
Introducing Luster Wall System: Point Accessible Wall Panels by WPS Clad in Unique Metal Surfaces by Zahner

Introducing Luster Wall System: Point Accessible Wall Panels by WPS Clad in Unique Metal Surfaces by Zahner

PR Newswire ·  07/25 01:01

KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Wall Panel Systems (WPS) and A. Zahner Company (Zahner) are pleased to announce the release and availability of the Luster Wall System.

密蘇里州堪薩斯城,2024年7月24日 /PRNewswire/ — Wall Panel Systems(WPS)和A. Zahner Company(Zahner)很高興地宣佈Luster Wall系統的發佈和上市。

The Luster Wall System integrates WPS's easy-to-install, point-accessible sub-assembly with Zahner's extraordinary range of architectural metals. This collaboration leverages decades of expertise, delivering superior wall panel solutions for various settings, including offices, aviation, healthcare, retail, sports facilities, educational institutions, and civic environments.

Luster Wall System 將 WPS 易於安裝、可點訪問的子組件與 Zahner 的非凡建築金屬系列相結合。這種合作利用了數十年的專業知識,爲各種環境提供卓越的牆板解決方案,包括辦公室、航空、醫療保健、零售、體育設施、教育機構和市政環境。

Key Features of the Luster Wall System include:

Luster Wall 系統的主要特點包括:

  • Interchangeable and Installer-Friendly: Engineered by WPS to ensure safe and secure attachment of metal panels, featuring a patented non-progressive attachment mechanism for precise and easy installation.
  • Premium Metal Finishes: Zahner's renowned architectural metals, including blackened steel, stainless steel, weathering steel, iridescent steel, and copper, offer designers and architects unparalleled originality, quality, and beauty.
  • Sustainability: Zahner partners with suppliers that use recycled metals where possible and uniquely deploys a wastewater management system that captures all metals and solids for recycling and reclaims effluent for reuse.
  • Versatile Applications: It is ideal for lobbies, elevators, airport terminals, theaters, apartment buildings, stadiums, and sports arenas.
  • Customizable Profiles: Available in various anodized colors, including clear, black, and bronze, as well as any custom powder coat color.
  • 可互換且易於安裝:由 WPS 設計,可確保安全地連接金屬面板,採用獲得專利的非漸進式連接機制,可實現精確、輕鬆的安裝。
  • 優質金屬表面處理:Zahner 著名的建築金屬,包括黑化鋼、不鏽鋼、耐候鋼、虹彩鋼和銅,爲設計師和建築師提供了無與倫比的獨創性、質量和美感。
  • 可持續發展:Zahner 與儘可能使用回收金屬的供應商合作,並獨特地部署了廢水管理系統,該系統可捕獲所有金屬和固體進行回收利用,並回收污水進行再利用。
  • 多用途:它是大廳、電梯、機場航站樓、劇院、公寓樓、體育場和體育場館的理想之選。
  • 可定製的型材:有各種陽極氧化顏色可供選擇,包括透明、黑色和青銅色,以及任何定製的粉末塗層顏色。

Three Distinct Attachment Systems by WPS:

WPS 提供的三種不同的附件系統:

  • Luster Shadow: Creates a slim 3/16" reveal between panels.
  • Luster Blind: Provides an open joint between panels with no visible extrusions.
  • Luster Shine: Offers linear light between panels, combinable with Luster Shadow or Luster Blind.
  • Luster Shadow:在面板之間營造出纖細的 3/16 英寸外觀。
  • Luster Blind:在面板之間提供開放式接頭,沒有明顯的擠壓現象。
  • Luster Shine:在面板之間提供線性光線,可與 Luster Shadow 或 Luster Blind 組合使用。

Metal Surface Options by Zahner:

Zahner 的金屬表面選項:

  • Angel Hair Stainless Steel: Uniform light diffusion on steel.
  • Dirty Penny Copper: Unique, pre-weathered patina on copper.
  • Oscura Blackened Steel: Rich, mottled black patina.
  • Solanum Pre-Oxidized Weathering Steel: Rich earth tones and enduring beauty.
  • Spectura Iridescent Steel: A spectrum of color with a thin, transparent coating.
  • Angel Hair 不鏽鋼:在鋼上均勻的光擴散。
  • Dirty Penny Copper:銅上獨特的預風化光澤。
  • Oscura Blackened Steel:濃郁的斑駁黑色光澤。
  • Solanum 預氧化耐候鋼:濃郁的大地色調和持久的美感。
  • Spectura 虹彩鋼:帶有薄而透明的塗層的顏色光譜。

New Product Partnership:


WPS and Zahner's new product partnership aims to provide unique and durable turnkey wall panel solutions that ensure peace of mind when designing, specifying, and installing architectural metal wall panels for commercial interiors. The Luster Wall System combines WPS's reliable and scalable system design with Zahner's commitment to innovative and high-quality metal surfaces, setting the industry's new wall panel solution standard.

WPS和Zahner的新產品合作伙伴關係旨在提供獨特而耐用的交鑰匙牆板解決方案,確保在設計、指定和安裝用於商業室內設計的建築金屬牆板時高枕無憂。Luster Wall System將WPS可靠且可擴展的系統設計與Zahner對創新和高質量金屬表面的承諾相結合,樹立了行業新的牆板解決方案標準。

Visit to learn more, download the product brochure, or request a quote.

訪問 以了解更多信息、下載產品手冊或索取報價。

About Wall Panel Systems (WPS):

關於牆板系統 (WPS):

Wall Panel Systems (WPS) specializes in high-performance wall panel solutions for various commercial applications, ensuring quality, safety, and ease of installation.


About Zahner:

關於 Zahner:

Zahner, based in Kansas City, has been designing, developing, and manufacturing architectural metals for over 125 years, delivering stunning and durable metal finishes for architectural projects worldwide.

Zahner 總部位於堪薩斯城,從事建築金屬的設計、開發和製造已超過 125 年,爲全球建築項目提供精美耐用的金屬表面處理。

John D Stevenson

約翰 D 史蒂文森
*** @clientkudos .com


prLog ID:

SOURCE A. Zahner Company

來源 A. Zahner 公司

