
Simon Clarke Joins Myriad Uranium's Board of Directors

Simon Clarke Joins Myriad Uranium's Board of Directors

newsfile ·  07/25 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2024) - Myriad Uranium Corp. (CSE: M) (OTCQB: MYRUF) (FSE: C3Q) ("Myriad" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that Mr. Simon Clarke has been appointed as a director of the Company, effective immediately.

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞省——(新聞稿-2024年7月25日 Newsfile Corp.)——多元鈾業公司(CSE:M)(OTCQB: MYRUF) (FSE: C3Q)(“多元”或“公司”)高興地宣佈,Simon Clarke先生已被任命爲該公司的董事,立即生效。

Mr. Clarke brings over 25 years' experience building companies and implementing successful capital markets and growth strategies focused on mining, energy, and energy technology. Mr. Clarke is currently CEO and a director of American Lithium Corp., a leading lithium and uranium development company trading on the TSXV and NASDAQ. As well as its lithium projects, American Lithium is also developing the Macusani Uranium Project, the largest uranium asset in South America and one of the largest development stage uranium projects globally. Mr. Clarke has been with American Lithium for four years.


Mr. Clarke was also a co-founder, CEO, and director of M2 Cobalt Corp., which explored for cobalt and copper in East Africa. M2 Cobalt was acquired by Jervois Global in June 2019 and as part of the transaction terms, Mr. Clarke joined Jervois as a Director and then as part of Senior Management for a 12 month term. He was also a co-founder, executive, and director of Osum Oil Sands Corp., a Calgary-based oil sands company which grew through exploration and development into production and was producing in excess of 20,000 barrels of oil per day when it was acquired by Waterous Energy Fund for approx. $400 million in April, 2021. Mr. Clarke holds an LLB and Diploma in Legal Practice from Aberdeen University, Scotland.

Clarke先生還是M2 Cobalt Corp.的聯合創始人,首席執行官和董事,該公司在東非探索鈷和銅。M2 Cobalt於2019年6月被Jervois Global收購,並根據交易條款,Clarke先生加入了Jervois作爲董事,後來成爲高級管理層的一部分,任期爲12個月。Clarke先生還是Osum Oil Sands Corp.的聯合創始人,執行董事和董事,該公司是一家位於卡爾加里的油砂公司,通過勘探和開發從而進入生產階段,並在被Waterous Energy Fund以約4億加元的價格收購時,每天產量超過2萬桶石油。Clarke先生擁有來自蘇格蘭阿伯丁大學的LLb學位和法律實踐文憑。

Mr. Clarke commented. "I am delighted to be joining Myriad at this exciting stage in its evolution. Recent global events and recent developments in the uranium sector position the Company to benefit strongly from a renewed focus on the need for quality domestic uranium projects at a time when energy security is more critical than ever."


Myriad's CEO Thomas Lamb commented: "We are building a significant asset in one of the world's very best and most stable uranium jurisdictions, Wyoming. Our U.S. focus comes at exactly the right time, just as the western world's need for energy security is arguably at an all-time high. Simon's global and high-level experience with American Lithium, which is developing one of the world's largest development stage uranium projects, as well as with a number of other high profile companies in the mining and energy sectors, will be invaluable to Myriad as we take Copper Mountain to the next level."

多元的首席執行官Thomas Lamb評論道:“我們正在建設世界上最好和最穩定的鈾管轄區之一的重要資產,即懷俄明州。我們以美國爲重點,正處於西方世界對能源安全的需求歷史上最高峰時期。Simon在美國鋰業的全球和高層經驗,該公司正在開發世界上最大的發展階段鈾項目之一,以及在礦業和能源行業中的其他多個知名公司的經驗,將對多元將Copper Mountain帶向新的發展階段非常有價值。”

About Myriad Uranium Corp.

無數還擁有加拿大新斯科舍省Millen Mountain Property的50%利益,另外50%歸Probe Metals Inc.所有,並擁有尼日爾鈾勘探許可的80%權益。有關詳細信息,請參閱無數在SEDAR+()上的披露記錄,通過電話+1.604.418.2877與無數聯繫,或參閱無數的網站。

Myriad Uranium Corp. is a uranium exploration company with an earnable 75% interest in the Copper Mountain Uranium Project in Wyoming, USA. Copper Mountain hosts several known uranium deposits and historic uranium mines, including the Arrowhead Mine which produced 500,000 lbs of eU3O8. Copper Mountain saw extensive drilling and development by Union Pacific, which developed a mine plan and built a leach pad for one of the deposits at Copper Mountain. Operations ceased in 1980 before mining could commence due to falling uranium prices. Approximately 2,000 boreholes have been drilled at Copper Mountain and the project area has significant exploration upside. Union Pacific is estimated to have spent C$117 million (2024 dollars) exploring and developing Copper Mountain, generating significant historical resource estimates which are detailed here. A recent detailed update with Crux Investor can be viewed here. The Company's presentation can be viewed here.

多元鈾業公司是一家鈾勘探公司,擁有懷俄明州銅山鈾礦項目75%的可獲得權益。銅山控股多個已知的鈾礦牀和歷史鈾礦山,包括箭頭礦山,該礦山產出50萬磅eU3O8。銅山被聯合太平洋廣泛鑽探和開發,聯合太平洋爲銅山的一個礦牀建立了採礦計劃和堆浸場。1980年,由於鈾價格下跌,銅山停止採礦,估計聯合太平洋已經在銅山上花費了1.17億加元(2024年),探索和開發銅山,產生了相當可觀的歷史資源估計,詳見此處。最近與Crux Investor的詳細更新可以在此處查看。公司的演示文稿可以在此處查看。

Myriad also has a 50% interest in the Millen Mountain Property in Nova Scotia, Canada, with the other 50% held by Probe Metals Inc. For further information, please refer to Myriad's disclosure record on SEDAR+ (), contact Myriad by telephone at +1.604.418.2877, or refer to Myriad's website at .

多元還擁有Millen Mountain Property在加拿大新斯科舍省的50%權益,另外50%的權益由Probe Metals公司持有。更多信息,請參閱多元的SEDAR披露記錄+(),致電+1.604.418.2877聯繫多元,或參閱多元的網站。

Myriad Contacts:
Thomas Lamb
President and CEO

Thomas Lamb

Forward-Looking Statements


Mineralization hosted on adjacent or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's properties. This news release contains "forward-looking information" that is based on the Company's current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections. This forward-looking information includes, among other things, the Company's business, plans, outlook and business strategy. The words "may", "would", "could", "should", "will", "likely", "expect," "anticipate," "intend", "estimate", "plan", "forecast", "project" and "believe" or other similar words and phrases are intended to identify forward-looking information. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect, including with respect to the Company's business plans respecting the exploration and development of the Company's mineral properties, the proposed work program on the Company's mineral properties and the potential and economic viability of the Company's mineral properties. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors include, but are not limited to: changes in economic conditions or financial markets; increases in costs; litigation; legislative, environmental and other judicial, regulatory, political and competitive developments; and technological or operational difficulties. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect our forward-looking information. These and other factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking information. The Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.


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