
This 6.9% Dividend Stock Pays Cash Every Month

This 6.9% Dividend Stock Pays Cash Every Month

The Motley Fool ·  07/25 08:15

Dividend stocks offer investors a tonne of advantages, especially the ability to begin earning returns immediately through the dividends you receive. And while most dividend stocks return cash to you quarterly, some dividend stocks, such as Pizza Pizza Royalty (TSX:PZA), actually return capital to you every single month.

分紅股爲投資者提供了大量優勢,尤其是通過收到的股息即可立即開始獲得回報的能力。儘管大多數分紅股每季度都向您返還現金,但一些分紅股,例如Pizza Pizza Royalty (tsx:PZA),每個月都會向您返還本金。

By receiving dividend payments almost immediately after purchasing shares, you can mitigate some of the investment risk, as you don't have to rely solely on future capital gains to realize returns.


Furthermore, when you receive cash periodically, especially every month, you can take that cash and put it back to work for you, increasing the effects of compound interest, which is essential to helping your money grow rapidly over the long haul.


Finally, another massive benefit of dividend stocks is their proven track record of profitability. For companies to even consider paying a dividend, they not only have to be consistently profitable, but they also need to be earning enough money to both pay back investors and have capital left over to continue investing in future growth.


So, with that in mind, hereâs why Pizza Pizza and its 6.9% dividend yield can be an excellent investment for your portfolio.

因此,考慮到這一點,以下是爲什麼Pizza Pizza及其6.9%的股息收益率可以成爲您投資組合的優秀選擇。

This monthly dividend stock has one of the simplest business models of any stock on the TSX


As a royalty stock, Pizza Pizza is a company that any investor can consider adding to their portfolio, but itâs especially ideal for new investors since the business is so easy to understand and follow.

作爲一家權利股票,Pizza Pizza是任何投資者都可以考慮添加到其投資組合中的公司,但對於新投資者來說,這是特別理想的,因爲業務非常易於理解和跟蹤。

Unlike other restaurant stocks, Pizza Pizza simply collects a royalty on all the sales done at Pizza Pizza and Pizza 73 locations across the country. This means it doesnât necessarily have to worry about the profitability of individual stores.

與其他餐飲股票不同,Pizza Pizza只是收取全國所有Pizza Pizza和Pizza 73門店所做銷售的版稅。這意味着它不一定必須擔心單個門店的盈利能力。

This simple business model not only makes the business easier to understand and follow but also significantly reduces risk.


Itâs worth noting, though, that while the main focus of the dividend stock and its investors is on growing the aggregate level of sales done at its locations across the country, a significant and sustained lack of profitability at numerous locations would eventually lead to store closures, which, in turn, would eventually lead to fewer sales and less royalty income.


However, while that is a risk, itâs never quite materialized and would have a significant and prolonged impact on Pizza Pizza before it took place.

然而,雖然存在這種風險,它從未真正發生過,並且在Pizza Pizza遇到這種情況之前會產生顯著而持久的影響。

Furthermore, Pizza Pizzaâs well-established brand and position as a convenient and low-cost food option keep it popular with consumers, making the risk of significant store closures highly unlikely.

此外,Pizza Pizza作爲一種便捷且低成本的食品選擇擁有其良好建立的品牌和地位,因此受到消費者的歡迎,從而使門店關閉的風險極小。

How to analyze Pizza Pizza Royalty

如何分析Pizza Pizza Royalty

Since Pizza Pizza collects a royalty on sales and has only minimal expenses that often donât fluctuate much quarter to quarter or year over year, sales and same-store sales growth (SSSG) are essentially some of the only important metrics investors have to be aware of.

由於Pizza Pizza收取版稅的銷售額只有最低限度的支出而且常常在季度或年度內變化不大,銷售額和同店銷售增長(SSSG)基本上是投資者必須知道的重要指標之一。

As long as the dividend stock consistently grows its sales and, therefore, its revenue from royalties, Pizza Pizza Royalty will continue earning more cash and having more funds available to distribute through its dividend.

只要分紅股持續增長其銷售額,因此持續從版稅中獲得更多收入可用於分配股息,Pizza Pizza Royalty將繼續賺取更多現金。

For example, over the last four quarters, the stock has earned $40.6 million in revenue. Of that $40.6 million, just over $600,000 has been spent on running the royalty fund, leaving Pizza Pizza with an operating income of $40 million and an operating margin of 98.5%.

例如,在過去的四個季度中,該公司已經賺取了4060萬美元的收入。在這4060萬美元中,僅超過600,000美元已用於運行版稅基金,使得Pizza Pizza擁有了4000萬美元的營業收入和98.5%的營業利潤率。

After that, Pizza Pizza pays interest expenses on money it borrows, which (less interest income) has equated to roughly $800,000 over the last four quarters, leaving it with just under $39.2 million in pre-tax income.

之後,Pizza Pizza要支付所借款項的利息,減去利息收入後,過去四個季度的利息費用約爲80萬美元,使其在稅前收入差不多爲3920 萬美元。

Finally, it has to pay income tax, which was $7.5 million over the last 12 months. So, on just over $40 million in sales, Pizza Pizzaâs net income was $31.6 million.

最後,它必須支付所得稅,過去12個月的所得稅爲750萬美元。因此,就超過4000萬美元的銷售額而言,Pizza Pizza的淨利潤爲3160萬美元。

After that Pizza Pizza aims to pay out nearly all the income left over, showing why itâs one of the best high-yield dividend stocks on the TSX today.

此後,Pizza Pizza的目標是支付幾乎所有結餘收入,表明爲什麼它是今天tsx上最佳的高收益股息股票之一。

Therefore, as an investor, watching its sales and SSSG are the two most important metrics to analyze Pizza Pizza. As long as it can continue growing these sales and, therefore, its profitability, not only will the dividend remain safe, but Pizza Pizza stock can continue increasing the cash that itâs returning to investors.

因此,作爲投資者,密切關注其銷售額和同店銷售增長是分析Pizza Pizza的兩個最重要的指標。只要它能持續增長這些銷售額,因此提高其盈利能力,不僅將股息保持安全,而且Pizza Pizza股票可繼續增加返還給投資者的現金。

The post This 6.9% Dividend Stock Pays Cash Every Month appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.


