
Aero Energy and Fortune Bay Announce Completion of Drilling Program on the Murmac Uranium Project, Saskatchewan

Aero Energy and Fortune Bay Announce Completion of Drilling Program on the Murmac Uranium Project, Saskatchewan

newsfile ·  07/24 19:00

Drill Currently Moving to the Adjacent Sun Dog Project


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 24, 2024) - Aero Energy Ltd (TSXV: AERO) (OTC Pink: AAUGF) (FSE: UU3) ("Aero" or the "Company") is pleased to announce completion of the 2024 summer drill program on the Murmac Uranium Project ("Murmac" or the "Project"), located in northern Saskatchewan near Uranium City. The program was designed to test regional targets across the Project for high-grade, unconformity-related basement-hosted deposits typical of the Athabasca Basin. The drilling program was funded by Aero and operated by Fortune Bay Corp (TSXV: FOR) (OTCQB: FTBYF) (FSE: 5QN) ("Fortune Bay"), pursuant to the underlying option agreement between the companies.

哥倫比亞溫哥華--(資訊公司-2024年7月24日)--Aero Energy Ltd (TSXV: AERO) (OTC Pink: AAUGF) (FSE: UU3) (以下簡稱“Aero”或 “公司”)很高興地宣佈完成位於北薩斯喀徹港附近的Murmac鈾項目(“Murmac”或“項目”)2024年夏季鑽探計劃的測試區域目標的設計,以便尋找Athabasca盆地典型的高品位、不整合巖性地下基底礦牀。 鑽探計劃由Aero資助,由Fortune Bay Corp (TSXV: FOR) (OTCQB: FTBYF) (FSE: 5QN) (“Fortune Bay”)運營,根據兩家公司之間的期權協議執行。



  • New Shallow Discovery of Radioactivity: An average of 1,309 counts per second was intersected over 8.7 metres in hole M24-017 in structured graphitic pelite, with up to 33,600 counts per second ("cps") (using handheld RS-125 Spectrometer) associated with visible uranium mineralization. This interval is located approximately 70 to 78 metres below surface.
  • 射線的新淺發現:在結構石墨頁岩中,M24-017孔上方約70到78米處,平均每秒1,309個計數,最高可達33,600個計數(使用手持式RS-125光譜儀),與可見的鈾礦化有關。
  • Uranium Fertile Target: Hole M24-017 was followed up with three additional holes (M24-018, -019 and -020), comprising approximate 50 metre step outs down-dip, along-strike northeast, and along-strike southwest, respectively. All three holes returned anomalous radioactivity (up to 850 cps) in graphitic rocks underlying a hematized quartzite hangingwall.
  • 鈾豐富目標:孔M24-017隨後又偏離了三個孔(M24-018,-019和-020),包括向東北的約50米步距,向東南的距離,以及沿着本山牆向下的圖形孔內的板岩下伏的石墨巖中奇異的放射性(高達850個計數)。
  • Excellent Prospectivity Confirmed: These results (drill holes M24-17 to -020) confirm the presence of a larger hydrothermal uranium mineralizing system along this unexplored, 1.2 kilometre long electromagnetic ("EM") conductor on the Howland Corridor.
  • 確認優越前景:這些結果(鑽孔M24-17至-020)證實在Howland Corridor上有一種更大的熱液鈾成礦系統。
  • Strong Alteration at Additional Targets: Drill holes M24-021, M24-022A and M24-023, tested geophysical (EM and gravity) anomalies H6, A22, and H16 respectively, intersecting compelling hydrothermal alteration and structure associated with variably graphitic rocks, further confirming the prospectivity of the entire length of the Howland and Armbruster Corridors for unconformity-related, basement-hosted deposits.
  • 其他目標的強烈改變:鑽孔M24-021、M24-022A和M24-023分別測試了H6、A22和H16地球物理(電磁和重力)異常,與各種石墨巖相關的引人注目的熱液改變和構造相交,進一步證實了Howland和Armbruster Corridors整個長度的前景與盆地有關的地下、基岩寄存礦牀。
  • Assays Pending and Follow-Up Drilling Planned: Following uranium assay and geochemical analysis of drill core samples, a second phase drilling program is being planned to follow-up along strike of mineralized drill holes and continue testing of priority drill targets across the Project.
  • 分析鑽探樣品的鈾分析和地球化學分析後,正在計劃第二階段鑽探計劃,以跟進礦化鑽探孔的步探並繼續測試整個項目優先鑽探目標。
  • Additional Drilling Imminent: The Company is currently transitioning its focus to the adjacent Sun Dog project where a drill program will be operated by Standard Uranium. Details of this program were announced on July 18, 2024.
  • 即將進行更多鑽探:公司目前正在將重點轉移到相鄰的Sun Dog項目,標準鈾將在該項目中進行鑽探計劃。該計劃的細節於2024年7月18日宣佈。

