
I'd Aim for $1 Million Buying Just These 3 TSX Stocks

I'd Aim for $1 Million Buying Just These 3 TSX Stocks

The Motley Fool ·  07/24 08:00

When it comes to investing in TSX stocks with the goal of building a $1 million portfolio, there's a problem. Many may give up way too soon.

如果您想在 TSX 股票上投資,目標是建立一個 100 萬美元的投資組合,那麼存在一個問題。許多人可能會放棄得太早。

If you want that $1 million, then you need to think about holding on for the next few decades to get you that million. Not the next few years. And remember, $1 million is $1 million! It doesn't matter when you get it, but it will likely be that you won't get it if you don't spend the time with some strong stocks.

如果你想得到那 100 萬美元,那麼你需要考慮持有一些強勁股票並堅定信念,接下來的幾十年才能達到目標,而不是隻看幾年的收益。記住,100 萬美元就是 100 萬美元!不管你什麼時候得到它都不重要,但如果不花時間和精力去研究強勁股票,很可能你永遠都得不到它。

So today, let's look at three long-term winners. Ones that won't make you wait 50 years to reach that million. But will provide you with a far less volatile ride than some other options out there.




Investors looking to build a million-dollar portfolio should seriously consider adding Shopify (TSX:SHOP) stock to their holdings. Shopify has demonstrated consistent growth, strategic innovation, and resilience, making it a compelling investment opportunity.

想建立一個 100 萬美元的投資組合的投資者應認真考慮將 Shopify (TSX:SHOP)股票添加到他們的投資持股中。Shopify 表現出了持續的增長、戰略創新和韌性,使其成爲一個引人注目的投資機會。

Shopify's latest financial results showcase its robust growth. For Q1 2024, Shopify reported revenues of US$1.9 billion, a 23% increase year-over-year, and beat analysts' expectations with earnings per share (EPS) of US$0.12, surpassing the consensus estimate of $0.08â. The company's gross profit also surged by 33% to US$957 million, highlighting its efficient cost management and expanding marginsâ.

Shopify 最新的財務業績展示了其強勁的增長。截至 2024 年第一季度,Shopify 報告了 19 億美元的收入,同比增長 23%,並以每股收益 0.12 美元擊敗了分析師的預期,超過了每股收益 0.08 美元的共識預期。該公司的毛利潤也增長了 33% 至 9570 萬美元,凸顯了其高效的成本管理和擴大的利潤率。

Despite recent market volatility, Shopify remains resilient. The company's continued innovation, such as its acquisition of Deliverr for US$2.1 billion, positions it well for future growth by enhancing its fulfillment network and logistics capabilitiesââ. This strategic move aims to streamline delivery processes and improve service for its merchants, further solidifying Shopify's market position.

儘管市場最近波動較大,但 Shopify 仍然表現出了抵禦市場波動的能力。該公司的持續創新,例如以 21 億美元收購 Deliverr,爲其未來的增長提供了有利的位置,增強了其物流網絡和物流能力。這一戰略舉措旨在簡化交付流程,改進商家的服務,進一步鞏固 Shopify 在市場中的地位。

Shopify's future looks promising with expected earnings growth of 32.3% in the coming yearâ. The company is set to announce its Q2 2024 financial results on August 7, 2024, which will provide further insights into its performance and growth trajectory.

Shopify 的未來看起來很有前景,未來一年預計利潤將增長 32.3%。該公司計劃於 2024 年 8 月 7 日宣佈其第二季度財務業績,這將提供更多關於其業績和增長軌跡的見解。

Constellation Software

Constellation Software

Investors seeking robust growth and a solid return on investment should seriously consider adding Constellation Software (TSX:CSU) stock to their portfolios. Constellation Software has consistently delivered impressive financial results. For the first quarter of 2024, the company reported earnings per share (EPS) of $37.21, significantly exceeding the consensus estimate of $23.21. The revenue for this period was $3.2 billion, demonstrating its ability to generate substantial income despite market fluctuationsâ.

