
EXCLUSIVE: Perfect Corp's Q2 Revenue Jumps 9.6%, YouCam App Subscribers Hit Record High

EXCLUSIVE: Perfect Corp's Q2 Revenue Jumps 9.6%, YouCam App Subscribers Hit Record High

獨家報道:Perfect corp第二季度營業收入增長9.6%,YouCam應用訂閱用戶數創下歷史新高。
Benzinga ·  07/24 18:15

Perfect Corp (NYSE:PERF) announced financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2024, the second quarter.

Perfect Corp(紐交所: PERF)公佈了截至2024年6月30日的第二季度財務業績。

Total revenue was $13.9 million, compared to $12.7 million year ago, an increase of 9.6%. The increase was primarily due to growth in the revenue of AI- and AR-cloud solutions and mobile app subscriptions.


Gross profit was $11.0 million compared with $10.2 million in the year-ago quarter, an increase of 7.8%.


Despite the increase in gross profit, the gross margin slightly decreased to 79.3% for the second quarter, from 80.6% last year, primarily due to the increase in third-party payment processing fees paid to digital distribution partners such as Google and Apple related to the growth in its mobile app subscription revenue.


Net income was $0.8 million for Q2 compared to a net loss of $0.2 million. Adjusted net income was $1.3 million compared to adjusted net income of $0.9 million in 2023, an increase of 43.8%.

淨利潤爲80萬美元,而 2023 年同期爲淨虧損20萬美元。經調整的淨利潤爲130萬美元,而2023年經調整的淨利潤爲90萬美元,同比增長43.8%。

Operating cash flow was $2.0 million in the second quarter of 2024, compared to $2.6 million a decrease of 24.6%.


As of June 30, 2024, Perfect Corp held $120.8 million in cash and cash equivalents, compared to $122.0 million as of March 31, 2024.

截至2024年6月30日,Perfect Corp持有現金及現金等價物1.208億美元,而截至2024年3月31日爲1.22億美元。

Perfect Corp had 151 key customers as of June 30, 2024, compared with 152 as of March 31, 2024. The slight decrease in the number of key customers primarily resulted from specific brand clients' non-renewal of customer contracts due to financial pressure, among other factors.

截至2024年6月30日,Perfect Corp共有151個主要客戶,而截至2024年3月31日爲152個主要客戶。主要客戶數量的輕微減少主要是由於特定品牌客戶由於財務壓力等因素而未續簽客戶合同。

As of June 30, 2024, Perfect Corp's cumulative customer base included 686 brand clients, with over 774,000 digital stock-keeping units for makeup, haircare, skincare, eyewear, and jewelry products, compared to 666 brand clients and over 745,000 digital SKUs as of March 31, 2024.

截至2024年6月30日,Perfect Corp的累計客戶群包括686個品牌客戶,提供超過774,000個關於化妝品、護髮產品、護膚品、眼鏡和珠寶的數字庫存單位,而截至2024年3月31日,有666個品牌客戶,提供超過745,000個數字庫存單位。

Perfect Corp's YouCam mobile beauty app active subscribers grew by 18.3% year-over-year, reaching a record high of over 919,000 active subscribers at the end of the second quarter of 2024.

Perfect Corp的YouCam移動美妝應用程序的活躍訂閱用戶數同比增長了18.3%,於2024年第二季度末達到創紀錄的919,000名活躍訂閱用戶。

Perfect Corp expects such legacy non-recurring revenue to become increasingly insignificant as it continues strengthening its market leadership in providing AI—and AR-based SaaS subscription solutions for brands and customers.

隨着繼續加強在爲品牌和客戶提供基於人工智能和增強現實的軟件即服務訂閱解決方案方面的市場領導地位,Perfect Corp預計這種傳統的非經常性收入將越來越不重要。

Based on the growth momentum in enterprise SaaS solution demands and YouCam mobile app subscriptions during the first half of 2024, Perfect Corp reiterates its expectation that the year-over-year growth rate of total revenue in 2024 would range from 12% to 16% compared to 2023.

根據2024年上半年企業SaaS解決方案需求和YouCam移動應用訂閱增長的勢頭,Perfect Corp重申預計2024年總收入同比增長率將在12%至16%之間,與2023年相比。

Price Action: PERF shares closed higher by 1.85% at $2.20 at Tuesday.

Perfect Corp.股票收於2.20美元,漲幅爲1.85%。