Galen McNamara, CEO of Aero Energy, stated, "The discovery of a new zone of radioactivity in the right rocks from wild-cat drilling in only our second ever hole underscores our strong conviction that unconformity-related basement-hosted uranium deposits akin to Arrow, Triple-R and Gryphon could exist in the area. In my opinion, the relatively smaller and lower grade deposits historically mined in the Uranium City area, where my cousin Gilbert Labine developed the nationally important Gunnar Mine in the early 1950's, serve as a smoke screen to the larger modern exploration target. Our projects host a 30 km trend of the correct graphite-bearing rocks which act as a chemical sponge for uranium-bearing fluids, all of which are grossly underexplored for the type of mineralization we seek. We are now very much looking forward to imminent drilling on the Sun Dog project."

AeroEnergy的CEO Galen McNamara表示:“僅在第二個孔中,從野貓鑽探的正確岩石中發現了新的放射性帶,這凸顯了我們強烈的信念,即存在類似於Arrow、Triple-R和Gryphon的不整合巖性基底鈾礦牀。在我看來,歷史上在Uranium City地區開採的相對較小、較低品位的礦牀(例如我表兄Gilbert Labine在20世紀50年代開發的具有國家重要意義的Gunnar Mine礦山)爲現代勘探的更大目標提供了干擾。我們的項目擁有30公里長的正確石墨含量的岩石趨勢,這些岩石是吸收含鈾流體的化學海綿,所有這些都未進行過充分的勘探。我們現在非常期待在Sun Dog項目上即將進行的鑽探活動。”

Initial Drill Results


A total of eight drill holes were completed at Murmac during June and July, 2024 to test targets documented in the News Release dated June 4, 2024 along the Pitchvein, Armbruster and Howland Corridors (Figure 1; Table 2). Drill holes targeted compelling geophysical signatures (electromagnetics and gravity) and favorable geological/structural settings. Drill target selections also took into account proximity to historical uranium occurrences of interest and Fortune Bay's previous positive drilling results. The completed drill holes encountered highly favorable geological settings for high-grade basement-hosted deposits associated with the Athabasca Basin. This included:

2024年6月和7月期間在Murmac共完成了八個鑽孔,以測試沿着Pitchvein、Armbruster和Howland Corridors(圖1;表2)記錄的目標,鑽孔針對引人注目的地球物理特徵(電磁和重力)和有利的地質/結構設置。鑽探目標選擇還考慮了與歷史上有關的鈾產礦或Fortune Bay先前積極的鑽井結果的距離。已完成的鑽孔遇到了與Athabasca盆地有關的高品位基岩寄存礦牀非常有利的地質設置,包括:

  • Thick and strongly graphitic target units (up to an estimated ~30 metres in true thickness) often in contact with quartzites, providing favorable competency/rheological contrast.

  • Brittle faulting and brecciation were observed within, or proximal to, the graphitic units and were typically associated with favorable hydrothermal alteration including abundant hematite, chlorite, sulphides, and clays.

  • Anomalous radioactivity (>300 cps) was intersected in five of the eight holes completed, associated with cataclastic or mylonitic structured and altered graphitic pelites, as summarized in Table 1.

  • 目標單元厚而強烈的石墨(估計真厚度約爲30米),常與石英岩接觸,提供了有利的能力/流變學對比。

  • 破碎斷層和破碎現象觀察到,在石墨單元內或其附近,通常與有利的熱液改變,包括豐富的赤鐵礦、綠泥石、硫化物和粘土有關。

  • 在完成的八個鑽孔中,有五個遇到微量輻射(>300 cps),這與結構石墨頁岩中的斷層構造或剪切使其發生變化,如表1所示。

Table 1: Murmac Drill Hole Radiometric Highlights (Summer 2024)


