
Monster Energy Up & Up Festival Announces Matroda as the Fall 2024 Headliner for Crowdfunded College Tour

Monster Energy Up & Up Festival Announces Matroda as the Fall 2024 Headliner for Crowdfunded College Tour

PR Newswire ·  07/25 02:00

CORONA, Calif., July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Monster Energy Up & Up Festival, the largest and longest-running college music tour, has announced Matroda as its Fall 2024 headliner. As always, this tour has no pre-determined dates or route — the fans decide. More than 80 college student ambassador teams from across the U.S. will rally their schools through guerilla marketing and influencer campaigns to try becoming one of the stops on the Fall tour — and earn the chance to co-produce the ultimate college gig.

Monster Energy Up & Up Festival,是最大、歷史最悠久的大學音樂巡迴演出,已經宣佈Matroda爲2024年秋季演出的頭號嘉賓。一如既往,這個巡演的日期或路線都沒有預先確定,由粉絲決定。來自美國各地的80多個大學學生大使團隊,通過遊擊營銷和影響力推廣,拉攏他們的學校,盡力成爲秋季巡演的一站,並有機會合作舉辦最終的大學演出。

Monster Energy Up & Up Festival Announces Matroda as the Fall 2024 Headliner for Crowdfunded College Tour

"I've always loved the energy and enthusiasm of college crowds, and that's why I've teamed up with the Monster Energy Up & Up Festival," says Matroda. "They will be allowing five lucky colleges to promote a proper house festival with me as a headliner — super excited for this one and cannot wait to party with you. See you soon."

“我一直喜歡大學生群衆的活力和熱情,這就是我與Monster Energy Up&Up Festival合作的原因,”Matroda說道:“他們將允許五所幸運學院將我作爲頭號嘉賓來提供一個完美的家庭音樂節,我對這個活動非常興奮,迫不及待地想和你們一起嗨。 很快再見。”

The Up & Up is like the Final Four of College Music Festivals. Each campus team, using their own Instagram handles, engages in a 48-hour campaign to sell the most pre-sale tickets for the festival. The top 5 schools with the most pre-sales in 48 hours will win a stop on tour. The winning colleges then collaborate with Up & Up producers to bring the festival to a nearby venue with their own DJ openers, content team, and parties revolving around the most hype event of the semester.

Up & Up就像是大學音樂節的最後四強。每個校園團隊使用自己的Instagram賬號,展開爲期48小時的活動,售出節日最多的預售券。在48小時內,銷售預售券最多的5所學校將贏得巡演的機會。獲勝的學院隨後與Up & Up製片人合作,在就近的場地舉辦音樂節,擁有自己的DJ開場表演,內容團隊和圍繞本學期最受歡迎的活動舉辦的派對。

Credit cards are only charged to the winning campus teams. This savvy ticketing model has led to many sold-out hard-ticket college tours in premium venues.


"Up & Up is such a unique way to not only bring more live music to college students but also to involve them in the experience of selling tickets, producing a show, and working in a team of people with a love for music," says Kailey Dodson, who is entering her senior year at Cal Poly and was part of the first-place winning campus team from the Spring 2024 Disco Lines campaign. She adds: "There's nothing else quite like Up & Up, and every college student should take this opportunity to be a part of it."

“Up & Up是一個獨特的方式,不僅可以爲大學生帶來更多的現場音樂,還可以讓他們參與到售票的經歷中來,製作演出並與熱愛音樂的人合作,” Kailey Dodson說道,她已經是加州理工大學的高年級學生,也是Spring 2024的Disco Lines活動的第一名團隊的成員之一。她補充道:“沒有什麼比Up & Up更特別的了,每個大學生都應該抓住這個機會成爲其中的一部分。”

The benefits of this model are threefold: first, it ensures artists play only gigs where they are most desired; second, it provides invaluable industry experience to those hoping to pursue careers in music business and event management; and third, it guarantees an epic show for students without gouging them on ticket prices.


Since its inception in the Fall of 2016, the Monster Energy Up & Up Festival has redefined the college concert experience by breaking free from conventional programming boards and middle buyers. Through this approach, Up & Up empowers college students to curate events with top artists, imparting valuable lessons in sales and the rewards of earning an unforgettable experience.

自2016年秋季成立以來,Monster Energy Up & Up Festival通過擺脫傳統的編程委員會和中間購買商,重新定義了大學音樂會的體驗。通過這種方式,Up & Up鼓勵大學生與頂尖藝術家一起策劃活動,傳授銷售的寶貴經驗,以及賺取難忘體驗的獎勵。

Most recently, Cal Poly, Clemson, Miami- Ohio, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara, San Diego State, the University of Arizona, and the University of Oregon earned themselves the opportunity to host Up & Up's Spring 2024 headliner, Disco Lines. Other previous winning campuses include University of Alabama, ASU (2x), CU Boulder (3x), Bryant, University of Dayton (3x), Lehigh, JMU, Florida State, Indiana University, LSU, Penn State (3x), Oklahoma State, Oregon St University, UC Davis (2x), University of Virginia (2x), UT Austin, Washington State University (5x), UNCW (3x), Virginia Tech (2x) and Wake Forest.

