
EXCLUSIVE: Nano Nuclear Responds To Hunterbrook Short Report, Denounces 'Ulterior Motives,' Affirms Future Timelines

EXCLUSIVE: Nano Nuclear Responds To Hunterbrook Short Report, Denounces 'Ulterior Motives,' Affirms Future Timelines

Benzinga ·  07/24 04:36
Executives at Nano Nuclear Energy Inc (NASDAQ:NNE) responded to allegations made in a July short report that sent its share price spiraling downward.
納斯達克股票代碼爲NNE的Nano Nuclear Energy Inc執行官回應了七月份一篇開空報告中的指控,該報告導致該公司股價暴跌。
Hunterbrook Allegations: Hunterbrook, a hedge fund that doubles as an investigative news outlet, published a report ridiculing the company on July 19.
Hunterbrook Allegations:Hunterbrook是一家同時兼具對沖基金和調查新聞機構的機構,於7月19日發佈一篇嘲諷該公司的報告。
The report accused Nano Nuclear, a portable nuclear reactor company in its research stage, of having "no revenue, no products, 'laughable timelines,' [and] part-time executives." Hunterbrook's article said that the development of nuclear reactors would take much longer than NNE's timeline.
該報告指責正在研究時期的便攜式核反應堆公司Nano Nuclear“沒有營業收入,沒有產品,‘可笑的時間表’,業餘高管”。Hunterbrook的文章稱,核反應堆的開發需要比NNE的時間表長得多。
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