
Cosmos Health Updates on Contract Manufacturing Division; Completes Phase I of Production Capacity Expansion, Positioned to Generate Over $10M in Annual Gross Profit at Full Capacity

Cosmos Health Updates on Contract Manufacturing Division; Completes Phase I of Production Capacity Expansion, Positioned to Generate Over $10M in Annual Gross Profit at Full Capacity

Accesswire ·  07/24 22:55

CHICAGO, IL / ACCESSWIRE / July 24, 2024 / Cosmos Health Inc. ("Cosmos Health" or the "Company'') (NASDAQ:COSM), a diversified, vertically integrated global healthcare group engaged in innovative R&D, owner of proprietary pharmaceutical and nutraceutical brands, manufacturer and distributor of healthcare products, and operator of a telehealth platform, announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Cana Laboratories ("Cana"), has completed the first phase ("Phase I") of upgrades to its manufacturing capabilities and capacities, positioning it to generate over $10 million in recurring annual gross profit at full capacity, expected to be reached by the end of 2025.

2024年7月24日,位於芝加哥的Cosmos Health Inc.(“Cosmos Health”或“公司”)(納斯達克:COSM),是一家多元化的垂直一體化全球醫療保健集團,從事創新研發,擁有專有藥品和營養品品牌,製造和分銷醫療保健產品,並經營遠程衛生平台。今天宣佈,其全資子公司Cana Laboratories(“Cana”)已完成其製造能力和產能的第一階段(“第一階段”)升級,定位於達到全年不低於1000萬美元循環毛利潤,預計將於2025年底實現滿負荷生產。

Cosmos Health acquired Cana in July 2023 and has since invested approximately $5.5 million in the enterprise, which is licensed under European Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and certified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The investment includes, among other things, upgrading Cana's 54,000-square-foot Athens facility with new machinery, equipment, IT infrastructure, and quality management systems, as well as funding human resources (including new hirings and training), inventory and supplies, regulatory compliance, drug licenses, and product development and testing. These investments have laid the foundation for future growth, enabling the Company's facilities to accommodate a wide range of pharmaceuticals at scale, including tablets, capsules, syrups, sprays, creams, gels, and ointments. As a result, Cosmos Health is ramping up revenue generation from its contract manufacturing business, producing products for third-party clients, often referred to as CMO (Contract Manufacturing Organization).

Cosmos Health於2023年7月收購了Cana,並投資約550萬美元,該企業持有歐洲良好製造實踐(GMP)許可證並獲得歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)認證。投資包括但不限於升級Cana的54,000平方英尺的雅典設施,配備新機器、設備、IT基礎設施和質量管理系統,以及資助人力資源(包括新員工招聘和培訓)、庫存和用品、監管合規性、藥物執照和產品開發和測試。這些投資爲未來增長奠定了基礎,使該公司的設施在規模上能夠容納各種類型的藥品,包括片劑、膠囊、糖漿、噴霧劑、乳膏、凝膠和軟膏。因此,Cosmos Health正在增加其合同製造業務的收入,爲第三方客戶生產產品,通常被稱爲CMO(合同製造組織)。

In line with this strategy, as previously announced, the Company has entered into contract manufacturing agreements with Provident Pharmaceuticals and Humacology to manufacture 5,020,000 units of medicines and up to 500,000 CBD units, respectively, bringing the potential total order book to 5,520,000 units. These agreements are poised to be highly profitable due to the high margins in the Company's contract manufacturing business, with minimal costs, including raw materials, as the majority are covered by clients.

