
Sun Peak Metals Announces First Assay Results From 2024 Drill Program

Sun Peak Metals Announces First Assay Results From 2024 Drill Program

Sun Peak Metals宣佈2024年鑽探計劃的首個化驗結果
Accesswire ·  07/25 19:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 25, 2024 / As part of its goal in discovering significant Copper-Gold VMS deposits in northern Ethiopia, Sun Peak Metals Corp. (the "Company" or "Sun Peak") (TSXV:PEAK)(OTCQB:SUNPF) is pleased to report results from the first nine holes of its initial 2024 drill program on Sun Peak's extensive 1,450 sq km Shire Project in Ethiopia. The Company drilled 24 diamond drill holes, totaling 5,236 meters, testing the Terer and Hamlo VMS Targets, which are both located on the Terer Exploration License. The results confirm the effectiveness of Sun Peak's discovery methodology, and the Company is eager to resume drilling after the rainy season concludes in October.

Sun Peak Metals Corp.(該公司或Sun Peak)(TSXV:PEAK)(OTCQB:SUNPF)爲在埃塞俄比亞北部發現重要銅金VMS礦牀的目標而採取的行動之一是,報告其在埃塞俄比亞的Sun Peak廣泛1,450平方公里Shire項目的2024年首個鑽探計劃的前九個孔的結果。該公司鑽探了24個金剛石鑽孔,共計5,236米,測試了Terer和Hamlo VMS Target,兩者都位於Terer Exploration License上。報告確認了Sun Peak的探礦方法的有效性,公司期待在10月雨季結束後恢復鑽探。



Terer Target:


  • Drill hole TR-002 intersected:

    • 18.46 meters of 1.34% copper-equivalent ("CuEq")

      • including 9.80 meters of 2.13% CuEq

      • and 8.71 meters of 1.04% CuEq

  • Drilling has intercepted VMS style alteration and mineralization, including massive and semi-massive sulphide and sulphide stringer zones

    • The Terer VMS zone is located 2 km west and directly along strike of the Anguda North gravity high anomaly, which will be tested in the next drilling phase.

  • TR-002號鑽孔的相交部分:

    • 相當於1.34%銅當量的18.46米(“CuEq”)

      • 其中包括2.13%CuEq的9.80米

      • 以及1.04%CuEq的8.71米

  • 鑽探已攔截了VMS類型的蝕變和礦化,包括大量和半量堆積的硫化物和硫化物鏈帶帶。

    • Terer VMS區位於Anguda North重力異常的西側2公里處,並沿着走向直接延伸,將在下一鑽探階段進行測試。

Hamlo Target:


  • Defined a new VMS mineralized zone with extensive hydrothermal alteration, trending over 1 km along strike.

  • Assay results received for the initial seven holes at Hamlo indicate a pyrite-rich VMS mineralized system, which appears to increase in metal content at greater depths. This is consistent with typical VMS metal zoning.

  • Drill hole HM-006 intersected

    • 10.90m of 0.29 g/t Au and 1.36% Zn,

      • including 4.88m of 3.04 % Zn.

  • 定義一個新的VMS礦化區,具有廣泛的熱液蝕變,走向跨越1公里。

  • 收到的Hamlo最初7個鑽孔的化驗結果表明,存在富含黃鐵礦的VMS礦化系統,並且在更深的深度處金屬含量似乎會增加,這與典型的VMS金屬分區一致。

  • 鑽探孔Hm-006相交

    • 1090萬0.29g/t金和1.36%鋅,其中包括488萬3.04%鋅。

      • Terer和Hamlo的鑽探結果,加上Anguda South的發現,證實VMS系統跨越10公里,驗證了Sun Peak使用的地質模型和勘探方法。 VMS趨勢得到支持的原因是映射的VMS赤鐵礦露頭,熱液蝕變帶,VTEm空中地球物理,地球化學和重力異常,包括Anguda North的大型重力目標。

The drill results at Terer and Hamlo, combined with findings from Anguda South, confirm a significant VMS system extending over 10 km, validating the geological model and exploration methods used by Sun Peak. The VMS trend is supported by mapped VMS gossan outcrops, hydrothermal alteration zones, VTEM airborne geophysics, geochemistry, and gravity anomalies, including the large gravity target at Anguda North.

