
3 Monthly Paying Dividend Stocks With Handsome 7% Dividend Yields

3 Monthly Paying Dividend Stocks With Handsome 7% Dividend Yields

The Motley Fool ·  07/24 04:10

Investing in monthly-paying dividend stocks would help generate a steady and predictable passive income, allowing investors to lower the impact of the inflationary environment. Investors can also reinvest these monthly dividends to earn superior returns. Although several stocks offer monthly dividends, I am bullish on the following three stocks due to their solid underlying businesses and stable cash flows.


Whitecap Resources

Whitecap Resources公司

Despite the growing popularity of renewable sources, the International Energy Agency projects oil demand in 2030 to be 3.2 barrels per day higher than in 2023, provided no significant policy changes. The growing demand could support higher oil prices, benefiting oil-producing companies such as Whitecap Resources (TSX:WCP).

儘管可再生能源越來越受歡迎,國際能源署預計,在沒有重大政策變化的情況下,2030年石油需求將比2023年高3.2個桶/​​​​​​​天。增長的需求可能支持更高的油價,使白帽資源 (tsx:wcp)等石油生產公司受益。

Meanwhile, the company continues to invest in strengthening its asset base and driving production. It has planned to invest around $0.9-$1.1 billion this year, with the management projecting its total production to be within 167,000-172,000 BOE/d (barrels of oil equivalent per day). The midpoint of the guidance represents an 8.3% increase from the previous year. Moreover, the company has planned to invest around $6 billion from 2025 to 2029, which could increase its production to 215,000 BOE/d, representing an annualized growth of 5%.


Amid these investments, WCN expects to generate $4 billion of free cash flow from 2025â2029. Meanwhile, it hopes to return $3 billion of the free cash flows to shareholders through share repurchases and dividends while utilizing the remaining $1 billion to lower its debt levels. Considering all these factors, I believe WCP's future dividend payouts will be safer. With a monthly dividend of $0.0608/share, its forward yield currently stands at a juicy 7.16%.

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT (tsx:nwh.un)擁有並經營210個高品質的醫療保健物業,在7個國家擁有17400平方英尺的總租賃面積。由於其防禦性醫療保健組合、長期租賃協議和優質租戶基礎,該公司 enjoys ges健康的佔用和收款率。其租賃協議是通脹指數的,因此可以保護其財務狀況免受價格上漲的影響。此外,NWH通過出售非核心資產,增強了其資產負債表,爲此付出了56650萬美元。它利用了這筆資金償還了高成本負債。此外,該公司擁有堅實的開發管線,專注於開發下一代物業,以創造長期股東價值。與此同時,該公司當前提供7%的預期股息收益率,並以0.7的有吸引力的價格/​​​​​​​ book倍數交易,非常適合購買。

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT

NorthWest 醫療保健地產信託基金

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT (TSX:NWH.UN) owns and operates 210 high-quality healthcare properties with a gross leasable area of 17,400 square feet across seven countries. The company enjoys healthy occupancy and collection rates, given its defensive healthcare portfolio, long-term lease agreements, and quality tenant base. Its lease agreements are inflation-indexed, thus shielding its financials from rising prices.

Pizza Pizza Royalty (tsx:pza)是另一種優秀的股息股票,由於其資產輕模型、穩定的現金流和高收益率,可以納入您的投資組合。它通過特許經營方式擁有Pizza Pizza和Pizza 73品牌的餐廳,並根據其銷售額收取版稅。因此,其財務狀況不太容易受到商品價格和工資通脹的影響。此外,該公司通過其增值菜單提供、食品和技術創新以及促銷活動,在連續12個季度中發佈了正面的同店銷售數據。同時,我預計其同店銷售在未來幾個季度中將保持健康。此外,該公司正在建造新餐廳,並希望今年通過翻新舊餐廳來增加其餐廳數量3-4%。考慮到所有這些因素,我相信Pizza Pizza的未來股息支付將繼續獎勵其股東。它提供7%的有吸引力的預期股息收益率,並以13.2的未來12個月市盈率倍數交易。

Further, NWH has strengthened its balance sheet by divesting non-core assets, which generated $566.5 million. It has utilized the proceeds to pay off high-cost-bearing debts. Further, the company has a solid developmental pipeline, which focuses on developing next-gen properties to create long-term shareholder value. Meanwhile, the company currently offers a forward dividend yield of 7% and trades at an attractive price-to-book multiple of 0.7, making it an excellent buy.

The Motley Fool Canada的《3只帶有豐厚7%股息收益率的月付股票》一文最先出現。進一步加強了其資產負債表,並通過剝離非核心資產獲得了56650萬美元。它已利用這些收益償還了高成本負債。此外,該公司具有堅實的開發管道,重點是開發下一代物業,創造長期股東價值。與此同時,該公司目前提供7%的預期股息收益率,並以0.7的有吸引力的價格/​​​​​​​ book倍數交易,這使其成爲絕佳購買。

Pizza Pizza Royalty


Pizza Pizza Royalty (TSX:PZA) is another excellent dividend stock to have in your portfolio due to its asset-light model, stable cash flows, and high yield. It owns Pizza Pizza and Pizza 73 brand restaurants and operates them through franchisees, collecting royalty based on their sales. So, its financials are less susceptible to rising commodity prices and wage inflation.


Besides, the company has posted positive same-store sales for 12 consecutive quarters amid its value-oriented menu offerings, food and technology innovations, and promotional activities. Meanwhile, I expect its same-store sales to remain healthy in the coming quarters. Moreover, the company is constructing new restaurants and hopes to increase its restaurant count by 3-4% this year. It is also renovating its old restaurants, which could boost its footfall.

儘管可再生能源越來越受歡迎,國際能源署預計,在沒有重大政策變化的情況下,2030年石油需求將比2023年高3.2個桶/​​​​​​​天。增長的需求可能支持更高的油價,使白帽資源 (tsx:wcp)等石油生產公司受益。

Considering all these factors, I believe Pizza Pizza is well-positioned to continue rewarding its shareholders with healthy dividends. It offers an attractive forward dividend yield of 7% and trades at a next-12-month price-to-earnings multiple of 13.2.


The post 3 Monthly Paying Dividend Stocks With Handsome 7% Dividend Yields appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT (tsx:nwh.un)擁有並經營210個高品質的醫療保健物業,在7個國家擁有17400平方英尺的總租賃面積。由於其防禦性醫療保健組合、長期租賃協議和優質租戶基礎,該公司 enjoys ges健康的佔用和收款率。其租賃協議是通脹指數的,因此可以保護其財務狀況免受價格上漲的影響。此外,NWH通過出售非核心資產,增強了其資產負債表,爲此付出了56650萬美元。它利用了這筆資金償還了高成本負債。此外,該公司擁有堅實的開發管線,專注於開發下一代物業,以創造長期股東價值。與此同時,該公司當前提供7%的預期股息收益率,並以0.7的有吸引力的價格/​​​​​​​ book倍數交易,非常適合購買。