與此戰略一致的是,公司已與Provident Pharmaceuticals和Humacology簽訂合同製造協議,以製造502萬個藥品和高達50萬個CBD單位,將潛在訂單總數提高到552萬個。由於公司合同製造業務中的高毛利潤和少量成本(包括原材料,大部分都由客戶支付),這些協議有望獲得高利潤。此外,這些協議將佔據公司現有產能不到20%的空間,使公司有利於追求更多合同。公司預計在第一階段升級後實現滿負荷生產,年毛利潤超過1000萬美元。公司正在積極尋求幾份額外的合同製造協議,並將相應地提供更新。在達到滿負荷生產能力後,該公司將評估第二階段擴展計劃的機會,進一步增強產能和提高盈利潛力。

Additionally, these agreements will occupy less than 20% of the Company's existing capacity, positioning the Company favorably for pursuing additional contracts. The Company expects to generate gross profit exceeding $10 million annually at full capacity following the Phase I upgrades. The Company is actively pursuing several additional contract manufacturing agreements and will provide updates accordingly. Upon achieving full capacity, the Company will evaluate opportunities for a Phase II expansion plan, further enhancing capacity and increasing profitability potential.

Cosmos Health的首席執行官Greg Siokas表示:“我們對最近與Provident和Humacology達成的協議非常滿意,並努力擴大我們的CMO業務。由於我們通過對設施進行戰略性投資以及此部分極高的利潤率,我們有能力實現每年超過1000萬美元的毛利潤。這個有利可圖的且增長迅速的Cosmos部分具有巨大的潛力,會是我們追求可持續盈利的重要推動力。”

Greg Siokas, CEO of Cosmos Health, stated: "We are extremely pleased with our recently announced agreements with Provident and Humacology and are diligently working to scale up our CMO business. Given our increased capacity following strategic investments in upgrading our facilities and the extremely high margins associated with this segment, we are positioned to generate more than $10 million in annual gross profit. This lucrative and growing segment of Cosmos has tremendous potential and will be a key driver in our journey toward sustained profitability."

Cosmos Health的CEO Greg Siokas表示:“我們對與Provident和Humacology達成的最近協議非常滿意,並努力擴大我們的CMO業務。由於我們通過對設施進行戰略性投資並涉足此部分極高利潤率,我們有能力每年實現超過1000萬美元的毛利潤。Cosmos的這個有利可圖且增長快速的部分具有巨大的潛力,將是我們追求業績持續增長的關鍵因素。”

About Cosmos Health Inc.

Cosmos Health Inc.(納斯達克:COSM)成立於2009年,總部位於內華達州,是一家全球健康醫療集團公司。公司擁有一系列專有藥品和保健品牌,包括Sky Premium Life,Mediterranation,bio-bebe和C-Sept。公司的子公司Cana Laboratories S.A.獲得歐洲GMP許可和歐洲藥品管理局認證,生產醫藥品、食品補充劑、化妝品、生物滅菌劑和醫療設備等產品,並經營歐盟內的銷售。此外,Cosmos Health還通過希臘和英國的子公司向零售藥店和批發經銷商銷售廣泛的藥品和非處方藥品,包括品牌仿製藥和OTC藥品。此外,該公司還與人工智能藥物再利用技術合作,專注於研發針對肥胖症、糖尿病和癌症等主要健康障礙的研發合作,並專注於研發新的專利營養保健品、特殊植物提取物、專有複合仿製藥和創新非處方藥品。Cosmos Health還通過收購總部位於德克薩斯州的ZipDoctor,Inc進入了遠程醫療領域。公司正在全球範圍內擴張,並在希臘的塞薩洛尼基和雅典、英國的哈洛等地設有辦事處和配送中心。 更多信息請訪問公司網站:,以及LinkedIn和X。