就成果發表的評論,總裁兼首席執行官Greg Davis表示:“結合2024年5月28日的Sun Peak新聞發佈中的結果,這些來自Terer和Hamlo的首批化驗結果證明了Sun Peak在發現有價值的VMS礦牀方面探礦方法的有效性,我們比以往任何時候都更有信心Shire Project可以容納多個VMS Deposit。我們預計餘下的化驗結果將於8月接收,並期待在10月雨季結束後概述Sun Peak的勘探和鑽探計劃。這將包括對大型Anguda North重力異常的鑽井測試,以及繼續在Meli Trend上工作。Sun Peak已從銀行獲得了超過330萬美元的完全資助,以繼續進行鑽探。”

Commenting on the results, Greg Davis, President and CEO stated, "Combined with the results in the Sun Peak news release dated May 28, 2024, these first assay results from Terer and Hamlo demonstrate the effectiveness of Sun Peak's discovery methodology in uncovering valuable VMS deposits and we are more confident than ever that the Shire Project can host multiple VMS Deposits. We expect the remainder of the assays to be received in August and we look forward to outlining Sun Peak's exploration and drill plans when drilling can resume in October, after the rainy season is over. This will include drill testing the large Anguda North gravity anomaly, as well as continuing work on the Meli Trend. Sun Peak is fully funded to continue drilling this fall with over $3.3 million in the bank."


Terer Summary

完成了12個鑽石鑽孔,總計2660.26米。 TR-001和TR-002兩個鑽孔的化驗結果已接收。

  • 12 diamond drill holes completed, totaling 2660.26 meters. Assay results have been received for two holes, TR-001 and TR-002.

  • Drill hole TR-002 intersected 18.46 meters of 1.34% CuEq comprised of 0.47% Cu, 1.85% Zn, 0.32 g/t Au, and 7.2 g/t Ag and 8.71 m of 1.04% CuEq comprised of 0.56% Cu, 0.65% Zn, 0.29 g/t Au, and 5.14 g/t Ag (See Table 1).

  • Terer VMS prospect now extends of over a kilometer long with VMS gossan outcrops that trend mainly east-west, and steeply dipping to the north, with coincident VTEM conductors and moderate gravity high anomalies.

  • The VMS mineralized zone is hosted within chlorite altered, strongly foliated mafic volcanic rocks (See Figure 1), that forms the hanging wall and the footwall rock units.

  • The Terer VMS zone appears to consist of thinly stacked massive sulphide lenses, crosscut by faulting and possibly displaced by at least 4 different dyke systems (mafic, felsic, granitic, and gabbroic). Most of these dykes were emplaced along normal fault zones (See Figure 2: Section A).

  • The Terer VMS zone is located 2 km west and directly along strike of the Anguda North gravity high anomaly, potentially representing continuity of a greater VMS zone (See Figure 3).

  • 鑽探孔TR-002相交18.46米,其中1.34%CuEq由0.47%Cu,1.85%Zn,0.32g / t Au和7.2g / t Ag組成,871萬1.04CuEq由0.56%Cu,0.65%Zn,0.29g / t Au和5.14 g / t Ag組成(參見表1)。

  • Terer VMS遠景現在延伸到長達一公里,具有主要以東西向爲趨勢的VMS赤鐵礦露頭,並陡峭向北傾斜,與VTEm導體和中等重力高異常相結合。

  • VMS礦化帶位於綠泥石蝕變、強烈復盤的鎂鐵質火山岩中(見圖1),形成了頂板和底板岩層。

  • Terer VMS帶似乎由薄層堆疊的厚硫化物透鏡組成,被斷層切割,可能由至少4個不同的岩脈系統(鎂、黑雲母、花崗岩和輝長岩)位移。其中大多數岩脈沿正常斷層帶(見圖2:A斷面)堆放。

  • Terer VMS帶位於Anguda North重力高異常的西側2公里處,可能代表更大的VMS帶的連續性(見圖3)。

Figure 1: Terer Drilling Plan Map: Results received for TR-001 and TR-002 - Results in Table 1.


Figure 2: Terer Drilling - Cross-Section A


Figure 3: Terer-Anguda regional VMS trend.


Table 1: Terer Drill Results Summary


*CuEq for drill intersections is calculated based on July 22/2024 spot prices for Cu US$4.20/lb, Au US$2395/oz, Ag US$29/oz and Zn US$1.21/lb. Recovery is assumed to be 100% as no metallurgical data is available. The formula is CuEQ % = Cu% + (Au g/t * (Au $ per oz/ 31.1034768) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.04623)) + (Ag g/t * (Ag $ per oz/ 31.1034768) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.04623)+ (Zn% * (Zn $ per lb / Cu $ per lb)).

*鑽探交叉口的CuEq基於2024年7月22日銅價4.20美元/磅,金價2395美元/盎司,銀價29美元/盎司和鋅價1.21美元/磅。假設回收率爲100%,因爲沒有冶金數據。公式爲CuEQ%= Cu%+(Au g/t *(Au美元/盎司/ 31.1034768)/(Cu美元/磅* 22.04623))+(Ag g/t *(Ag美元/盎司/ 31.1034768)/(Cu美元/磅* 22.04623))+(Zn%*(Zn美元/磅/Cu美元/磅))。

Hamlo Summary


  • 12 diamond drill holes completed, totaling 2576.0 meters. Assay results have been received for the first 7 holes.