最近,加州理工學院,克萊姆森大學,邁阿密大學,聖塔克魯斯加大學,聖巴巴拉加大學,聖迭戈州立大學,亞利桑那大學和俄勒岡大學贏得了Up & Up的Spring 2024的頭號嘉賓,Disco Lines的舉辦權。其他以前獲勝的校園包括亞拉巴馬大學,ASU(2倍),科羅拉多大學博爾德分校(3倍),布賴恩特大學,代頓大學(3倍),利哈伊大學,JMU,佛羅里達州立大學,印第安納大學,LSU,賓夕法尼亞州立大學(3倍),俄克拉荷馬州立大學,俄勒岡州立大學,加州大學戴維斯分校(2倍),弗吉尼亞大學(2倍),德克薩斯州大學奧斯汀分校,華盛頓州立大學(5倍),UNCW(3倍),弗吉尼亞理工大學(2倍)和維克森林大學。

The Up & Up will offer more ways to win live events this summer and an exciting extension of collegiate programming: Club 100. This virtual event via Zoom attracts attendees from over 200 universities and features surprise performances by renowned music artists, thought-provoking industry guest speakers, valuable educational opportunities, and exciting giveaways.

Up & Up將提供更多的贏取現場活動的方式,以及大學計劃的令人興奮的延伸:Club 100。這個通過Zoom的虛擬事件吸引了來自200多所大學的參加者,包括著名音樂藝術家的驚喜表演,引人深思的行業嘉賓講演,寶貴的教育機會和令人興奮的贈品。

The Up & Up Fall 2024 national competition kicks off on September 17th at 4 p.m. EST, and the winning festivals will be held from October through November.

Up & Up Fall 2024國家比賽將於9月17日下午4點(美國東部時間)開始,獲勝的節日將在10月至11月舉行。

College students seeking music industry experience & internship credit can apply at




Based in Corona, California, Monster Energy is the leading marketer of energy drinks and alternative beverages. Refusing to acknowledge the traditional, Monster Energy supports the scene and sport. Whether motocross, off-road, NASCAR, MMA, BMX, surf, snowboard, ski, skateboard, or the hip hop lifestyle, Monster Energy is a brand that believes in authenticity and the core of what its sports, athletes and artists represent. More than a drink, it's the way of life lived by athletes, artists, believers and fans. See more about Monster Energy including all of its drinks at .

總部位於加利福尼亞州科羅納市,Monster Energy是能量飲料和替代飲料的領先營銷商。拒絕承認傳統,Monster Energy支持場景和運動。無論是摩托車賽,越野賽,納斯卡賽車,MMA,BMX,衝浪,滑雪板,滑雪板,還是嘻哈生活方式,Monster Energy都相信真實性和其運動,運動員和藝術家代表的核心。它不僅是一種飲料,更是運動員,藝術家,信徒和粉絲生活的方式。有關Monster Energy以及其所有飲料的詳細信息,請參見 。



Monster Energy Up & Up is the largest national college festival promoter in the US, powered by a community of campus ambassador teams across the country. Up & Up's innovative guerrilla ticketing system is simple: students crowdsource demand on their campuses leading up to a 48-hour competition period; colleges with the most pre-sales earn the chance to work with our team to craft a music experience of-a-lifetime, while also gaining valuable industry experience. Past live headliners include Cash Cash (2016), Alan Walker (2017), GRYFFIN (2018), Two Friends (2018), Slushii (2019), Lost Kings (2019) Elephante (2019), Troyboi (2020), Loud Luxury (2021), San Holo (2022) Dom Dolla (2022) , Chris Lorenzo (Spring 2023) Dr. Fresch (Fall 2023) and Disco Lines (Spring 2024)

Monster Energy Up & Up是美國最大的國家級大學節日推廣商,由全國範圍內的校園大使團隊推動。Up & Up的創新遊擊票務系統很簡單:學生們在他們的校園上,利用自己的Instagram賬號來集結需求,在48小時的競賽期前;與我們合作的大學預售最多的贏得了創造終身音樂體驗的機會,同時也獲得了寶貴的行業經驗。以往的現場頭號嘉賓包括Cash Cash(2016),Alan Walker(2017),GRYFFIN(2018),Two Friends(2018),Slushi(2019),Lost Kings(2019),Elephante(2019),Troyboi(2020),Loud Luxury(2021)。 (2022年),San Holo(2022年),Dom Dolla(2022年),Chris Lorenzo(2023年春季),Dr. Fresch(2023年秋季)和Disco Lines(2024年春季)。


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Croatian-raised producer Matroda is the epitome of electronic music's fleeting existence. Welcoming house music in his own unique way, with the aptly named 'matrodasound' coined by his true fans, the studio sets no limits for this unique but incredibly celebrated artist. Taking early influences from the likes of Led Zeppelin, Frank Sinatra and The Beatles while introducing classical training across the violin, drums and keyboard, the Matroda sound has proven its highly desirable accomplishment around the world over recent years.