Cosmos Health Inc. (Nasdaq:COSM), incorporated in 2009 in Nevada, is a diversified, vertically integrated global healthcare group. The Company owns a portfolio of proprietary pharmaceutical and nutraceutical brands, including Sky Premium Life, Mediterranation, bio-bebe and C-Sept. Through its subsidiary Cana Laboratories S.A., licensed under European Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and certified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), it manufactures pharmaceuticals, food supplements, cosmetics, biocides, and medical devices within the European Union. Cosmos Health also distributes a broad line of pharmaceuticals and parapharmaceuticals, including branded generics and OTC medications, to retail pharmacies and wholesale distributors through its subsidiaries in Greece and the UK. Furthermore, the Company has established R&D partnerships targeting major health disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer, enhanced by artificial intelligence drug repurposing technologies, and focuses on the R&D of novel patented nutraceuticals, specialized root extracts, proprietary complex generics, and innovative OTC products. Cosmos Health has also entered the telehealth space through the acquisition of ZipDoctor, Inc., based in Texas, USA. With a global distribution platform, the Company is currently expanding throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, and has offices and distribution centers in Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece, and in Harlow, UK. More information is available at , , , , as well as LinkedIn and X.

Cosmos Health Inc.(納斯達克:COSM)於2009年在內華達州成立,是一家多元化、垂直整合的全球保健集團。公司擁有一系列專有的藥品和營養保健品牌,包括Sky Premium Life、Mediterranation、bio-bebe和C-Sept。通過其子公司Cana Laboratories S.A.的許可,該公司在歐洲聯盟範圍內製造藥品、食品補充劑、化妝品、生物殺滅劑和醫療設備,並遵守歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)的認證的歐洲良好生產規範(GMP)。Cosmos Health還通過其在希臘和英國的子公司向零售藥店和批發經銷商分銷包括品牌通用名和場外交易藥物在內的各類藥品和光合生物。此外,公司已經建立了針對肥胖症、糖尿病和癌症等主要健康障礙的研發合作關係,並獲得了人工智能藥物再利用技術增強,專注於新型專利營養保健品、特製根提取物、專有複雜通用名和創新場外交易產品的研發。Cosmos Health還通過收購位於美國德克薩斯州的ZipDoctor,Inc.進入了遠程醫療領域。擁有全球分銷平台,該公司目前正在歐洲、亞洲和北美進行擴張,並在希臘的塞薩洛尼基和雅典,以及英國的哈洛設有辦事處和分銷中心。更多信息可在, , , ,以及LinkedIn和X上獲得。

Forward-Looking Statements


With the exception of the historical information contained in this news release, the matters described herein, may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements preceded by, followed by, or that otherwise, include the words "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "projects," "estimates," "plans" and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as "will," "should," "would," "may" and "could", are generally forward-looking in nature and not historical facts, although not all forward-looking statements include the foregoing. These statements, involve unknown risks and uncertainties that may individually or materially impact the matters discussed, herein for a variety of reasons that are outside the control of the Company, including, but not limited to, the Company's ability to raise sufficient financing to implement its business plan, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, on the Company's business, operations and the economy in general, and the Company's ability to successfully develop and commercialize its proprietary products and technologies. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward- looking statements, as actual results could differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements contained herein. Readers are urged to read the risk factors set forth in the Company's filings with the SEC, which are available at the SEC's website ( The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update, or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Cosmos Health Inc.("公司")在本新聞稿中所述的事項中除了包含歷史信息外,還可能包含根據1933年修訂的《證券法》第27A條和1934年修訂的《證券交易法》第21E條的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性聲明涉及未知的風險和不確定性,可能因以下原因之一而對討論的事項產生個別或實質性影響,這在公司的控制範圍之外,包括但不限於公司籌集足夠融資實施其業務計劃的能力,新冠病毒大流行和烏克蘭戰爭對公司業務、運營和經濟的影響以及公司成功開發和商業化自有產品和技術的能力。讀者應該注意不要過度依賴這些前瞻性聲明,因爲實際結果可能與本新聞稿中所述的前瞻性聲明不同。讀者應該注意閱讀證券交易委員會的風險因素,該委員會在其網站上(提供了這些信息。本公司不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性陳述的義務。

Investor Relations Contact:


BDG Communications
+44 207 0971 653

BDG Communications
+44 207 0971 653

SOURCE: Cosmos Health Inc.

資訊來源:Cosmos Health Inc.