Hole ID
Radioactivity Highlights

From (m) To (m) Length (m) cps Lithology
93.50 93.65 0.15 350 Amphibolite

94.75 95.05 0.30 340 Graphitic pelite

95.70 95.95 0.25 340 Graphitic pelite

235.65 235.80 0.15 340 Psammite
81.10 81.70 0.60 432 Hematized quartzite

82.55 83.05 0.50 590 Hematized quartzite

84.00 84.60 0.60 838 Hematized quartzite

85.50 85.80 0.30 317 Hematized quartzite

85.80 94.50 8.70 1,309 Graphitic pelite
incl. 86.10 86.65 0.55 10,608 Graphitic pelite
incl. 86.45 86.55 0.10 33,600 Graphitic pelite
and incl. 87.00 87.40 0.40 2,776 Graphitic pelite
and incl. 92.00 92.20 0.20 7,395 Graphitic pelite

126.80 127.20 0.40 355 Graphitic pelite
138.15 142.05 3.90 337 Graphitic pelite
100.90 101.10 0.20 650 Graphitic pelite
154.85 155.25 0.40 553 Graphitic pelite
Note: Radioactivity values reported are total gamma from NQ2 drill core measured with a Super-SPEC RS-125 handheld spectrometer reported in counts per second ("cps"). The cps values are averages for the reported drill interval unless otherwise specified. Measurements of total gamma cps are an indication of the presence of uranium, thorium and/or potassium, but may not directly correlate with chemical uranium assays. Total gamma cps results are preliminary in nature and may not be used directly to quantify uranium concentrations in the drill core samples. True thicknesses of the drill core intersections are yet to be determined. Results for M24-017 have been reported previously.

從(m) 到(m) 長度(米) cps 巖性
93.50 93.65 0.15 350 角斑岩

94.75 95.05 0.30 340 石墨片岩

95.70 95.95 0.25 340 石墨片岩

235.65 235.80 0.15 340 砂岩
81.10 81.70 0.60 432 含赤鐵礦石英岩

82.55 83.05 0.50 590 含赤鐵礦石英岩

84.00 84.60 0.60 838 含赤鐵礦石英岩

85.50 85.80 0.30 317 含赤鐵礦石英岩

85.80 94.50 8.70 1,309 石墨片岩
包括。 86.10 86.65 0.55 10,608 石墨片岩
包括。 86.45 86.55 0.10 33,600 石墨片岩
和包括 87.00 87.40 0.40 2,776 石墨片岩
和包括 92.00 92.20 0.20 7,395 石墨片岩

126.80 127.20 0.40 355 石墨片岩
138.15 142.05 3.90 337 含石墨泥岩
100.90 101.10 0.20 650 含石墨泥岩
154.85 155.25 0.40 553 含石墨泥岩
注:報告的放射性值爲NQ2鑽孔芯樣的總伽馬值,使用超級SPEC RS-125手持光譜儀測量,以每秒計數(“cps”)報告。除非另有說明,否則cps值是報告鑽進間隔的平均值。總伽馬cps的測量是證明鈾、釷和/或鉀存在的一種指示,但可能與化學鈾測定不直接相關。總伽馬cps的結果性質是初步的,可能不能直接用於量化鑽孔樣品中的鈾濃度。鑽孔相交點的真實厚度尚待確定。M24-017的結果之前已經報道過。

Figure 1: Murmac 2024 Drill Collar Locations.

圖1:Murmac 2024鑽桿位置。

Drill Hole Summary


Summaries of the drill holes are provided as follows:


M24-016A: The targeted conductor (moderate to strongly graphitic pelite) was intersected between 94.4 and 120.7 m. This step-out hole, approximately 100 metres northeast of positive results in 2022 drill holes M22-013 and M22-014, and 175 metres southwest of positive historical results from SMDC drilling (CKI-9 and CKI-10), intersected anomalous radioactivity in graphitic pelite (Figure 2), indicating possible continuity of mineralization between these two locations.


Figure 2: Hole M24-016A (target P7), 92.8 to 99.3 m. Anomalous radioactivity hosted in structured graphitic pelite.


M24-017: This hole tested geophysical (EM and gravity) target H15, which occurs at the intersection of the EM conductor and a property-scale, mineralized cross-fault, beneath Howland Lake. Intermittent anomalous radioactivity (up to a maximum of 1,800 cps over 0.1 metre) was intersected in hematized, faulted hangingwall quartzite. This overlies a structured graphitic pelite averaging 1,309 cps over 8.70 metres, with measurements up to 33,600 cps over 0.1 metre. This intersection (Figure 3), of radioactivity hosted in previously unexplored (under a shallow lake) graphitic pelite, at a cross-fault location, provides a compelling validation of the exploration target, justifying down-dip and along strike follow up (subsequent three drill holes).