克羅地亞籍製作人Matroda是電子音樂流行存在的典範。以獨特的方式歡迎house音樂,由他的忠實粉絲命名爲“matrodasound”,這位獨特而備受讚譽的藝術家在工作室裏沒有任何限制。Matroda不僅從Led Zeppelin,Frank Sinatra和The Beatles中獲得了早期影響,而且還通過對小提琴,鼓和鍵盤的古典訓練引入了古典音樂元素。近幾年來,Matroda的音樂在世界各地都有了高度的知名度。

From shows at EDC Las Vegas and Orlando to Nocturnal Wonderland, Matroda has solidified his presence, both on and off the stage. The natural born DJ and producer has dotted the map with top tier global festivals and sold out shows from Ibiza and Sydney all the way to Los Angeles and more.

從EDC拉斯維加斯和奧蘭多的演出到夜幕降臨,Matroda在舞臺上和下都樹立了自己的形象。這位天生的DJ和製作人已經在全球頂尖音樂節上演出過,並在伊比沙島、悉尼、洛杉磯等地的售罄演出。他的第一次職業混音SNBRN的“加利福尼亞”與Chris Lake的合作是一次電氣化音樂節體驗,受到了Diplo、Calvin Harris和Major Lazer的支持,隨後在Mad Decent、Confession和UKF上發佈了更多單曲。2019年,Matroda發佈了年度專輯之一,也是他迄今最大的項目--“THE RED TAPE”,其中還有Kaleena Zanders和Dances With White Girls的合作曲目,排名第二,排名第一的是AC Slater的Hi8。同年晚些時候,他與Wax Motif合作的“Lose Control”獲得了很多支持和“Walk In The Spot”,一首真正的2019年house音樂翻盤。2020年,Matroda通過Insomniac Records發佈了“Forget It”,迄今爲止已經有超過1000萬的播放次數。名列榜首的“Disco Tool”與Bleu Clair一起進入了Beatport tech house榜的第一位,對產業和舞池都留下了深刻印象。

His first career remix of SNBRN's 'California' with Chris Lake, proved an electric festival vibe-chaser gaining support from Diplo, Calvin Harris and Major Lazer, leading to further releases on Mad Decent, Confession and UKF. 2019 saw Matroda dropping one of the album's of the year and his biggest project to date- 'THE RED TAPE', with features from Kaleena Zanders, Dances With White Girls, taking out runner up for best album following AC Slater's Hi8 at #1. Later in the year his collaboration with Wax Motif on 'Lose Control' garnered much support as well as 'Walk In The Spot'- a true 2019 house anthem. In 2020 Matroda released 'Forget It' via Insomniac Records, hitting over 10 million streams to date. Topping the list 'Disco Tool' longside Bleu Clair went right to the #1 spot on the Beatport tech house chart, leaving lasting impressions on the industry and dancefloors alike.

Matroda的第一個職業混音作品“加利福尼亞”與Chris Lake的合作,成爲電氣化音樂節體驗的一部分,得到了Diplo、Calvin Harris和Major Lazer等人的支持,此後在Mad Decent、Confession和UKF上發佈了更多單曲。2019年,Matroda發佈了年度專輯之一,也是他迄今最大的項目--“THE RED TAPE”,其中還有Kaleena Zanders和Dances With White Girls的合作曲目,排名第二,排名第一的是AC Slater的Hi8。同年晚些時候,他與Wax Motif合作的“Lose Control”獲得了很多支持和“Walk In The Spot”,一首真正的2019年house音樂翻盤。2020年,Matroda通過Insomniac Records發佈了“Forget It”,迄今爲止已經有超過1000萬的播放次數。名列榜首的“Disco Tool”與Bleu Clair一起進入了Beatport tech house榜的第一位,對產業和舞池都留下了深刻印象。

Fast forward to 2021 when he attained the 25th best producer spot on Tracklist1001's renowned chart, following a string of Beatport #1's and over one million monthly listeners on Spotify. A new decade opened up and Matroda's label Terminal Underground was born, releasing the first EP from himself titled Jack The House EP. 'La Pasion' reached top 10 chart status on Beatport's Tech House Chart, in line with the release of the single 'Lifting' with 2022 welcoming 'Gotta Let You Go', both on Insomniac Records.

快進到2021年,他在Tracklist1001炙手可熱的榜單上取得了第25位最佳製作人的位置,此前他曾獲得多次Beatport榜首,並在Spotify上擁有超過100萬的月聽衆。新的十年開啓了,Matroda的廠牌Terminal Underground應運而生,發佈了自己的第一張EP專輯,名爲“Jack The House EP”。其中的“La Pasion”在Beatport的Tech House榜單中獲得了前十的排名,與Insomniac Records上的單曲“Lifting”一起發佈,2022年的“Gotta Let You Go”又名列Insomniac Records。

The Matrodasound is making a solid mark on electronic music enthusiasts around the world, proving the road is only just beginning for this young producer with a promising future ahead.




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