尋求強勁增長和穩定回報的投資者應認真考慮將 Constellation Software(TSX:CSU)股票加入其投資組合。Constellation Software 持續發佈令人印象深刻的財務業績。對於 2024 年第一季度,該公司報告了每股收益 37.21 美元,顯著超過了每股收益 23.21 美元的共識預期。此期間的收入爲 32 億美元,展示了其在市場波動中仍能夠產生可觀的收入的能力。

A cornerstone of Constellation Software's strategy is its continuous pursuit of strategic acquisitions. The company has successfully integrated numerous software businesses into its portfolio, which has contributed to its steady growth and market expansion. This acquisition-driven model has proven effective, allowing Constellation Software to scale efficiently and maintain a competitive edge in the software industry.

Constellation Software 的戰略基石是不斷追求戰略性收購。該公司成功地將衆多軟件業務整合到其組合中,這爲其穩定的增長和市場擴張做出了貢獻。這種收購驅動的模式證明非常有效,使 Constellation Software 能夠高效地擴展和在軟件行業中保持競爭優勢。

With a market capitalization of $91.2 billion, Constellation Software is a stable and influential player in the market. The stock has shown positive momentum, reaching a new 52-week high at $4,307.95. This stability and growth indicate that CSU is well-positioned to weather market volatility and continue delivering strong returns.

Constellation Software 在市場中是一個穩定和有影響力的參與者,市值達到 912 億美元。該股票呈現出了積極的勢頭,創出了 4,307.95 美元的新高點。這種穩定和增長表明 CSU 可以很好地抵禦市場波動,並繼續提供強勁回報。

AtkinsRÃalis Group

AtkinsRéal is Group

Finally, a millionaire-maker could certainly include AtkinsRÃalis Group (TSX:ATRL), especially for investors looking to achieve more long-term gains. Formerly SNC-Lavalin, it has consistently demonstrated strong financial performance.

最後,特別是對於那些想要取得更長期的收益的投資者,百萬富翁製造商肯定可以包括 AtkinsRÃalis Group (TSX:ATRL)。它一直表現出強勁的財務業績。

ATRL has been actively involved in strategic projects that position it well for future growth. Recently, the company announced its intention to release its second-quarter results for 2024 on August 9, 2024â. This upcoming earnings report is highly anticipated by investors and analysts alike, as it is expected to provide further insights into the company's financial health and growth trajectory.

ATRL 積極參與戰略項目,爲其未來的增長奠定了基礎。最近,該公司宣佈其將於 2024 年 8 月 9 日發佈其 2024 年第二季度財務業績,這一即將到來的業績非常受到投資者和分析師的期待,因爲它預計將爲公司的財務狀況和增長軌跡提供更多見解。

The company's rebranding to AtkinsRÃalis signifies a new era of strategic focus and market expansion. This change is not just cosmetic but reflects a broader vision and strategic alignment with global market opportunitiesâ.

公司的重新定位爲 AtkinsRÃalis 標誌着公司的戰略關注以及全球市場機會的擴張。這種變化不僅僅是個表面的改變,而是反映了一個更廣闊的願景和與全球市場機遇的戰略對齊。

AtkinsRÃalis' diversified service portfolio spans engineering services, nuclear, operations and maintenance, and project management. This diversification helps mitigate risks and ensures steady revenue streams across various sectors. The company's involvement in significant infrastructure projects, including the development of electric vehicle manufacturing capabilities in Canada, further strengthens its market position. So be sure to pay attention come next earnings.

AtkinsRÃalis 的服務組合有工程服務、核、運營和維護、項目管理等多個方面。這種多樣化有助於降低風險,並確保在各個領域獲得穩定的收入流。該公司涉足重大基礎設施項目,包括在加拿大開發電動車製造能力,進一步鞏固了其市場地位。所以一定要關注接下來的季度業績。

The post I'd Aim for $1 Million Buying Just These 3 TSX Stocks appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.

本文最初發表於 The Motley Fool Canada,並提出了在 TSX 股票中購買這三隻股票的建議。