M24-017:這個孔測試了物理(Em和重力)目標H15,它出現在Em導體和一個礦化的橫向斷層的交匯處,在豪蘭湖下方。在含鐵質、斷層的掛牆石英岩中間斷性地遇到異常放射性(最高達0.1米1,800 cps)。這遮蓋了一層12.09米厚的鈀板狀石墨泥岩,平均計數爲1,309 cps,最高達0.1米的測量值爲33,600 cps。這個相交點(圖3),先前未開採(在淺水湖下面)的結構化石墨泥岩中的放射性提供了一個令人信服的勘探目標驗證,正當沿傾斜和沿行進路線進行後續追蹤(隨後進行了三個鑽探孔)。

Figure 3: M24-017 (target H15) radioactive intersections (81.00 to 94.50 metres down hole). Hangingwall quartzite hosts intermittent radioactivity from 81.00 to 85.80 m. Continuous elevated radioactivity is hosted in the underlying graphitic pelite.


M24-018: Steeper follow up of M22-017, shows down-dip continuity (approximate 50 metres vertical) in anomalous radioactivity hosted in graphitic pelite (Figure 4), up to a maximum of 660 cps over 0.1 metre.

M24-018:M22-017的更陡峭的跟進顯示了石墨化泥岩中異常放射性下傾延伸(垂直約50米),最高達0.1米660 cps(圖4)。

Figure 4: M24-018 (down dip test of target H15) radioactive intersections in graphitic pelite down-dip (~50 m vertically below) of the intersection in M24-017.


M24-019: Approximate 50 metre step out to the northeast from M22-017. Anomalous radioactivity was hosted in strongly graphitic pelite, confirming presence of active mineralizing system along strike, up to a maximum of 780 cps over 0.1 metre (Figure 5).

M24-019:從M22-017東北方向步進約50米。強石墨泥岩中遇到異常放射性,證實了沿行進路線的活躍成礦系統的存在,最高達0.1米780 cps(圖5)。

Figure 5: M24-019 radioactive intersections in graphitic pelite along strike 50 m to the NE of M24-017 (target H15).


M24-020: Approximate 50 metre step out to the southwest from M22-017. Anomalous radioactivity was hosted in graphitic pelite, confirming presence of active mineralizing system along strike, up to a maximum of 850 cps over 0.1 metre (Figure 6).


Figure 6: M24-020 radioactive intersections in graphitic pelite along strike 50 m to the SW of M24-017 (target H15).


M24-021: This hole tested a compelling geophysical (EM and gravity) target (H6) on the Howland Corridor. While no anomalous radioactivity was intersected, the targeted conductor (strongly graphitic pelite) is associated with intense hydrothermal alteration and pervasive faulting (Figure 7).


Figure 7: M24-021 (target H6) strongly graphitic pelite in contact with structured hydrothermally altered bleached and hematized quartzite.


M24-022A: This hole tested a compelling geophysical (EM and gravity) target (A22) on the southern Armbruster Corridor. While no anomalous radioactivity was intersected, the targeted conductor (heavily structured strongly graphitic pelite) also shows hydrothermal alteration with a strongly hematized hangingwall quartzite overlying the graphitic unit (Figure 8).


Figure 8: M24-022A (target A22) hydrothermal alteration reduction/oxidation front, transitioning from hematized quartzite to underlying heavily structured strongly graphitic pelite.


M24-023: This hole tested a compelling geophysical (EM and gravity) target (H16) on the Howland Conductor Corridor, also testing along strike (approximately 600 m SW) of positive results in 2022 drill hole M22-012. Only two minor intervals (<4 metres) of moderately graphitic pelite were intersected, with no other notable conductive horizons. This could indicate that M24-023 drilled through a faulted offset and missed the targeted conductor, drilling through heavily faulted and hematized underlying footwall quartzite.

M24-023:此孔探測了Howland Conductor走廊上令人信服的地球物理(Em和重力)目標(H16),也測試了2022年鑽孔M22-012的大致走向。僅遇到了兩個較小的區間(

M24-024 (P4): This hole was designed to test the southwest strike extension of the mineralized graphitic pelite in M22-013/014 along the Pitchvein Corridor, at the intersection with the same regional cross-cutting structure tested in M24-017 (target P4). The hole was abandoned at 47.5 metres due to intense brittle faulting within hematized quartzite and therefore did not reach the targeted graphitic unit. The intense faulting within the hangingwall is encouraging and the target warrants testing to the required depth. Alternative drill locations will be assessed for a future program.


