
Tinta Kaca Receives RM38.7 Million Alliance Bank Loan Facility

Tinta Kaca Receives RM38.7 Million Alliance Bank Loan Facility

Tinta Kaca獲得了3870萬令吉的銀行貸款額度。
Business Today ·  07/23 19:13

TWL Holdings Berhad's (TWL) wholly-owned subsidiary, Tinta Kaca Development Sdn Bhd (Tinta Kaca) had accepted a bridging/term loan facility of up to RM38,651,000.00 from Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad on 19 July 2024.

TWL Holdings Berhad(TWL)的全資子公司Tinta Kaca Development Sdn Bhd(Tinta Kaca)已於2024年7月19日接受了馬來西亞聯盟銀行有限公司提供的高達38,651,000.00令吉的過渡/定期貸款。

Bridging loan facility is made up of RM38 Million comprising Tranche 1 of RM20,000,000.00 and Tranche 2 of RM18,000,000.00, TWL said in a Bursa Malaysia filing today.


The loan facility, which carries a term of up to 36 to 120 months, was availed to part finance the preliminary works and the building construction works of 715 units of affordable homes known as Pangsapuri Harmoni TWL and to finance the Business Loan Level Assurance (BLLTA) premium for Dato' William Tan Wei Lian.

該貸款機制的期限最長爲36至120個月,用於爲715套名爲Pangsapuri Harmoni TWL的經濟適用房的初步工程和建築施工工程提供部分資金,併爲拿督威廉·陳維廉的商業貸款水平保證(BLLTA)保費提供資金。

The facility is backed by a corporate guarantee from TWL Holdings Berhad for RM38,651,000.00; a personal guarantee from Dato' William Tan Wei Lian for RM38,651,000.00; and a Deed of Assignment and Power of Attorney over a land in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

該貸款由TWL Holdings Berhad提供的38,651,000.00令吉的公司擔保;拿督威廉·陳偉聯提供的38,651,000.00令吉的個人擔保;以及雪蘭莪八打靈再也一塊土地的轉讓契約和授權委託書作爲支持。

The Board of Directors of the Company is of the opinion that the Loan Facility is in the best interest of the Company.


