-native microservices platform. Our clients have created state-of-the-art solutions while migrating their legacy systems to the most advanced technology. We enable companies to build and launch new products and services quickly. Our platform allows you to scale systems as your business grows, while maintaining high standards of security and availability.




The mission of is to improve the lives of a billion people through financial justice. Founded with a comprehensive social commitment, launched the novücard in July 2022, offering fair and transparent interest rates to Brazilians. With more than $30 million in investments led by Union Square Ventures, the company is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of growth and positive social impact.


Media contact




Patricia Bartuira
+1 (786) 270-6253
[email protected]

Patricia Bartuira
[email protected]


來源 Pismo