Table 2: Murmac Drill Hole Summary (Summer 2024)


Hole ID Target ID Easting Northing Azimuth Dip Length (m)
M24-016A P7 630799 6593053 302 -54 258
M24-017 H15 633345 6593642 310 -55 201
M24-018 H15DD 633345 6593642 310 -67 177
M24-019 H15NE 633385 6593691 298 -55 171
M24-020 H15SW 633337 6593593 305 -45 180
M24-021 H6 631386 6589720 315 -50 164.5
M24-022A A22 627965 6585975 305 -55 167.7
M24-023 H16 632955 6592531 320 -55 177
M24-024 P4 630332 6592498 315 -45 47.5*
Coordinates are reported in UTM NAD83 Zone 12N. Azimuth is true north.

Target prefix A= Armbruster Corridor; H = Howland Corridor; P = Pitchvein Corridor.

*Drill hole M24-024 was abandoned due to intense brittle faulting.
孔ID 目標編號 東經(m) 北緯(m) 方位角(度) 傾角 長度(米)
M24-016A P7 630799 6593053 302 -54 258
M24-017 H15 633345 6593642 310 -55 201
M24-018 H15DD 633345 6593642 310 -67 177
M24-019 H15NE 633385 6593691 298 -55 171
M24-020 H15SW 633337 6593593 305 -45 180
M24-021 H6 631386 6589720 315 -50 164.5
M24-022A A22 627965 6585975 305 -55 167.7
M24-023 H16 632955 6592531 320 -55 177
M24-024 沿M22-013和014中礦化截面滑移。測試Pitchvein走廊與領礦過程中的礦化穿越斷層的交匯。 630332 6592498 315 -45 47.5*
座標以UTm NAD83 Zone 12N報告。方位爲真北。

目標前綴A = Armbruster走廊;H = Howland走廊;P = Pitchvein走廊。


Next Steps


Drill core samples have been collected systematically throughout all zones of radioactivity higher than 300 cps and will be submitted to SRC Geoanalytical Laboratories in Saskatoon for U3O8 assay and multi-element characterization. These analytical results will be integrated with the detailed logging information to prioritize follow-up target areas for future drill testing, in addition to testing of numerous other priority regional targets. Following on from the Murmac drill program, Aero and Standard Uranium (TSXV: STND; OTCQBQB: STTDF; FWB: 9SU) plan to test additional targets on the adjacent Sun Dog Project located to the south of Murmac on the Crackingstone Peninsula.

在所有高於300 cps的放射性區域系統地收集了鑽孔樣品,並將其提交到薩斯喀徹溫省地質分析實驗室進行U3O8分析和多元素表徵。這些分析結果將與詳細的測井信息相結合,確定未來的鑽探測試目標區域,以及鑽探大量其他優先區域性目標。在Murmac鑽探項目之後,Aero和Standard Uranium(TSXV:STND;OTCQBQB:STTDF;FWB:9SU)計劃測試位於Crackingstone半島Murmac南側的鄰接Sun Dog項目上的其他目標。

Technical Disclosure


Preliminary radiometric results represent total gamma from NQ2 drill core measured with a Super-SPEC RS-125 handheld spectrometer reported in counts per second ("cps"). Measurements are typically collected over 0.10 to 0.15 metre intervals through areas of anomalous radioactivity (defined as >300 counts per second, or "cps"). Longer intervals with less variation are shown as length weighted averages for simplicity.

初步放射性結果表示從NQ2鑽孔芯中測量的總伽馬值,使用Super-SPEC RS-125手持式光譜儀測量,以每秒計數(“cps”)報告。測量通常在異常放射性區域(定義爲>300 cps)的0.10到0.15米間隔內進行。較長的間隔,較少的變化,顯示爲長度加權平均值,以簡化計算。

Core is removed from the core box and moved, if necessary, to a location where the instrument reads below background, and the measurement is collected by placing the sensor against the core at the required location. The drill cores are subject to comprehensive logging and sampling to characterize mineralization, alteration and structure. Drill core samples will be submitted to the Saskatchewan Research Council ("SRC") Geoanalytical Laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited) for uranium assay and multi-element characterization. Reflectance spectrometry will be undertaken on additional core samples to determine the presence of indicator clay alteration.