  • Defined a large hydrothermally altered mixed stringer and massive sulfide zone, trending over 300m along strike (open in all directions) (See Figure 4).

  • Hosted within foliated, sheared, and hydrothermally altered felsic volcanic flows and tuffs, representing the footwall, surrounded by chlorite and epidote-altered mafic volcanics, representing the hanging wall volcanic rocks for the VMS mineralized zones.

  • The zone appears truncated to the northeast by a normal fault, with drill hole HM-010 intersecting primarily hanging wall mafic volcanics.

  • The Hamlo sulphide zone is within a 10km southwest and northeast trend which is sub-parallel to the Terer Trend (See Figure 6).

  • The initial assay results from the first 7 holes at Hamlo indicate a pyritic rich VMS mineralized system, that seems to have base metals increase at depth. It could be explained by a metal zoning, that is very common in VMS style mineralized deposits (See Table 2).

  • HM-006 ended in 10.90 m of 0.291 g/t Au and 1.36% Zn from 292.15 to 303.05m (See Figure 5: Section B).

  • 完成12個金剛石鑽孔,總長度2576.0米。前7個鑽孔的化驗結果已收到。

  • 定義了一個大的熱液變質混合璉巖和硫化物帶,趨於沿着走向(沿所有方向開放)超過30000萬(見圖4)。

  • 位於片理狀、剪切狀和熱液變質花崗質火山流和凝灰岩中,代表VMS礦化帶的底板,被綠泥石和角閃石蝕變過的鎂鐵質火山岩包圍,代表頂板火山岩。

  • 該區域向東北部斷層截止,鑽孔Hm-010主要與頂板鎂鐵質火山岩相交。

  • Hamlo硫化物帶位於與Terer趨勢(見圖6)近平行的東南西北趨勢的10公里內。

  • 第一個7個鑽孔的初步化驗結果表明,有一個富含黃鐵礦的VMS礦化系統,深部似乎有基本金屬增加。這可以通過金屬分帶解釋,這在VMS型礦化礦牀中非常常見(見表2)。

  • Hm-006在292.15到30305萬的1090萬深度結束,Au含量爲0.291 g/t,Zn含量爲1.36%(見圖5:B斷面)。

Figure 4: Hamlo Drilling Plan Map: Results received for holes in red annotation (HM-001 to HM-007) - Results in Table 2.


Figure 5: Hamlo Drilling - Cross-Section B


VMS Trends on Terer Exploration License: From the drilling and intial assay results, it appears that the Terer property has at least two sub-parallel trending structures striking E-W and NE-SW. The main trends are very large with all the VMS gossan outcrops, hydrothermally altered extensive stringer zones,and geophysical signatures related to a very large system. Once the Company has drill data from all the holes, we will release a more fulsome statement on how Sun Peak will approach the next phase of exploration work, including drilling.

Terer勘探許可證的VMS趨勢:從鑽探和初步化驗結果來看,Terer物業至少有兩個東西向和東北-西南向的亞平行構造。主導趨勢非常大,並具有所有VMS針鐵礦露頭、熱液變質廣泛成指區間和地球物理特徵與非常大的系統相關的特徵。一旦公司獲得所有孔的鑽探數據,我們將發佈更豐富的聲明,介紹Sun Peak將如何處理下一階段的勘探工作,包括鑽孔。

Figure 6: Terer Exploration License showing VMS Trends for Terer-Anguda, Hamlo-Dermi, and Argo-Keel


Table 2: Hamlo Drill Results Summary


Note: Sulphide Zone* includes massive, semi-massive and stringer zones.

注:硫化帶 *包括塊狀、半塊狀和脈狀帶區。


David K.Daoud,P.Geo,勘探副總裁,是監督Sun Peak在埃塞俄比亞的勘探項目的有資質人員,已經審查和批准了本新聞稿。

David K. Daoud, P. Geo, Vice President Exploration is the Qualified Person overseeing Sun Peak's exploration projects in Ethiopia and has reviewed and approved this press release.


All drill holes reported are diamond drill core holes.

採樣程序中包括質量保證/質量控制計劃。 這個程序包括將標準、重複和空白樣品系統地提交到由採樣產生的樣品流中。

A Quality Assurance/Quality Control program was part of the sampling program on the Hamlo and Terer Main prospects. This program includes the systematic submittals of standards, duplicates, and blank samples into the flow of samples produced by the sampling.

