
Singing Machine Launches Official TikTok Shop

Singing Machine Launches Official TikTok Shop

Singing Machine啓動官方TikTok商店
GlobeNewswire ·  07/23 19:00

Company Significantly Expands Socia Media-Based Marketing Capabilities
Through New TikTok Shop Seller Storefront

2024年7月23日,佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——全球消費級卡拉OK產品領導者The Singing Machine Company,Inc.(“Singing Machine”)(納斯達克:MICS)宣佈已與TikTok Shop建立正式合作伙伴關係,The Singing Machine現已正式成爲TikTok Shop賣家。憑藉這一新地位,公司將其在線覆蓋面擴大到了TikTok平台上每天達到15000萬的用戶,該平台是今天爲消費者提供的最大和增長最快的零售渠道之一。

Fort Lauderdale, FL, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Singing Machine Company, Inc. ("Singing Machine") (NASDAQ: MICS) – the worldwide leader in consumer karaoke products, announces it has entered into a formal partnership with TikTok Shop pursuant to which The Singing Machine is now officially designated as a TikTok Shop Seller. With this new status, the Company expanded its online reach to over 150 million daily users on TikTok, one of the largest and fastest growing retail channels available to consumers today.

Singing Machine TikTok商店的推出凸顯了在TikTok平台上爲卡拉OK產品豐富直播購物體驗的共同承諾。作爲官方賣家,Singing Machine開啓了擴展和增強電子商務能力的願景,認識到用戶生成內容和直播購物在當今數字化景觀中對卡拉OK消費者的變革潛力。

The launching of the Singing Machine TikTok Shop underscores a shared commitment to enriching the livestream shopping experience for karaoke products on the TikTok platform. As an official Seller, Signing Machine embarks on its vision to expand and enhance ecommerce capabilities, recognizing the transformative potential of user-generated content and livestream shopping in today's digital landscape for karaoke consumers.

“我們很高興成爲TikTok認可的銷售合作伙伴之一,”The Singing Machine的首席執行官Gary Atkinson評論道。“超過15000萬美國零售消費者積極使用TikTok平台,我們相信進入這一消費者群體有能力改變我們的直銷數字策略。TikTok在社交媒體影響者領域的無與倫比的規模和影響力,使其成爲我們公司明確且易知的選擇,因爲我們努力擴大我們對數字消費者的接入。”

"We are excited to become part of the TikTok family of approved selling partners," commented Gary Atkinson, CEO of The Singing Machine. "More than 150 million US retail consumers actively use the TikTok platform and we believe access to this consumer base has the ability to transform our direct-to-consumer digital strategy. Their unmatched scale and reach in the social media influencer segment made TikTok the clear and easy choice for our Company as we strive to expand our access to digital consumers."


"During the pandemic, we launched a new product, the official Carpool Karaoke microphone," continued Mr. Atkinson. "We experienced fantastic success with user engagement and user-generated content completely organically through Tik Tok, generating hundreds of millions of views. This viral engagement led to almost instantaneous sales across all of our e-commerce platforms. This is a compelling example of the power of our technology bringing joy to million of users nationwide, and all of that was made possible by TikTok."

“我們已經經歷了多年的成功,成爲美國卡拉OK消費品領域的主導品牌。我們在美國最大的零售商,包括沃爾瑪、Sam's Club和好市多,享有最大的店內存在感。亞馬遜是我們的第一個真正的數字零售夥伴,多年來我們已經看到了這個渠道作爲銷售的一個有意義的來源。將TikTok商店添加到我們的營銷平台和直銷渠道將是一個關鍵的下一步,因爲我們繼續將我們的數字能力擴展到傳統實體零售之外。”Atkinson先生總結道。

"We have enjoyed many years of success as the dominant US brand for karaoke consumer products. We enjoy the greatest in-store presence at the largest US retailers, including, Walmart, Sam's Club and Costco. Amazon was our first true digital retail partner, and we have seen this channel as an meaningful source of sales for many years now. Adding the TikTok Shop to our marketing platform and direct-to-consumer channel will be a critical next step as we continue to expand our digital capabilities outside of traditional brick and mortar retail," concluded Mr. Atkinson.

關於Singing Machine Singing Machine Company,Inc.(納斯達克:MICS)是全球消費級卡拉OK產品領導者。總部位於佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡,併成立了四十多年,在家庭和汽車卡拉OK娛樂產品的種類上擁有行業內最廣泛的產品組合。他們的產品組合被營銷爲專有品牌和受歡迎的許可證,包括Carpool Karaoke和Sesame Street。航空航天器公司產品採用最新技術,並提供通過其移動應用程序和選擇WiFi-capable產品流式傳輸超過100,000首歌曲的訪問,同時還正在開發全球首個全面集成的汽車卡拉OK系統。該公司還推出了一項新的慈善計劃,CARE-eoke by Singing Machine,專注於面向兒童和所有年齡段受益於唱歌的成年人的卡拉OK的社會影響。他們的產品在全球超過25,000個位置銷售,包括亞馬遜、好市多、Sam's Club、Target 和沃爾瑪。 要了解更多信息,請訪問

About Singing Machine


The Singing Machine Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: MICS) is the worldwide leader in consumer karaoke products. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and founded over forty years ago, the Company designs and distributes the industry's widest assortment of at-home and in-car karaoke entertainment products. Their portfolio is marketed under both proprietary brands and popular licenses, including Carpool Karaoke and Sesame Street. Singing Machine products incorporate the latest technology and provide access to over 100,000 songs for streaming through its mobile app and select WiFi-capable products and is also developing the world's first globally available, fully integrated in-car karaoke system. The Company also has a new philanthropic initiative, CARE-eoke by Singing Machine, to focus on the social impact of karaoke for children and adults of all ages who would benefit from singing. Their products are sold in over 25,000 locations worldwide, including Amazon, Costco, Sam's Club, Target, and Walmart. To learn more, go to . .

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