必要時,將芯體從箱子中取出並移動到儀器讀數低於背景的位置,通過將傳感器放置在所需位置的芯體上收集測量值。鑽孔芯體經過全面的記錄和取樣,以表徵礦化、蝕變和結構。鑽孔樣品將提交給Saskatchewan Research Council(“SRC”)地質分析實驗室(ISO/IEC 17025:2005認證)進行鈾分析和多元素表徵。還將對其他芯樣進行反射光譜測量,以確定指示性粘土變質的存在。

Further details regarding the historical uranium occurrences noted in this news release can be found within the Saskatchewan Mineral Assessment Database (SMAD) and the Saskatchewan Mineral Deposit Index (SMDI). Fortune Bay has verified the majority of these occurrences through field prospecting and sampling, however there is a risk that any future confirmation work and exploration may produce results that substantially differ from the unverified historical results. The Company considers these unverified historical results relevant to assess the mineralization and economic potential of the property. The historical drill results obtained by SMDC in drill holes CKI-9 and CKI-10 can be found within the SMAD references 74N07-0310 and 74N07-0311 and have not been verified. Additional historical exploration results (uranium occurrences related to geochemistry results and scintillometer prospecting) derive from SMAD references 74N07-0290, 74N07-0287 and 74N07-0304.


Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Galen McNamara, P. Geo., CEO of the Company and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由本公司的CEO,符合《43-101號國家規定》定義的合格人員Galen McNamara P.Geo進行審查和批准。

About the Murmac Project


Murmac, situated between the historical Gunnar and Lorado Uranium Mines, has shown significant promise. Historical exploration (1960-1980) revealed numerous high-grade uranium occurrences, though these were not systematically explored for basement-hosted mineralization typical of the Athabasca Basin. A 2022 drilling program by Fortune Bay confirmed the potential for high-grade uranium with significant findings in several drill holes, validating the exploration model.

Murmac位於歷史悠久的Gunnar和Lorado鈾礦之間,顯示出重要潛力。 歷史勘探(1960-1980)揭示了許多高品位鈾出現,但這些並沒有系統地探索Athabasca盆地典型的基底礦化。Fortune Bay在2022年的鑽探計劃證實了高品位鈾的潛力,並在多個鑽孔中發現了重要成果,驗證了勘探模型。

About Aero Energy Limited

關於Aero Energy Limited

Aero Energy is a mineral exploration and development company advancing a district-scale 250,000-acre land package in the historic Uranium City district within Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is focused on uncovering high-grade uranium deposits across its flagship optioned properties - Sun Dog, Strike, and Murmac - in addition to its fully owned properties. With the application of modern exploration techniques, the Company has identified over 50 shallow drill-ready targets and 125 kilometres of target horizon on the frontier north rim of the Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is tapping into the Athabasca Basin's emerging potential for high-grade, unconformity-style mineralization.

Aero 能源是一家礦產資源勘探和開發公司,在薩斯喀徹溫盆地歷史悠久的鈾城區擁有一個區域範圍爲 250,000 英畝的土地包。 Aero 能源致力於在自己的旗艦經營區 Sun Dog、 Strike 和 Murmac 以及自己完全擁有的礦區中發現高品位的鈾礦牀。通過運用現代勘探技術,該公司已確定了超過50個淺層鑽探就緒目標和125公里的勘探走向,位於 Athabasca Basin 的前沿北緣區。 Aero 能源正在利用 Athabasca Basin 新興的高品位不整合型礦化潛力。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Carl Esprey

Galen McNamara, Chief Executive Officer

Galen McNamara,首席執行官

Further information on the Company can be found on the Company's website at and at , or by contacting the Company by email at


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This news release contains certain "forward looking statements" and certain "forward-looking information" as defined under applicable Canadian and U.S. securities laws. Forward-looking statements and information can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may", "will", "should", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe", "continue", "plans" or similar terminology. The forward-looking information contained herein is provided for the purpose of assisting readers in understanding management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. These forward‐looking statements or information relate to, among other things the exploration and development of the Company's mineral exploration projects including completion of drilling activities.


Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual actions, events or results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to: the requirement for regulatory approvals; enhanced uncertainty in global financial markets as a result of the public health crises; unquantifiable risks related to government actions and interventions; stock market volatility; regulatory restrictions; and other related risks and uncertainties.


Forward-looking information are based on management of the parties' reasonable assumptions, estimates, expectations, analyses and opinions, which are based on such management's experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, and other factors that management believes are relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, but which may prove to be incorrect.


The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