質量保證/質量控制方案是Hamlo和Terer Main礦區的取樣方案的一部分。該方案包括將標準樣品、重複樣品和空白樣品有系統地提交到取樣流程中。

Samples were prepared at ALS Laboratory in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and analyzed at ALS Laboratory in Dublin, Ireland. Gold is assayed using a 50-gram of -75 micron-size pulp is fire assayed and finished by ICP-AES analysis to detect content between 0.01 and 10.0 ppm. Gold returning over limit values are re-assayed with higher detection limits using a gravimetric finish. As well, a 0.5 gram cut from the pulp of each rock sample is dissolved by aqua regia acid digestion and analyzed by mass spectrometry for a suite of 51 additional elements. Analytical values for silver, copper, zinc, and lead over detection limits are re-assayed with higher detection limits, using aqua regia digestion. Drilling intercept lengths and estimated true thicknesses are reported in the tabulations.

在埃塞俄比亞的ALS實驗室準備樣品,並在愛爾蘭的ALS實驗室分析樣品。黃金以50克-75微米大小的膠漿進行火法分析,並使用ICP-AES分析法檢測0.01至10.0 ppm的含量。超限黃金含量將採用重量法完成。此外,從每個岩石樣品的膠漿中取0.5克,並使用王水酸溶法溶解並通過質譜法分析另外51種元素的含量。銀、銅、鋅和鉛的分析值超過檢測限將採用王水酸溶法重複分析。表中報告了鑽孔截面長度和估計的真實厚度。


Sun Peak正在勘探位於埃塞俄比亞北部提格雷地區的Shire VMS項目,該項目規模爲區域規模。Shire計劃由六個勘探許可證組成,佔據了約1,450平方公里的具有前景的阿拉伯-努比亞盾。這些許可證與Bisha Mine和Asmara Projects的地質環境相同。Meli和Terer許可證是與埃塞俄比亞私營公司Ezana Mining達成的合資協議的一部分,另外四個許可證100%歸Sun Peak所有。 Sun Peak團隊在東非工作了20多年,公司的策略是採用在該地區成功應用的勘探技術,通過大型銅金VMS發現建立資產。

Sun Peak is exploring the district-scale Shire VMS Project in the Tigray Region of northern Ethiopia. The Shire Project is comprised of six exploration licenses and covers approximately 1,450 square kilometers in the prospective Arabian Nubian Shield. The licenses are in the same geological environment as both the Bisha Mine and the Asmara Projects. The Meli and Terer Licenses are part of a joint-venture agreement with Ezana Mining, a private Ethiopian Company and the other four are 100% owned by Sun Peak. The Sun Peak team have worked in East Africa for more than two decades and the Company's strategy is to apply exploration techniques that have worked successfully in the region before, to build assets through major copper-gold VMS discoveries.

Sun Peak正在探索埃塞俄比亞北部的提格雷地區的Shire VMS項目。Shire項目由6個勘探許可證組成,涵蓋了大約1450平方公里的有前途的阿拉伯-努比亞盾地區。這些許可證處於與比沙礦和阿斯馬拉項目相同的地質環境中。其中Meli和Terer許可證是與埃塞俄比亞私營企業Ezana Mining的合資協議的一部分,其他四個許可證由Sun Peak完全擁有。Sun Peak團隊已在東非工作了20年以上,公司的策略是應用在該地區成功的勘探技術,通過大型銅金屬硫化物發現來建立資產。



Greg Davis
President, CEO & Director

Greg Davis



Greg Davis
(T): +1 (604) 999 1099

Greg Davis
電話:+1 (604) 999 1099

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關於前瞻性信息的免責聲明本新聞稿可能含有前瞻性聲明。這些聲明包括涉及公司的管理團隊和董事會,Sanoukou Gold Project,Tilemi磷酸鹽項目以及公司未來計劃和目標的影響。這些聲明基於目前的預期和假設,面臨着風險和不確定性。實際結果可能因爲在我們的中期和最近的年度財務報告的管理討論和分析部分或其他報告和文件及TSX Venture Exchange和適用的加拿大證券法規中所討論的因素而有所不同。我們不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非法律規定。

Certain information and statements in this news release may be considered forward-looking information or forward-looking statements for purposes of applicable securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"), which reflect the expectations of management regarding its disclosure and amendments thereto. Forward-looking statements consist of information or statements that are not purely historical, including any information or statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such information or statements may include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the goal of making a significant discovery and the development of a large-scale project in Ethiopia and identifying other potential properties and opportunities both in Ethiopia and globally. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements. No assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will occur or, if they do occur, what benefits Sun Peak will obtain from them. These forward-looking statements reflect management's current views and are based on certain expectations, estimates and assumptions, which may prove to be incorrect. A number of risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including without limitation: the risk that the results of the planned exploration programs at the Shire Project do not meet expected results. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and, except as required by applicable securities laws, Sun Peak assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results differed from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Additional information about these and other assumptions, risks and uncertainties are set out in the "Risks and Uncertainties" section in the Prospectus filed with Canadian security regulators.


SOURCE: Sun Peak Metals Corp.


